Chapter 89_ You are in trouble

Immediately we emerged at the secret club lair, I jumped on senior Eira so fast and embraced her as tight as I could. The loneliness and feeling of helplessness that had settled on my mind heavily birthed my emotional outbursts at the moment. Finally, I felt like I had seen at least one soul that could help me out in this my most helpless time. One soul that would share the burden with me. Senior Eira, she has successfully occupied a large space in our hearts. Or maybe speaking for myself would be better, senior Eira was like a mentor to me now. A distress button I could press in my time of distress that would send all the bad things away. At least now, I was not alone.

The only fear I have now was the threat on my friends and family.

" That's okay Medusa, there is no time for affection and weakness" Senior Eira admonished me. As if there was a time when she showed affection at all.