Chapter 90_Yes but No!

At first, I thought I hadn't heard the senior correctly. I knew I was in danger but the way she put it seriously made it sound as if I was in some kind of grave danger.

Senior Eira who hadn't spoken since she sat down stood up immediately and fired at the female senior who said I was in danger " Could you have not put it more nicely? Why do you have to make it sound so severe, don't scare her " she scolded.

The senior ignored what senior Eira said and continued to speak to me " Please give us the account of your entire encounter with the demons. Don't leave a thing out" she said and it sounded more like a polite order.

I wanted to open my mouth to speak when black lipstick guy junior spoke and cut me off " Save that for later, it is 10:49 AM now" he announced glancing at a wristwatch on his wrist.