Chapter 119_You are all I've got

I decided I would not hide anything from my friends anymore except for the boys of course. Together, we would fight whatever obstacles that come our way.

" I'm listening Medusa" Mia urged me on when I hesitated and kept quiet.

I inhaled deeply before commencing " I am a sorcereess and my father is a sorcerer from another dimension" I stated and paused.

" A sorcereess?" Mia gasped.


I saw her adjusted on her bed. " I know about your father. You mentioned it once to me and Mackenzie but I did not take it serious. He is really from another dimension?" her eyes widened.

My reply was a swift nod of my head.

" Is your mama also.." she was saying but was finding it hard to pronounce the statement.

I knew she wanted to ask if my mama was also from another dimension. " No, she's from the dimension we both came from" I quickly chirped in.