Chapter 120_ Lady Al Gore

We proceeded to the dining hall after meeting with Wyllow and Pandora. The stares and whispers did not end with the night. As I walked with the girls on our way to the dining hall, the students would halt and whisper. Some would even say it out loud so that I could hear. The very topic of their sentence was 'Top student Medusa, an 18 with no powers'

If it wasn't for Wyllow who held one of my hands tight in hers and it an assuring squeeze, I knew not what I would have done. If only the ground could take pity on me and allow me passage into its private quarters, the toxicity would have hurt me less.

" Ignore them Meds, they are only jealous that's all. You did so well and saved the school from difficulties when none of them could. You are a champion!" Pandora said encouragingly.

I knew she was only saying that to make me feel less sad but I do not feel like a champion. I felt like a loser.