Chapter 150_ Let's channel your memories

As I stepped on the last headroom of the staircase, I panted in exhaustion. I figured it was the stairs leading to the rooftop as Loralie pushed open the heavy door and I followed behind her.

It was already getting late in the night and the atmosphere on the rooftop was eerie.

" I never knew you were an explorer. How did you find this place?" I questioned as I took steps up and down the rooftop, embracing the breeze as it came.

Loralie went to rest her body on the rooftop terrace and stared into the night. " I found here while trying to find a place of solitary in the school. It is really cool and here, I can practice my powers without interruptions. You know speaking with the dead is a weird thing to do. You kinda need privacy to do that kind of stuff" she said to me.

Oh, so she was indeed going to help me summon senior Eira.