
" You see, demons are workers of hell. They ramble in hell's blazing flame and at times jump into our worlds to buy more souls to fill the vacant spots in hell. But, there is one slight thing they cannot escape no matter how clean and agile the body they possess is. It's their breath, the burning stench of burnt bodies that lingers with every breath they inhale and exhale. No matter how much they hide it, when they move closer, you will surely smell it around them and like top student had said, it can be unsettling for a human. But, it's just part of being a demon for them. It is also the greatest element that blows their cover. Let's give it to Top student Medusa. I hope there are more bright minds like herself in this class" Teacher Nyx said and the applauses returned again. She had to wave her hands in the air until we finally quietened down.

She went further to give us more of the physical recognition of the possessed.