Chapter 255_ Ajax cooked trouble

There was Mama sitting in the center of the reception section on a chair. It was one of the chairs we sit on behind the counter.

My heart bled the moment I set my eyes on her and saw her in that position. My legs wobbled and an invisible force I seemed to create suddenly glued my legs to the ground.

"Mama." I could only mutter, devastated.

Annoying Jerk's voice asked from behind me where he stood. "Is that your mum? What's going on?"

Without waiting for a reply from me, he began to approach her. Not that I could muster the strength to give one anyway.

Something was off and I wanted to tell him to wait for me or something. I had no idea what I wanted to say to him but my impulse said no.

And that was what I wanted to say to Annoying Jerk — no.