Chapter 256_ Your mama, you might lose her

I knew for sure that Ajax wasn't a witch. He was Kellan's prophesier.

But about having help from witches, that was a possibility. Since Orophus was swarming with witches, wizards, sorcerers, and sorceresses, Ajax could have had help from any of them who was as corrigible as he was.

"I sent protection to my family. That isn't cheating. You know what's cheating?" I scoffed.

Ajax raised a brow, gesturing for me to say what without letting out a word.

"You standing behind a barrier spell like a scaredy cat, that's cheating. Why don't you come out of it and have a fair fight with us? Why do you have to —" I was saying but got Ajax's interjection which interrupted my speech.

"Just shut the hell up, girl! Shut up!" He was seething, the veins on his forehead pink and throbbing.

I was getting him flared up. I like that.

I took a step forward but felt Annoying Jerk's hand hold me from behind.