Chapter 5: The b*tch next door

That annoying b*tch next door kept making noises the entire night. At first, he was afraid that she could escape. But it appears that the one that tied her up was knowing what he was doing. Damn, it kept going at it the whole night long. Like it was on steroids or something. Where does all that energy comes from?

Anyway, thanks to it, Kyle couldn't get a wink of sleep. That feeling of annoyance turned to anger at some point. He really wanted to blow her head up, if she hadn't already broken it from all that banging.

Should have dealt with her yesterday. But was it really ok? Yes, she didn't really seem human anymore, but this doesn't change the fact that once it was. It was hard to bring himself up and put her down.

Kyle gets up from bed and makes his way to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for the day. He changed in some comfortable clothes and goes to make himself some simple breakfast. He was so tired that he didn't have an appetite, but still force himself to eat. This was going to be a long day.

"Why have I not moved to the other room?"

The thought suddenly hit him. The sound shouldn't have been that loud from there. Maybe it couldn't even be heard.

"Why couldn't I have thought of this last night?"


'Such a loud thunder!'

Kyle turns his head to the window. It was raining. It hasn't rained since he woke up from his coma. He walks to the window and touched the cold glass. Tracing with his finger a trail left behind by a drop of rain. It should be spring if he wasn't wrong.

It was raining really hard. He almost couldn't see anything outside.

Unlike others, he loved rainy days. It's like the whole city is washed from all the dirt. The air is also clear and has a nice scent from it. It was also calming him down, watching the water pour out of the sky.

"Ugh… All this made me sleepy," Said Kyle while yawning.

"But I need to see how I deal with that b*tch,"

He rubbed his eyes in annoyance. They were red and aching.

He won't be at ease until he does something about it. It would be really troublesome if it escaped.

Kyle enters the kitchen and pours himself a big cup of coffee. His eyes eyeing the drawer with knives while taking small sips from his too bitter drink.

'This taste so bad. How does it come that he didn't find any sugar?'

He found a pack of ground coffee yesterday next door. It was a good one, but unfortunately, he found no sugar around there.

Kyle opens the drawer and pick up the biggest knife. He raised it up and look in detail at his blade. It seemed very sharp. He made a few stabbing moves in the air with it, trying to get comfortable holding a knife.

"This one should do,"

Finishing his drink, he puts the empty cup in the sink. He takes a big breath and started to think if he needed anything else.

That thing smelled so bad, maybe he should wear a mask, perhaps also a pair of gloves. He remembered that there were some in his room. With great strides, he enters the bedroom and takes what he needs. He puts on the mask and the gloves, and also tie his shoulder-length hair in a ponytail. He really considered cutting his hair, but he didn't know how. There were also no scissors in the house. He considered using a knife, but was afraid that he might hurt himself if he wasn't careful. For now, he might as well leave his hair alone.

Finishing his simple preparation, he thinks if he could prepare anything else. Nothing comes to mind. It won't take too long anyway.

So with knife in hand, he goes out.

After exiting his home, he check his surroundings for any danger. The place was quiet.

Being silent, he enters the apartment next to his own. No one else was here since his small raid of yesterday.

He already knew the place, so he goes straight to the room he found that bound thing. He stops before the door and stare at it with scrunched eyebrows. A weird feeling creeps rising in his heart.

'Can I do it?'

It was giving him a very uncomfortable feeling, the thought of having to kill someone. Oven if said someone was a monster. But it still has a human appearance.

'It doesn't matter. I have to do it.'

What if the sound attracted others? The chances were very low. But still, he won't feel safe until he got rid of it. He would rather not end up as something's meal. Might as well finish this as soon as possible.

Finding his courage, he opens the door. He stands where he is and observe the state of his target.

The rope was still keeping it in place.

Once seeing him, some muffled growls were leaving it's gagged mouth. Trying really hard to break free. He took a deep breath and steps forward, stopping before the bed.

He took in all those traits that were differentiating her from a living person in detail. No breathing, no heartbeat with a rotting body that despite all the struggles without rest it was not tired. Her soulless eyes were fixed on him with no emotion. Making him shudder from that creepy stare. He was trying to convince himself to put it out of her agony.

'I can do it.'

He raises the knife with both hands and with all his force stabbed it in her heart.

He could feel how it was cutting with difficulty through the flesh. The ribs were in the way. But with more force, he could hear the cracks of bones and tearing of flesh. Soon only the only handle of the knife could be seen stuck in the body.

He released his hold and take a few steps back, trying hard not to trow up with his eyes fixed on his trembling hands.


Kyle is brought back from his trance by the sound before him.

'It… it's still moving,'

The weapon such in the chest was not inconveniencing her in any way from continuing her struggle.

'How is this possible?'

Then he remembered that all the bodies at the hospital were having their head shoot. Maybe that's how to kill them. Just like a zombie from the movies and games.

He bites his lips and look at the knife with hesitation.

'I need to finish this.'

So, he tried to pull it out, but it's stuck.


He tries not to look at its face as since it would only scare him more. Grabbing the knife with a hand and keeping the body in place with the other, he struggles to pull it out. By now, his hands were dirty with sticky blood. Even with gloves, it was still disgusting.

He manages to pull it out, but in the process some drops of blood have gotten on his face. He froze for a second but recover quickly. Being thankful for wearing a mask.

"Time to die,"

Said him while positioning the knife at her forehead. But he couldn't really stab it because of all her struggle, so he grab her hair with one hand to keep her in place and stabbed with the other.

After struggling a little, he managed to penetrate her skull and reach the brain inside. Soon all movement stopped.

He released his hold and after making sure this time it was really dead he collapsed on the floor, like a doll who lost its strings.

He breathed heavily with his eye still stuck on the bed.

'I did it.'

It has been so tiring. Both physically and mentally.

It was a very stressful experience. This was the first time in his life killing something resembling a human. He didn't even kill a chicken in before.

Kyle tried to calm down and recover his strength. Wanting nothing more than to trow away his filthy gloves and the mask that was making breathing a heavy task.

'I want a shower so bad right now'

He stood up and trows away his gloves and mask. While leaving, he looks one more time at the bed. Should he take the knife with him? It was an excellent one. His heart was aching at the thought of leaving it behind.

"Damn it!"

He returns and grabs a dusty piece of clothing from the floor and cover the handle of the knife with it. After pulling it out, he clean it with the rag and trows the dirty rag on the floor. With the knife in hand, he feels much safer.

'Time to go back.'