Chapter 6: Two more to go

After returning from his traumatizing little adventure, Kyle cleaned himself up and collapsed in a deep sleep.

The next day he was feeling full of energy and ready to continue his task.

There were two more unexplored apartments on this floor.

But this time he wouldn't be that reckless anymore.

The only reason he succeeded so easily yesterday was because the zombie was mobilized. Otherwise, who know who will be the dead one right now.

Yeah, he decided to call them zombie for now since they resembled them so much.

Another problem would be that after his weapon got stuck he lost all means of defending himself, would that zombie have not have been bound.

He should bring a spare knife with him. In case he loose the first one.

Also, he was not very confident in his capabilities to fight a zombie in close quarters. A long ranged weapon would be more safe to use. But he couldn't remember having any that he could use. Maybe he could improvise something?

Like a makeshift spear made from a knife fixed to a stick?

It could work, but if he has to use it indoor it might turn out to be inconvenient because of lack of space.

But he would feel much better with a long ranged weapon than to have to come close with those disgusting zombies.

Also, what if by some circumstances he can't get out of the place? He should bring some water and food with him.

So, after confirming all that it has to be done for today, he started by filling his famished stomach. He slept like a pig. It was not even dark when he has fallen asleep yesterday. It was past 7 when he woke up, so there must have been more than 12 hours of sleep.

For the makeshift spear, he decided to use the same knife from yesterday and the handle of a broom. Using a whetstone to sharpen it and then fixing it with lots of adhesive tape.

It was sturdy enough.

He chose two other knifes as his secondary weapon and made them some holsters from some old magazines and tape.

Tape was magical, you could do so many things with it.

He clothed himself in some more resistant clothes and equipped his knifes to his belt.

Hanging a big rucksack on his back with a bottle of water and a few cans of food inside, he was ready to go. After thinking a little, he also put in a lighter and a flashlight.

"God, please let those places be empty."

Once in the hallway, he first goes to the stairway and looks down. There seemed to be no one. The whole building was also quiet.

'Now, which one, should I enter first?'

For some strange reasons, the one on the right it was giving him some really strange vibes. It was hard to explain why. Because he also didn't have a reason for that feeling.

'So the left one it is.'

Kyle grabbed the door knob and try to open it. But it didn't work. It was locked.

'Damn! Now what?'

He also tries the other apartment, but it was the same.

'Of course it's locked. What normal person leaves their place open?' Then he remembers how he got his new home.

'It seems that there are some stupid ones out there.'

Should he try to lock pick the door? It shouldn't be that hard, right?

'F*ck all those movies protagonists that make lock picking doors seem a child play. This is an impossible thing. I've been at it for almost half an hour and this damn door is still not opening!'

Trowing away the paper clip in his hand, he tried to come up with a solution.

The building administrator should have the spare keys. So, he just have to find his office and all the trouble will be gone.

Finding the office was an easy thing.

When he first entered, he remembers that he saw it on the lowest floor.

Without further thoughts, he quietly makes his way downstairs.

This place was making him feel like in a horror movie with all this eerie silence.

He tightened his holding on his spear without noticing. It didn't took him too long to reach his destination, but the place was giving him a bad feeling about it.

Like he shouldn't open the door before him. Just like last time, he found that zombie in that room. What if there was also one here?

This was stupid. It didn't have any sense. He shouldn't waste time here and hurry and finish the job.

He just opened the door and stepped in. Next, a series of "thuds" rang out as a figure was making his way toward him. Out of instinct, he positioned the spear before himself and luckily, it stopped the charge of a fat figure that was trying to reach him with his hands.


Kyle put more strength in his holding and tried to push away the zombie. Its hands almost reaching his face.


His poorly made spear was giving signs of breaking under the great pressure.


The fat zombie didn't seem too happy that his meal was not letting it eat it.

"F*ck you!"

Using all the strength he could muster, he spartan kicked his opponent.

The zombie crashed on the floor a few steps away from him.

Under the influence of the adrenaline Kyle steps on its chest and stab it in its face with the spear, twisting it a few times to make sure that it was enough to kill it.

Breathing heavily he pulled out his weapon and closed the door behind him. Leaning on it after strength started to leave his body.

This could have ended really bad if he wasn't lucky enough.

Good thing he brought the spear with him.

The poor spear was close to snapping in half.

'I need a better weapon.'

There's no time to waste around here.

Let's see what can be found here.

Walking around the fat corpse, he started opening all the drawers of the office.

There were a lot in there. He also found some useful things. Like a flashlight and plenty of batteries. A hammer and nails, ropes and wire.

A few packs of cigarettes that were actually useless since he long since stopped smoking.

A meter long steel bar that could serve as the new body of his spear.

But the most important were all the keys of the building.

Remaking his spear with what he found inside, he felt much confident in his next battle.

Although he hoped from all his heart that he will never have to fight again, he knew this was going to be impossible.

After all this sh*t he finally woke up from his fantasy that soon everything will be back to normal and he would go home.

All these days he tried to call for help, but the phones were not working. The TW was not working either. Maybe, if he is lucky, he can find a radio. But he doubted that it would work, rather not raise his hope up for nothing.

It was really hard to remain positive in a situation like this. But for the sake of not losing his mind, he tried to look at the full half of the glass.

At least he was alive and relatively safe.

And for now this was enough.

Making his way back to his floor, he was more careful of his soundings. He should learn from his earlier mistakes. A single moment of carelessness could cost his life. For him, being alive was the most important thing.

Until today, his life could be described in a single word, lonely. If you added another word, it would be sad and lonely. Kyle was an orphan.

His mother abandoned him in the hospital after giving birth to him. Being raised in an orphanage is not really that nice. Even more when you're an awkward kid who has difficulty making himself liked. Maybe that's the reason he was never adopted by anyone.

Because of the big number of children, the caretakers can't always look after everyone. Bullying was also a reason he was so awkward maybe. But he knows that if he wanted to live a decent life he could depend solely on himself, so he was always studying hard so that he can get in a good university. Lucky, he got in a decent one and managed to finish it while working part-time to can support himself.

Although he was only an office worker, his pay was higher than many because he got in an excellent company. He even managed to buy a house and a car. In installments, but still, they were his own.

He was only 26 this year. The only thing missing was a girlfriend. Being this old but still single was deplorable. He had a few girlfriends but it never lasted long because he was always too busy with work to spend time with them.

Before his biggest worry was how long will his next relationship last, but now don't even mention a girlfriend he couldn't even afford to keep himself full and safe.

Reaching his destination, he looks determine at his target.

'Two more to go.'