Chapter 7: More than one

'Key, key, key. Where is it?'

With a bunch of keys in hand, he was searching for the one he needed.

There were 32 apartments in this building. He was staying at number 29 and needed to find the key for 31.

'Found it.'

Inserting the key in the hole, he turns it and a click sound is heard.

Taking a deep breath, he opens the door with his left hand while keeping his spear tightly with his right.

Taking a few steps forward with his spear aimed at his front, he slowly looks around the place.

No zombie in site. While passing by the bathroom, be heard sounds of footsteps, he stops. Listening carefully for a while, he also hears some sort of growling.

'There should be one inside.'

After thinking for a bit, he pushed a big cabinet in front of the door. Probably agitated be the sounds, the zombie inside started hitting the door.

'It shouldn't be able to get out.'

He didn't open any door randomly, going straight to the kitchen. Cracking the door a little, he can see a zombie inside. It was having his back towards him. Trembling a bit, he bites his lips and, knowing that this was his best chance to finish it, bring himself to get inside. Silent like a cat, he manages to get close enough for a strike.

'Stop acting like a scared p*ssy and kill it already!'

Encouraging himself, he raised his spear and stabbed the zombie's head. Not having time to react, the female zombie collapse on the floor.

Kyle let out the breath he was holding and closed the door of the kitchen. He leans his spear on a wall and start to search for anything useful.

Already having experience from his previous looting, he finds a decent amount of food. A bit less than from the last place, but it was not really that bad.

Finishing turning the place upside down, he grab his weapon and gets out.

He also searched the rest of the rooms after making sure there was nothing dangerous inside. But didn't find too much. Only a few packs of biscuits and some daily necessities that he was starting to run out of.

Passing by the bathroom, he keeps thinking if he should kill the zombie inside.

'Should I?'

Better to get rid of it, right? He didn't really wanted to, but he would feel uneasy knowing there was a zombie next door.

Checking the condition of his weapon to see if everything was alright with it, he can't help but getting an upset stomach after seeing the sticky blood and brain on its blade.

'I don't think I will get used to this anytime soon.'


The damn thing was hitting the door. So, this mean that as soon that he opens it it will rush at him. This might get dangerous.

'F*ck it! It's just one zombie. I can handle it.'

Pushing the cabinet that was blocking the door, he stands before it with spear tightly in hands.

Clearing his mind, he kicks open the door and sends the zombie flying backwards, hitting the wall. Without wasting any time, he rush at it to try to stab it in its head, but the hit misses its target. The zombie luckily dodged the strike by staggering when it was trying to stand up and now with its hands raised he lounges to grab him. Kyle uses his spear like a staff and hit it across its face. Staggering to the side from the force of the strike, the zombie seems unaffected by it and set out to attack him again.

Taking advantage of the distance created, Kyle uses his spear to stab it again, this time managing to actually land it in its temple.

The sharp blade slowly makes its way forward in the zombie's head, that despite being pushed down was still flailing its arms around. Reaching the soft brain inside, the zombie soon stopped all movement.

Pulling out the spear, he cleans its blade on the fallen zombie's corpse and starts to look around for anything useful. After taking all he could use, he returns home to empty his rucksack and turn back to continue with the last apartment on his floor.

Unlocking the door, he stops and look at it for a few more seconds. For some reason, it was giving him a weird feeling. He had this feeling a few times before, and almost every time it seemed that there was a zombie ahead. Or at least until now.

'Even if there is a zombie, it's not like I haven't fought one before.'

Being confident because of his previous victories, he put the odd feeling at the back of its mind. Taking big strides, he enters the place with spear pointed forward.

Soon reaching the living room and then entering the kitchen. All this time making sure the place was empty. Seeing himself alone, he let his guard down and start to search the place.

With a can in hand, he was trying to read its label to see what he found. Suddenly, a shiver run down it's back.


Hearing something, he turns his head and come face to face with a rotten figure half a head taller than him at the entrance of the kitchen.


On reflex, he threw the can in it's left hand at the face of it's uninvited guests and run to grab his spear that he left it leaning against the fridge.


The tall zombie seemed enraged by the unexpected attack, but it did not affect it too much.

The short distance of a few places was covered in a few seconds by the long legs of the zombie. Kyle opens the fridge and hits the zombie in the face with the door, making it to take a step back. Raising his spear, he stabs it from below his chin and push its way up to reach the brain inside.

Kyle didn't have time to rejoice his victories before a few more steps are heard making their way toward himself.


'F*ck, there are more!'

Kyle tried to close the door, but the hand of a figure was trying to reach inside from the gap. Raising his spear he attempted to stab it but because of keeping the handle of the door with only a hand the zombie almost made his way in.

Kyle drops his cumbersome spear and grab a knife from his belt and stab the rotten face in its eye, pushing it deeply until reaching its brain.

Even with one down, the pressure on the door didn't lessen too much.


Growls and blows continued to assault his messed up mind that was trying to come up with a solution.

'This is not working,'

Letting go off the door he retreats a few steps and keep his knife before himself.

Trying to retain his calm, he starts stabbing at the first figure that staggered inside. He managed to land a hit in the eye, but not deep enough to kill it. Flustered, he loses his weapon and pull out his other knife and attempted a second blow at the other eye of the zombie that was coming closer.

This time he used more strength is his hit and soon the zombie stops moving. Kyle pulls out both knifes and prepare to confront the other two zombies that managed to get inside while he was busy.

One of the two zombies reached him and tries to grab him, but Kyle kick him hard and make him stumble and fall. The other take the first one's place and manages to push him down and was lounging his face at him for a bite.

Kyle grabs his neck and tried to push him away, but it seems that the zombie was much stronger than him. With his free hand, he brought the knife to the zombie's open mouth and pushed it upward with all his strength. The other zombie started crawling on all four toward him.

"Aaargh!" With a scream, he pierced through his current opponent head and made his brain a mess. Trowing the now dead corpse off himself, he kicks at the zombie that grabbed one of his legs and was trying to take a bite of his shoes. But the despite the hit, the zombie refused to let go.

So, Kyle keeps kicking it with his free leg until he managed to break free. Crawling backwards, he put a distance between himself and the now bloodied faced zombie that was still trying to reach him.

Empty-handed, he stands up and keep kicking the head off the zombie in a frenzy. Even after the zombie stopped moving, and the head turned into a mushy mess, he didn't stop. Venting all the negative emotion, all his fear and insecurity, that he keep repressing until now.

With tears in his eyes he kicked one last time sending the remains to fly in all direction, he grabbed his weapons and rucksack and rush out to see if there were any more zombies. He saw that one off the bedroom door was large open. Arriving at the conclusion that the zombies must have escaped from there. He check the inside, but it was empty now.

After searching the whole place up, he finds little to no food but surprisingly plenty of drugs and alcohol that he just trows away. He even found a gun, but there were no bullets, unfortunately.

"Poor bastards! What's the point of having a gun without bullets?!"

Trying his luck, Kyle searched the corpses and finds a military knife on one of them, of much better quality than his kitchen knives.

Finishing his mission, he returns home and after cleaning up he collapsed on his bed.

This day was way too f*cked up.