prologue=A new path

A hero.A hero is person that risk his or her life to protect others from accidents,bad people,even aliens.A hero Is ever committed In protecting humanity.A selfless service.Then what do you think will happen if that selfless hero was framed for crimes,crimes he or she didn't commit.All your friends,family,also that girl that said she would love you to the end,all abandons you.what would you do?

All this was happening to Kyle,a young boy at the adolescent age of nineteen,who dedicated his life at a very young age in helping people,honing his skills in using the sword his grandfather gave him,and finally developing his super skills,gaining his very own superpowers and the rank of strongest hero alongside his fellow members.kyle loved seeing everyone around him in a happy mood.He didn't just save people from villains,he also helped the elderly in crossing the streets and did helpful things for children besides saving them from criminal attacks .Then just a crazy incident changed his life .Now all he currently sees are the hateful gazes of all the people he had knew and once saved.his dearest friends,family members stared at him with despair and hate in their eyes.

It was the final day,The day for his execution,kyle is wrapped with ropes round his chest tied on a wooden plank,faceing his family,friends and a group of people watching him.It was a big day,cameras were flashing their lights,as journalist are snapping and holding their microphones.The whole world was watching,

"were here today,to witness the execution of one of the countries strongest super hero, Kyle the blazing masked swordsman who was later caught to be the mastermind behind the killings of people round the country." A reporter talked to the video camera.

Kyle stared at his family as his mother hid her face in shame on his father's chest,weeping bitterly.he noticed his friends grinning at him and his girlfriend in the arms of his best friend Toshiba, who chuckled at him.Then he saw familiar faces of people he had once rescued,lookng at him as if he was a criminal. Kyle gave a warm smile looking up to the sky, his brown hair was long covering his left eye a little bit.He never thought for one's in his life that the very thing he hated and saved people from,he would end up becoming it.He had wept so much last night,that he couldn't weep again but smile.He decided to remember the good life he had and what led to his current state.

Kyle loved superheroes from a very small age,he was also the type of person that always lended a helping hand to does in need,from school to the streets even in the house.he was popular due to his cheerful and kind nature.

At age ten,he begged his grandfather to lend him his sword,in which he constantly used as training to hone his skills.At first,his parents didn't know,when they found out they tried stopping him but his grandfather objected to it,

"you can't stop a child who has already found his destiny " his grandfather said

His grandfather helped trained him the sword art.At age thirteen,kyle had master few skills and was already taking own criminals.He earned the name wonder teen,because he was the first teenage superhero.He even formed a team in school known as the guardians.Their mission was to defeat school bullys and help out students that were troubled physically and emotionally.

"never give up on yourself.always fight evil,not just the one outside but the one in your hearts." this were his quotes in school.

At age sixteen,kyle was welcomed to join the hero organization.His fame had increased.He had defeated some of the toughest villains, powerful for most heroes in the organization.He had earned the name,'blazing swordsman'.He had even unlocked the hero spirit power system,making him twice as strong as before.He could now use special powers.

toshiro a hero,that uses swords as well was creating his own team of heroes that will be known as the strongest team.This heroes will each wield legendary sword of elements.kyle who wielded the blazing sword was asked to join this group of heroes.henforth they were referred to as the legendary masked swordsman.each wore a white mask with drawings which symbolized their elements.

Kyle was fire,toshiro was water,takate was earth,zane was lighting,while mark was wind .these were the legendary masked swordsman.their powers were great and unmatched.kyle grew more stronger than the others,this gave him the final title as the strongest hero.

Then on his seventeenth birthday,kyle invited all his friends to his house even random people,just to celebrate his birthday.while everyone were chatting amongst themselves in a happy mood,kyle held his girlfriend's hand Mika taking her upstairs to his room.Kyle kept thinking about Mika,his girlfriend that had been by his side and supported him since their childhood.They were close,their parents even knew one another.He held both of her hands together looking into eyes with pure affection as they sat on the bed.

"Mika.promise me you will always love me to the end no matter what."

Mika was shy,she puts her eyes down,her cheeks turning red

"why..are you saying that all of a sudden ..."

Kyle held her hand tighter coming closer to her

"you and my grandfather were the only ones that supported me at first to become a always stood by me even in the hardest times of my life .please Mika hear me out."


"ones am done with college i did like for me and you to get married."

"married.." his words left her shocked.

"yes I know this kind of a shock and early," his eyes became serious, "Mika would you love me till the end?"

Mika couldn't believe her ears,she widened her eyes opening her mouth slowly and shouted in absolute joy,

"yes! yes! of course I will love you to the end!"

Kyle was so happy that he started shedding tears.

"you..,he sniffed, "you have made me so happy." he cleaned his eyes with the back of his right hand.

Mika quickly hugs him tightly, "I promise,i will never leave you i will stay with you to the end."

They both cried joyfully.kyle had a happy life.He was doing well at being a student and a superhero.Two more years had passed, Kyle's life was going great, he got into college at eighteen to become a game designer.His fame kept increasing.

Soon things began to get serious,as a new villain arises,A deadly one that can't be seen,only the dead bodies of its victims are seen. it kills too fast that it has never been captured or seen. all the heroes were sent to search for it. They still couldn't see it nor touch it. instead it killed so many heroes in an instant just by flashing past them. therefore it was nicknamed 'straight death' because of its ability to kill in a twinkling of an eye. Every hero was told during a meeting with the mighty elders(leaders of heroes)to keep watch and becareful at all times as this is a level two threat.

Then one faithful night,as Kyle was sleeping,the constant trin sound of his phone woke him. kyle woke up, still half asleep cleared his eyes,

"who his calling me at this late hour?" Kyle said to himself in a weak tone,as he picked up his phone checking the number. it was no other than his friend and leader,toshiro .he quickly picks the call.

"hey toshiro,anything wrong?"

"Kyle thank goodness i got you. me and the rest of the team are battling with straight death."

Kyle's eyes widened, "what! what do you mean?"

"this isn't a joke come see for yourself at the old villain hideout. were we took out the warm"

The call ended,kyle held his phone his hands shaking in fear,he kept grinding his teeth in anger.

"that bastard,so they finally found him,i will personally finish him off myself. he will pay for the millions of life he had taken." Kyle folded his fist,jumped out of his bed,then quickly changing to his long red coat and white mask taking his sword and rushing straight to the underground.

"just wait up guys am coming!" Kyle kept on running as fast as he could.

suddenly Kyle body started feeling heavy his eyes were getting shot ,that Kyle almost tripped.

"huh what's wrong with me!" Kyle stopped,panting, "why do I feel sleepy all of a sudden?" He tried moving again,this time he fell to the ground,his body was totally weak,he tried forcing himself to get up but it was no use. his body was tired. his eyes closed shot he accepted it and slept on the road near his house.

" going on? why do i feel this....weak....."

After the sudden blackout,kyle eyes started opening slowly,everything was blurry at first. he could see a human figure on the ground and a red liquid surrounding the man. Slowly did his eyes began to see clearer,

"what da!..." Kyle was speechless,shivering as he regained he himself he found out that there were two dead bodies in front of him. Their was a dead fatman facing up and soaked in blood. Then he saw a middle aged woman leaning against the brown wall , a huge hole was made on her chest,with blood pouring out from it. their was blood pouring from her mouth,her eyes wide open.


the voice of a little girl made Kyle's heart lift up,he was fidgeting as his head bent down to the floor,

"why...mister...Kyle." the girl's voice was faint she looked at Kyle with an innocent stare.kyle could feel the shaking of her hands as she held him on his right foot tightly. she began to close her eyes,her life was fading. her grip on Kyle became lighter as she releases her hands and finally dying ,her face was stained with blood,her back had a huge hole,covered in blood.

Kyle was terrified by this site,he turned his head to his right hand,his sword was stained with blood.

"did....did I do all this!" Kyle asked himself,looking around the house.kyle discovered he was standing in the middle of a families parlour.the lights were still on and the floor stained with blood.

the siren voices of several police cars approaching,alerted Kyle.He quickly looked outside of the window.He saw many police cars stopping at the front of the house.officers got down of their cars pointing their guns at the house.The police captain came out of the car,holding a loud speaker in his hands,he then shouted,

"Kyle of the five swordsman,come out quietly out of the house.your fully surrounded.dont make any funny move.

Kyle was totally baffled,still shaking as he heard these words.

"someone,someone did this to me but who?" Kyle thought.He wanted to escape,but that would only lead to more he put down his sword.opening the door and putting his hands up.

The next place Kyle finds himself,is in the interrogation room.faceing an angry looking cop.

"where were you doing around twelve o'clock in the midnight?" the cop asked.

"have told you over and over again I swear I was in my house when leader toshiro called.telling me that straight death was spotted in the old villains hideout.I prepared rushing towards the venue.then suddenly I felt....

"LIER!!!!!" the cop hits his fist hard on the table, "you keep on lying why won't you just spit the truth out!"

"what do you mean? I am telling the truth!!"

"we have full evidence that your straight death."

"what!" Kyle was confused, "alright show me your evidence!!!"

The cop brought out his phone from his pockets showing Kyle a video.The video shows Kyle using his sword and killing police officers and two costumed heroes.with high speed.then he comes in front of the camera with an evil grin on his face,

"am going to kill every single human and hero,no one can stop me ." then he laughed evily till the video ended.

Kyle couldn't believe his eyes,he just saw himself murder people at high speed.

"So what do you have to say now?" the police asked him again

"this....this must be some joke." Kyle just sat there thinking about what he had just watched.

"and you said your last call was toshiro.that was lie as well," he brought out a phone from his other pocket,it was Kyle's phone.He showed Kyles all the people he had called .kyle was even more shock.

"as you can the last person you called was a person named Mika at nine o'clock in the night."

"what! yeah I called Mika before i slept.then toshiro called me! that's the truth! infact bring toshiro here now! him and my teammates they can can vouch for me!!"

The cop folds his hands together then sighs

"looks like you don't want to tell the truth.well the heroes had already had a meeting.they have decided to sentence death."

" what!"

"a befitting punishment for a criminal mastermind like you."

"Am telling you am not a criminal!!!."

"shut the hell up!!!!" the cop folded his fist landing a heavy blow on Kyle's right cheek.kyle fell down hitting his back on the door.kyle was angry and wanted to make a move but his hand were cuffed.He discovered he couldn't sense his hero spirit any longer.

"ohh sorry to inform you.but the high council had taken your hero spirit and sword, rendering you absolutely powerless.they used their special skill called 'spiritual energy reaper'.sorry,but your time is up straight death!!"

Kyle grinded his teeth when he heard the cop call him 'straight death's the very criminal he hated.

Kyle was later put in confinement for the meantime until his was an empty large room.kyle sat on the couch In the room thinking.

"could i have really kill those people? nothing makes sense here.where is toshiro? I know that parents and Mika will be worried about me."

The cell doors opens,two people works in.A male and female to be precise. the female had a long pale brown hair,she wore her school uniform.Then the male was a fully grown man in his twenty's.the man had a white short scattered hair. it was toshiro and Mika.

Kyle raised his head up to his relieve and joy

"Mika! toshiro!" He ran to them, then caught hold of Mika's hand, "Mika i hope your alright,sorry.."

Mika quickly removed her hands from Kyle, looking another place,her face was sad.

"Mika...?" Kyle was surprised.Then he faced toshiro with a serious look on his face," toshiro what's going on here?"

"your a disgrace to the hero organization."

"....what are you saying? your the one that..."

"SILENCE!..." Toshiro points his palm at Kyle,A huge water ball started forming in the middle of his palm, "WATER HIT!!!"

The water shaped ball zoomed out of Toshiro's palm, hitting Kyle's chest,throwing him straight to the floor.

"y-ou...." Kyle tried to stand up but the pain was heavy on him.toshiro rushed at him before he could get up.toshiro held Kyle by his collar.clenching his right fist,about to punch Kyle.

"you will pay for all the souls you have taken scum...."

"stop!!" Mika yelled at toshiro

Kyle looked at Mika,she was already shedding tears.


"just stop just stop calling my name" Mika kept sobbing, "how could could you...."



Kyle's heart lifted.he never so Mika this upset.

"Toshiru kept telling me you weren't good....i didn't believe him.Then I saw you with my eyes you came to my house.....i...have never seen....such demonic way... YOU stabbed my mom!!!"

"what!!! Mika that wasn't..."

"Then who was it huh!!! ANSWER ME!!!," Mika kept crying bitterly more and more, "I-thought you were the one I will spend my life with----but I was wrong."


"I never want to see you again." she cried as she ran away.

"Mika don't do this to me Mika!!!!!!!"

toshiro was still holding Kyle's collar.Then he started laughing.

"you...," Kyle was enraged, you what did you do! you know something common spit it out." Kyle held toshiro's coller.

"go way you scum!!" toshiro pushes Kyle's hand away,jumping back words.

Kyle stood,charging for a blow on toshiro.

"earthuous gate!!!" the voice of takete is heard from outside.

immediately this was said, a cage made of brown rocks emerged from the ground behind Kyle.before he could sense what was happening.mark runs inside the cell.then points his palm at Kyle.

"mighty wind push level one." A gust of wind came out of mark's hand pushing Kyle inside the cage.The cage cell locked by itself.The cage door was totally locked with a huge rocky door but their was an opening for the eyes so Kyle could see from outside well.

Kyle tried opening the door.but it was hard.

"this skill...its takate's what's going on here.toshiro, mark!"

Soon the rest of the gang joins them.takete and Zane.They all smiled at Kyle.

takate had a bald head and brown face with a serious look.zane hair was purple,he wore earrings.mark had a yellow short hair like toshiro and Zane,and a wild black eyes.They all wore black suits

"why are you all doing this? what did I ever do to you guys!!!!" Kyle screamed in anger.

"it's simple actually." toshiro said as he moves closer to the cell then starts smiling at Kyle,"you.stole our spotlight."

"what nonsense are you saying?"

"what am saying is that,your getting stronger without us.people doesn't even need us anymore."

"your just saying nonsense.everyone knows us as the five masked swordsman,we always worked together."

"you know," mark added,as he leans against the wall with his hands folded, "anytime I go out to rescue someone alone,they all say were is the blazing swordsman.were is Kyle i want to see him his way cooler."

"you made us useless." takate said in anger.

"we were suppose to be famous,we were suppose to be seen as gods.the last hope for man." Zane said

Kyle puts his head down,he was highly disappointed,hearing such words from his teammates.

"then let me ask you this," Kyle said, "who is a hero?"

They all looked at themselves in confusion. takate was enraged by this so he answered in anger,

"you idiot! a hero Is one that uphelds his pride and seats.He fights enemies to get stronger and become the strongest being in the world."

"a hero is god,one that people rely on to keep them save." Zane said

"A hero is justice.A hero is a saviour.As Zane said, a God." mark said

"A hero is absolute." toshiro added

"Your all fools."

they all were angry gnashing their teeth,folding their fist for battle.only mark and toshiro played cool.The other two wanted to attack Kyle but toshiro blocks them with his hands,

"let's hear what he has won't do him any good though."

"there is a different between between a power obsessive person and a hero.all I hear.are the words of one obsessed with power.A hero is one that sacrifice his or her self day and night,to save people,children,even pets.A hero just wants the people to be happy.Anyone that makes someone that is sad to smile,not for a selfish reason or to gain something from it,but just to make that someone be happy just because is the right thing is....A hero.

"Then why do you have so much power!!!! don't you aim for becoming a god yourself." Zane shouted

"I become stronger! just to help a woman cross the road! a child to get to school safely, for people to not worry about losing their life!! if their was a way to do all that without getting stronger,i would have taken such way."

toshiro busted into laughter,the others joined him.

"why are knuckle heads laughing?"

"listen clearly, Kyle," toshiro said, "we humans are like chameleons we like to adapt to situations the way it is.A hero that fight to protect others,can be destroyed by Just one single rumour.That rumour,humans will adapt to it.hate the hero call him a bad person even despise him.All his good works will be forgotten because of one bad deed.just like you. so it's better to rule everyone, to secure your place as a good guy that's why heroes must be gods."

"you bastard....what did you do to me?"

toshiro smiled then answered,

"yours was easy.i had some help from miya though.


"yes.turns out she hates you for turning her down to be her boyfriend."

"that's it.miya hypnotized me somehow.then controlled me.damm her!" Kyle said in his mind.

"when i called you on the phone ,good miya the telepathic mistress got into your head through her skill called human control location.This allows her to trace the location of the target through voice.taking over your mind.she puts half her mind inside yours ,spiritually."

"yeah i know all all that scumbag."

"your girlfriend part,was miya's fault not mine.either way it contributed to my plan."

"what! so i."

"yes you did Kill her mother with your sword."


toshiro laughed again.

"it was came to visit Mika late at night.she was baffled seeing you.but because her love for you she aloud you in.without altering a word and a cold face you rushed to her mother who was coming downstairs to great you with a happy stabbed her straight in the stomach burning up her body in front of your girlfriend.huh pretty harsh if you ask me."

" you devil you will pay for this gaaaaah!!!!!" Kyle started hitting the cage door with his foot in order to break it.

Toshiro sighed then turned back,

"anyway see you in the afterlife." he waved his hand up as he moves away with the others.

"comeback here! comeback here!!! you will all pay for this i swear!!!!!!!" Kyle kept shouting,banging his head hard on the cage doors.his forehead was bleeding,he kept panting heavily.his eyes were watery.He sat down on the ground in despair.He thought about his parents his grandfather his girlfriend they most have hated him by now even everyone in the organization.he never knew that the very heroes he loved the very people he held dear would all turn out to hate and do such evil things.A hero doing evil things who would believe his story. at his sorrow he releases on last scream that lasted long.

"any last words." The soldier's words broke Kyle's thoughts.

Kyle then faced everyone with a smile on his face.he remembered he was closed to death surrounded by his family,friends,all looking at him with an eyes filled with regret,sorrow and hate.

Either way he was fully prepared to die.his last duty as a hero.

"my last words," he said with a smile, "the truth may have lost its way in the forest,but soon it will find its way out and meet the people desperately looking for it and conquer their enemy,lie."

"truth? HOW DEAR SPEAK ABOUT TRUTH!!!!" An angry person in the crowd threw a stone.The stone hits Kyle on his forehead.

"die you ungrateful scum."


everyone kept screaming,kyle's parents were ashamed.

"alright everyone, get back it's time." a soldier ordered waving his hand up for everyone.everyone moved back.five of the Armed soldiers gathered at the front,loading their guns and finally aiming at Kyle.

"one the count of two. one!"

Kyle then shouts, "this is my last last duty as a hero!!!"

"two! FIRE!!!!!"

the gun sound started with a single bang! then multiple bangs.bullets are released into Kyle's stomach.

At the final shots,kyle raised his head up high with a loud scream of pain.

"now i can fully understand the mind of a villain. we ourselves makes the villains,the antagonist..."