New villains new heroes

A villain. A villain is the opposite of a hero. His the bad that opposes the good. He or she that finds it fun in destroying properties,causing people to suffer is a villain .A villain doesn't have to mean a guy in flashy costumes with evil laughs. Ones you find it fun and normal to harm others both physically and mentally,you are a villain whether you like it or not. Then let me ask this question, are all villains bad entirely? how are some villains born?. When a person has no food to eat and he is from a broken family and no one accepts him or employees him to work and earn money. what do you think will become of that person. Therefore a villain is born through broken homes,loneliness, heart break,lack of food and a good job. Sometimes I hate to say it,but we ourselves create the villains.

(five years later)

" Breaking news,the hero organization has started holding exams to recruit new heroes that will serve as future guardians for the people. you must be at least sixteen year old to enter. for address,just head to righteous district in Tokyo. The land of heroes."

"breaking news,a group of villains attacked a bank just yesterday.A group of c rank heroes were then sent to deal with the problem. recently the villains are known to now be working in groups."

"Breaking news, captain zaron the hook catcher has just been apprehend by the S rank hero blaze."

A large room with no Light,it was completely dark.the only light seen is the one illuminating from a laptop near the front of the room.A boy sites down watching the news on the laptop with his hands relaxed at the back of his head.The boy smiles as he watches.

"are you still listen to all that."

The silent voice of a man is heard,as he approaches the boy slowly.then stops.The upper part of his face isn't shown,only his nose and mouth.the man wore a long dark coat,covering his face with a hood.He had a sword hanged on his back.Then he held an iron mask on his left hand.

"sorry boss,just keeping update on what's is going on in the outside world." the young boy answered.

"well,have you tracked the boy's location."

"oh yes," the boy turns back to his laptop,pressing the keyboard like a pro.He removes the news he was watching,a map appeared on the screen.A red dot starts blinking on one side of the map, "turns out the target is about to make his move. At the local museum in welcome district,near saren district in Tokyo."

"very well then," The man puts on the iron black mask he held in his hand.his eyes turned red as the mask was put on, "it's time."

meanwhile in a small museum in the middle of the night ,at the entrance were two guards lying unconscious on the floor ,then at the inside was only one guard lying unconscious .A young boy wearing a mask and a black cloth,holding a black bag is spotted inside the central room of the museum,looking at a golden dagger,locked inside a glass.

he removes his mask, his hair was scattered and brown,he stared at the blade with a smirk on his face.

"finally, the blade of higamai is mine." The boy reaches his hands out to take it.

"hey stop asshole."

"huh." the boy turns back, he sees a boy like him,the boy wore yellow glasses,designed with a lighting bolt,his hair was yellow.He wore a yellow spandex the middle was a white lighting bolt on his chest .He had a smile on his face.

The thief got enraged by the young hero's words he shouted,

"hey how dear you call me an asshole,just who the hell are you."

The hero smirks, "I am stiles you can call me," he pointed at the bolt drawn on his chest, "quick lighting!"

"hey stiles was it? go find other guys to burst their ass not mine." he calmly said


"what is it?"

"I mean for a second there you were harsh. now your behaving like calm guy."

He softly smiled, "yeah I have to be calm and respectful,so that you will understand that I mean no harm.does guys out there were only knocked out.I came to steal this dagger to make money," his eyes got serious, "so.get out of my way."

The hero laughed a little, "sorry your the most straight forward villain have ever seen. but I have to take you down. people like you should be kept behind bars." he pointed at the thief, "so get ready to face justice."

"humph. showoff," he slowly dropped his bag on the floor.looking straight at the hero, "alright if you won't get out.Then prepare yourself! time for a world of hurt!"

"common show me what you got."

"you asked for it,raaaah!!" the thief bends down a little bit,clenching his fist tighter, his face squeezes as he keeps on clenching his fist more tighter,his veins came up,as his muscles gradually grew ,soon a white aura started covering his left hand.He then points it straight at stiles.his fist still folded.

"take this!!! KNOCK OUT HIT!!!!!"

A white beam forming a straight punch zooms out of his hand,heading straight for stiles.

stiles smirked,he knew he could dodge such an opening attack.He smoothly flash to his left side.The punch hits the wall,destroying it into stones.

the thief was shocked, *what...i put all my strength into that punch* he thought

"men your so careless, your going to be a piece of cake."

"DONT underestimate ME!!!!" with anger in his eyes,the thief rushes straight for stiles.

"too.easy." stiles speeds faster straight at the approaching thief landing a hard punch right on the thief's belly.The thief's mouth widened,his eyes were about to pop out. The punch threw him straight to the floor.

His body was sparking,and heavy he tried getting up but couldn't.

"that punch would leave you paralysed for the meantime." he then sighs, "well then looks like this little confrontation of ours is over."

stiles was about to advance forward to the paralysed thief,when something hits the glass up in the rooftop the glass shatters, as a girl is seen landing slowly,till she reaches the ground near the paralysed thief.

The girl was a little bit tall.she wore a long dark blue coat.It was longer than her,drawing on the floor. Her hair was purple and short,reaching her ears.she had a mean look on her face.she wore nothing on the inside but a blue bra,and black spandex trousers for down. A little green butterfly was on her left shoulder,paddling it's wings.she puts her left hand on her waist.then starts to talk in a rude manner at the surprised looking stiles,

" well what do we have here, a wannabe hero jerk dressed In fancy yellow spandex outfit with a bolt on it. what a shame."

"wow! your a rude one.friends of the guy on the floor?" stiles stares at the paralyzed thief.

" friends you...jerk." the thief said in pain,face up on the floor,still unable to get up.

The girl stares at the injured guy for a second then looks at stiles,

"yeah his nothing to me actually.i don't roll with losers."

"w-what!! how dare you call me a loser!!!"

"shut up!!! you useless piece of crap." the girl yells back at the thief.


Stiles was amazed at the two criminals bickering at each other that he bursted into laughter.attracting the two criminals's attention.

"you guys are fun to watch, but let's get serious at the moment I don't have a lot of time.its almost midnight and i need to be at school by early in the let's wrap this up.shall we?"

"that's right let's get this over with,i hate starring at a costume hero for too long it disgusts me." she faces the butterfly on her shoulders rubbing it softly on its wings with her finger with outmost affection, "it's okay now flippy you can go for now."

the butterfly gently flies down,touching the ground,it slowly dissovles into dust.

"wow so your caring to a butterfly but not a human being,men what a let down." stiles sighed

"shut your trap, let's begin." she aims her two hands, opened,and straight at stiles, "BUTTER FLY BOMB RAIDER.LEVEL ONE!!! "

Little red butterflies,looking like mosquitoes, dashed out of her two palms,heading straight for stiles.

"humph.what a load of rubbish." stiles dashes with high speed, straight for the girl without looking at the situation. As he got closer,the butterflies surrounded him, "huh what the hell is happening." stiles was a little bit confused as he paused in his steps , the butterflies surrounded him in circles.stiles kept looking round at the butterflies.

The girl laughs, "ha! you fell for it.NOW BLAST!!! "

with the sounds of her world.The butterflies started shining. the light became brighter at each passing second ,and stiles was In the middle of them.Before he knew it.The butterflies exploded creating,

an explosive sound. stiles is thrown away in pains by the blast.

stiles tries to force himself to get up.His cloth had thorn marks on it.from up to down.his face were covered in bruises.He manages to stand up,holding his stomach and panting. The girl stared at him with an evil smile on her face her hands both on her waist.

"your lucky it was only a level one blast.A level three blast should have turned you into dust, breaking half of this museum.not that i care though.Is just that it's a waste of time to waste my strength at something worthless as you."

stiles smiled fully,instead of being sad he was excited,

" exciting match! I let my guard down," he became serious, "let's dial it up to level two." he flashed faster heading for the girl.

The girl smiled,putting her hands down, she opened her palms yet again,

"butterfly bomb raider LEVEL ONE!!!"

this time multiple of butterflies came out of her palms covering her back and front like a shield.Then little by little some butterflies, forming like small bullets .one by one zoomed straight for stiles.

Stiles dodged every of the butterfly bullets with his high speed.but they kept chasing after him,as he ran around the walls of the museum up and down.

*damm it! I can't escape this things, plus i can't touch her right now,* stiles eyelids lifted up,he smiled and spoke in his mind again, *bingo,i will try passing through them at high speed.*

stiles then speeds at the twelve approaching bullets, he quickly past through all the bullets with high speed.They all exploded as he past through them,instead of running from them. then he quickly got very close to the girl shielded with butterflies.

"high speed,full activation," stiles yellow lighting energy sparked through out his body covering his whole body.his eyes could be seen inside his glasses sparking like a lighting god,as he approaches her.He kept on grinning,this was his ultimate move.

"not so fast get him!!!" the girl said, pointing her hands straight at stiles.the whole butterfly guarding her, left. rushing straight at stiles for another attack.

To the girls surprise, stiles quickly vanishes with full speed in front of her.before she knew it, stiles reappears behind her, on the air. his left leg,aimed straight for her back head. she quickly receives a heavy kick on her back head. her mouth widened,blood spits out from it, The impact was so heavy, bending her head and body, the sound of the cracking of her neck bone and waist is heard.The attack was yet to finish.kyle disappears again appearing again at her back , smashing his leg right on her spinal cord at her back,she breaks the floor hard as she falls.

There she layed on the ground face down, unconscious,not moving a single of her body.her bones were all cracked.stiles stood in front of her,

"Damn it she is out!" the other paralysed criminal said In surprise as he was watching the whole fight.

"wow your tough.i had to use my ultimate move," he then yawns, "now am exhausted.time to take you two to your new homes.

As stiles was about to take a step,his leg became hooked.

"what...what is this!!!" stiles looked at the ground in surprise.his leg was hooked on a sticky saliva on the ground.He struggled to free his leg but couldn't.he was completely stucked.

then an evil full smile appeared on the fainted girl's face.