New beginnings

Present Day—



ALIAS: Ivy Scarrow

AGE: 18

STATUS: student at P.S.A

POWERS: Telekanisis and manipulation

HAIR COLOR: Ebony black

EYES: Black

GENDER: Female

GOAL:"I'm gonna become a pro hero"

                 SUBJECT NO2.


ALIAS: Lilith Scarrow

AGE: 41


EYES: Gunmetal blue

GENDER: Female

STATUS: Shopkeeper of a flower shop

POWER(S): Portal creation

GOAL: "I need to plant more flowers"



Its been three years since I and my mother escaped my father. That night I thought we wouldn't make it, but my mother came through to her promise of giving me…us, a better life. It would be a lie if I said I hadn't be terrified when she collapsed for the second time that night after our escape. Having to create a portal big enough for us with all the powers she had left must have put more physical strain on her than she might have anticipated, but after a few days, she did bounce back.

        In those three years, no one has come to find us. We changed everything , from our names ,down to our finger prints and all other things that might implicate us as being related to the Lamont's, after all we were fugitives. I didn't know how she managed, but whatever my mother did had been effective. I even changed the colour of my hair to ebony black to match my black contact lens, at least now I wont be able to see his face whenever I look at my eyes that were the same color as his, a dull gray. Dull gray eyes were uncommon and could easily makes me stand out in the crowd, that's why I had to wear the contacts. 

       Mother had put her past behind her, getting a promising job and earning just enough to keep both of us happy. She had put me in school, not just any regular school, but one where I can train and become a pro hero. Yes it might sound absurd for a villain to aim at being a pro hero just like the ones who foiled villains like my father, but I didn't care about that. I've always thought it was nice to be loved and appricated, than feared. And lucky for me, we escaped my father just in time for me to prepare for the entrance exams into P.S.A.


     This is my final  year at The Pro Supe's Academy or P.S.A for short. I'm one step away from achieving my dreams. Getting into the school was tough, especially the entrance exams which wasn't only written, but as well as physical. But considering my background, everything was a breeze. If I had been an ordinary person,it could have ended poorly for me, just like some others who couldn't keep up, but then again, I saw some others who were crazy good or just plain crazy. But the best part of everything is the friends I made, I finally put the past behind me and laid down my  katana for justice, no more bloodshed. I am a completely different person now.

    But even if he was no longer in our lives, I still had nightmares that haunt me constantly, nightmares of those black gloves reaching out from the darkness and getting hold of me.


'I'm coming for you'


'I'm going to find you…and your mother'

' won't'

' and I will make you both suffer' his wicked laugh echoed all around me as I laid crawled up on the ground, cowering in the corner.


"NOOOOO!!" my eyes flew open as I sat up, cold sweat poured down my forehead as I tried to calm my pounding heart and heavy breathing. Sighs.

"it was just another nightmare"…I said dryly as I pushed my hair back and sighed "what time is it?" I picked up my phone and checked the time, sleep was still heavy in my eyes. "7:50.." I blinked once then twice, I rubbed my eyes and checked the time "WHAT THE HELL ITS ALMOST TIME FOR CLASS" I quickly jumped  out of bed and rushed to my closet and pulled out my uniform.

"seriously Ivy? Today of all days" I cursed myself as I fumbled around with buttons and wore my skirt. I gurgled some mouthwash before spitting it out in my bin. I grabbed my keys, my wallet and my phone and dashed out the door, slamming it shut, but I came back.

"forgot my bag…"

Making sure I had everything this time, I raced out of my dorm with lightning speed, racing across campus grounds in an attempt to reach my 8am class which was about to begin in the next "five minutes?! Damn it…got to go got to go faster" I left a trail of dust behind me as I weaved through students and staffs who were also scampering around to their respected classes, some of them were unhappy.

"SOORRY!" I called out as I passed them. Finally the classroom blocks came into view and I made a bee line for it.

"NO RUNNING IN THE HALLWAYS IVY" the hall monitor cautioned me, but I didn't have time to slow down.

"SORRY RUPERT!" I apologized to him as I looked at my watch.

"58…55…46…40…35…" I counted down as the clock ticked away "5…4…3…2…YES! I MADE IT" I stumble into class with a victorious smile as I heaved for oxygen. Everyone stared at me with blank or embarrassed expressions and I gave them a confused look.

"yes…nice of you to join us this morning for the test, miss scarrow.." the teacher's sleepy and dull voice greeted me and I gulped as I turned to look at him.

"g'morning sir…" I bowed apologetically but he didn't look the bit amused.

"this is the fourth time this week you've been late to class…" he deadpanned and I chuckled nervously.

"third actually, technically I wasn't late today…' he glared at me as I tried to defend myself. I could clearly hear the sighs and groans coming from the entire class. 

"get seated…" he said to me and I hurriedly made my way to the only empty seat at the second corner of the class next to the window. Sitting down I took out my notebook and pen and groaned.

"pst.." a piece of paper hit me in the head and I looked to my left to see my bestfriend ,Charlie ,mouthing the words.

"what happened?"

"I over slept, why didn't you wake me up?" I whispered back with a frown and she shook her head lightly before saying.

"I did.."

"you did?" damn it, I must have slept through the sounds of her knocking on my dorm door.

   I sighed as I placed my head on the table. Suddenly my chair moved forward sharply and my eyes flew open. Seriously? It happened two more times before I finally had enough. I turned back and glared at the black haired boy with red eyes that sat behind me.

"stop that.." I turned back, but he didn't stop and I growled, breaking my pen in half. My morning already started off bad, I don't have enough energy to spare on him. His kicks became harsher.

"do that again and I promise I'll take your fucking leg back to my dorm.." I threatened him, but he just smiled mischieviously at me. Unfortunately for me, my voice still reached the teacher.

"miss scarrow! Another peep from you and I'll extend your punishment!" he threatened me and I apologized.

"sorry sensei…"

"*sigh* I think ive covered everything, books away and pens out. I'll be sharing your test papers now" he announced as he looked at the students grumble with his sleepy eyes.

He might have looked as if he slept under a bridge, but Mr Seagrave was a pro hero and it was so awesome to have him lecture us.








      Then the jerk behind me is named xerxes. Ive known him since the first day here and to be honest, our relationship is a love hate dynamic. And my personal sweetheart, Charlie.



NAME: Xerxes Hatsumi

GENDER: male

AGE; 19

POWER: shadow. Subject is able to manipulate his shadow. Turning it solid to either act as shield or weapon of choice or a full body amour.

STATUS: student at P.S.A



NAME: Charlie Price

GENDER: female

AGE: 18

POWER: sandman. Subject can turn herself into sand. Regeneration is hard to beat. Subject is incredibly quick and sturdy and able to mould any part of her body to defend herself or attack the opponent. It is almost difficult to keep her contained once ability is turned on.

STATUS: student at P.S.A