House arrest

"oh boy that test was so difficult" Charlie groaned as we stepped out of the class and I just hummed as I popped a gumball in my mouth.

"mmm…you should have studied more…want some?" I offered her the gum and she frowned as she took it from me.

"not everyone can get perfect grades like you even when they don't study, ivy" she complained as she chewed angrily, making me laugh.

"almost perfect you mean.."

"yeah, yeah, I mean its like your secret super power or something…"

"no, it just means I always pay attention in class and revice" I grinned as I pat her back.."cheer up, everything will be fine.."

"I hope so. Come on, lets go change into our costumes, I don't want us to be late for the battle royale…" Charlie said excitedly, but I stopped midway. 



"did you forget? I'm under dorm arrest…the only reason I was permitted to come out was for the test" I drily as I chewed my gum and she made an '0' with her mouth.

"awe! You really shouldn't have started that food fight" Charlie scolded me and I chuckled remembering the fight I started.

"yeah,shouldn't. but it was mad fun…at least I didn't get the punishment alone" I laughed.

"oh yeah, the whole reason the whole school got caught in between the food fight was because, both you and xerxes are so childish…" she continued to scold me and I groaned.

"yeah, yeah…now get going before Mr seagrave catches me dily dallying, whatever that means…"

"it means slacking off…"

"ugh, you're such a know it all" I rolled my eyes as I pushed her off. Charlie giggled and ran off. I on the other hand dragged myself back to the dorms.

As per the punishment, xerxes and I are meant to clean the entire windows in the lobby which connected both the male and the female dorms together, which was made almost entirely out of glass, as well as sweeping and dusting the place. I could cry, the whole building was large. I wallowed in my own self pity as I pushed the large wooden doors open. 

   I haven't even seen xerxes since the test was over, he had better not be ditiching if not I swear I will take his leg for real. The  dorm was empty, asides for myself . going to my room I changed into something more comfortable, my give up on life slacks and a plain black shirt and some comfy slip ons. Taking the elevator,i headed downstairs into the lobby and there was still no sign of xerxes.

"tsk.." my journey continued into the kitchen. Buckets,brooms, dusters, mops and detergent were all kept in the storage unit at the back. The sooner I start my half of the cleaning, the sooner I can go to sleep or maybe RP with some nerds online.

"alright…lets get this over with…" 

Using my telekanisis, I controlled the dusters to wet themselves and clean the windows. With my headphones on, I jammed up as I worked, listening to my favourite band, Mother Mother.

"na na da da….pow pow…" I hummed absent mindedly to the song, unaware of the shadow that kept creeping behind me. Closer and closer until…

"BOO!" a loud voice that wasn't my music startled me and I fell in the bucket of water, making my bottom wet. I growled as I looked up and realized it was xerxes, cackling like a haeyna.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!" I yelled at him as I dipped my hand in the other bucket and splashed it on him.

"heh…you look so dumb..let me take a picture" he took out his phone and before I could stop him, the flash from his phone blinded me. If I were made out of flames im sure steam would have evaporated from the bucket because of rage. Letting out a tired sigh, I got up."

"you're late"

"you're early…"

"grr…seriously man, look at me, I'm all wet now" I complained as I looked at my wet backside.

"…the only way you're supposed to be.." he said something under his breath that I didn't quite catch.



"hm, never mind, you can pick up from where I stopped, while I go change…" I mumbled as I turned and let, muttering incoherent phrases under my breath.

And so for the third time today, I changed my lazy Sunday baggies and a gray shirt that read, nachos before mustachos.

"oh wow, a dumb t shirt to match your dumb face…" xerxes laughed as I walked in.

"you're the dumb one" I hissed as I picked up a duster, with my airpods on.

It was relatively peaceful as we worked, but I realized as soon as I thought that, it was all too good. Xerxes appeared besides me like a ninja and took out my phone and airpod. I hate when he does that.

"what are you listening too?" he asked as he unlocked my phone. Wait how did he?

"give those back.."

"in a minute, I wanna see what kind of dumb music you listen too.." he had a serious look on his face as he scrolled through my phone with his red eyes, iNvAdInG My PrIvAcY!

"nothing you'd like" I retorted back as I tried to get my phone back, but he kept it out of my reach.

" no shit, you listen to mother mother?" he grinned as his red eyes glowed with excitement.


"I guess your taste in music isn't as dumb as you..,"he teased me some more and I stumped on his foot.

"my grades are just as good as yours, im not dumb…'

"naa…mines better, that's why im number one and you're number two…." He gloated and I frowned. He was right, no matter how hard I studied, I could never pass his grades. I don't know how he does it, but it was really annoying to always come in second to him.

"give me my phone…"

"hey, don't look at me like that, its not my fault we're under house arrest…after all you were the one who started that food fight…"

"and you're the one who couldn't take a joke" I scoffed, making him puff up.

"that was my favorite shirt!" he raised his voice at me and I rolled my eyes.

"go cry about it to your mommy…" I smirked. If looks could kill, I think I would have been on fire by now.

"then lets settle this, right here, right now…" he calmed down on the surface, but I could tell he was up to no good.

"yeah, no, Seagate specifically told us not to fight…" I reminded him.

"who said anything about fighting. Me and you are gonna have a little competition, first to finish half of their chores wins…" I could clearly see the mischief swirling in his eyes, but my curiousity got the best of me.

"what does the winner get?"

"IF by some miracle you win, I'll wear that dumb shirt of yours for the whole week…"

"hmm, tempting…and if you win?" I asked cautiously and he pulled out a button from his back pocket, handing it to me.

"'xerxes is number one'…" iread what was written on it and my face turned sour.



"so you randomly carry this along with you?" 

"yes, yes I do…"

All the warning signs in my head were firing up telling me to back away from this deal. But you know that voice in the back of your head that tells you not to do something? Mine just bet me five bucks I can't.

"deal!" I accepted the challenge and he smiled

"deal, but first some music…" he connected my phone to the Bluetooth speakers and proceeded to hit play.

(Music recommendation:  Apimp named slickback )

There was a goofy grin on his face as the intro came on and he danced to the other side, I couldn't help but laugh.

"are you serious? Why this song?" I asked him curiously as he danced to the music.

"I should be asking you why you even have something like this?" he moved to the music as he swayed around, I couldn't control my laughter. "laugh all you want..but this just put me in the mood to clean…" xerxes activated his ability, creating shadow tentacles he splashed buckets of water on the glass windows and grabbed some dusters with them.

"hey, no fair, you started before me…" I frowned as I did the same as he did, splashing my own buckets of water on my half of the glass windows with my telekanisis.

"tsk…excuses…" he rolled his eyes as the rate at which his shadow tentacles moved increased. I huffed as I also picked up speed.

"you're not beating me…"

It was a fierce competition between us, wiping down every window. From the lobby to the kitchen down to the hallways, we mopped, swept, dusted and even watered the plants, the entire dorm was spotless and squeaky clean by the time we were finished. 

We ended up regrouping at the place it all started, the lobby. Tired and out of breath, we collapsed on the couch, trying to catch our breaths.

"i…I beat you…" I sighed.

" was a tie.." he scoffed as he dissolved like ice into the couch.

"a tie?"

"yeah and we've literally cleaned everything, so there's no tie breaker"  he pointed out and I groaned.

"ugh, now im bored…what do you wanna do now..?" I asked him and he just shrugged. According to my watch, we still had at best one hour left until everyone gets back.
