who is she?(11)


"VIVI..!" Charlie burst through the doors of thee room. Interrupting the conversation between me and xerxes, I turned around only to be engulfed in a bone crushing embrace with Charlie clinging onto me like a koala. She wasn't the only one though, my other classmates had come to see me too.

"…Ivy, what happened, you had us all worried about you…" Isaac, our very diligent class captain walked towards me with a flower in his hand and I smiled at his words and took the single stem of daisy.

"…I'm sorry to have worried all of you like that…"

"…get off her Charlie, the rest of us want to hug her too…" he protested and everyone agreed with him, everyone asides Charlie that is…


I couldn't contain my laughter as they bickering back and forth on who gets to hug me first.

"…guys guys, you can all hug me…" an easy solution, right?. Wrong, the moment I said that, I found myself being crushed under the weight of fifteen others. I might not have sustained any broken bones last night, but this one was for sure.

"xerxes, idiot!! I thought I told you to give us a call the moment she woke up…" sem scolded xerxes and he didn't look happy about it.

"…yeah! I bet he just wanted her all to himself…" Charlie huffed as her grip around me tightened. Okay, I've had enough of this.

"…ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FIGHT OR SOMETHING?!" he threatened them, at this point I had to step in before things spiral out of control.

"…you guys should leave chuckles alone, I only just got up. So give him a break, NOW GET OFF ME…!" I clapped my hands together, making all of them levitate before placing them gently on the ground…

"sooo…before everything, how was the date-~-…" noah asked us, peeking everyone's interest…

"IT WAS NOT A DATE!" xerxes and I said a unison. Why do I feel asif Charlie said something she wasn't supposed to.

"…but Charlie said you guys were out on a date, heck she even said you guys are together now…" he revealed everything he knew as Charlie glared at him. Figures, I should have known.

"…dammit , Charles…I told you it wasn't a date…" I sighed as she laughed nervously. Damn girl.

"why would I go out with someone who eats like a cow!" xerxes scoffed and I looked at him with annoyance. Activating my power, as I lift him off the floor.

"…PUT ME DOWN…" he demanded but I only lifted him higher.

"…not until you take that back!" I threatened him some more, but that did nothing. Instead he activated his own powers and wrapped his tendrils round my body, lifting me up, just the way I lifted him.

"…PUT ME DOWN…" I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was tight.

"…you first…"

"aww, don't they look adorable together" keiko commented on the matter.

"SHUT UP KEIKO!!" we yelled at him from above and he hid behind Isaac.


"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE…?" a voice yelled out, making everybody quite down. It was the doctor and Seagrave, along with principal powell.

"both of you, turn off your powers this instance…" the principal had a disapproving look on her face as she sent everyone out, except for me and xerxes, making us sit in the chairs.

"now, Seagrave told that you two were attacked last evening…" she crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to question her. I took the lead In answering her questions, trying my best to leave out certain parts. I'm just glad xerxes played along, making this much easier to roll with.

Having asked all her questions and making sure we hadn't sustained any physical or mental trauma she decided there was nothing more to ask…

"…I'm just glad none of you were seriously hit, but please for the sake of next time, avoid lonely and secluded spaces when returning back to school grounds…" she reminded us again and we nodded in acknowledgement to her words.

But the moment the principal turned the knob and the opened the door, the members of my class fell unto the floor like sardines pulled out of water, I slapped my forehead by how poor their eavesdropping skills were. The principal didn't look to happy.

"…these children…"

"I apologize on their behalf, they aren't normal like this…" Mr. seagrave apologized to her, quietly sending a glare to the students who scampered to their feet and apologized.

"…I assume you heard what I said to these two, same goes for all of you, be careful…" and with that she left, along with Mr. seagrave. They probably wanted to discuss things.

Everyone resumed with their questions about me and xerxes got together, even after we denied heavily, any form of romantic interest between us, especially me and I couldn't help but smack Charlie on the back of her head for spread such things. According to her words she was just helping the ship sail, tch, ship my foot. I pulled on her ear making her cry out, serves her right.

Our conversation was soon interrupted by the loud grumbling my stomach made, causing everyone to stare at me..

"w…what was that?"keiko broke the silence and I let go of Charlie, scratching my neck as a shy blush dusted my cheek.

"you gon tell them or should i?" xerxes came to stand by my side and I looked up at him, then back at everyone.

"oh…um, that was my stomach…" I held my tummy as I hunched over "I'm so hungry…"

"SERIOUSLY! But king brought you breakfast…" sem accidentally revealed what xerxes had done for me and everybody exploded.

"SO YOU GUYS ARE DATING!" millie exclaimed.

"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO FUCKING END YOU SEM!" xerxes stomped over to sem and held him by the collar, chocking him for doing the one thing he asked him not to do.

"IM SORRY, IT JUST SLIPPED OUT…" he begged him, but xerxes was ready to through him out the window.

"hey, hey, hey…what's with all the commotion?" the doctor came back into the room only to find it in a complete mess.

"…DOC, SAVE ME!" sem cried out to her and she sent a death glare at the boys.

" keep this up and I'll report all of you to the principal.." the doctor scolded them and xerxes grumbled as he put sem down.

"…can I please go now?" I gave her a pleading look as I held unto my stomach. She let out a tired sigh as she rubbed her eyes which were hidden behind her glasses.

"yes, please. I'm afraid if I let you stay any longer, you'll bring down the infirmary.

"…awesome!" I rejoiced, but the doctor gave me a pointed look and I cleared her doubts…"not the bringing down of the infirmary, I meant the me being able to leave…"

"I understand, so please, all of you, leave…"

"heh…definitely, come on guys, BREAKFAST, BREAKFAST, BREAKFAST…" I chanted as I led the group out of the ward chanting along with me, with xerxes trudging behind the group, looking grumpy as usual with his hands in his pocket.


"tch…clowns being led by an even bigger clown." Xerxes fell behind, but he couldn't wrap his head around this girl, how exactly did she work. It's like yesterday's events didn't even happen.

So lost in his thoughts, xerxes failed to pay attention to where he had been walking and ended up bumping into someone..

"WATCH I-oh, sensei, I didn't see you there…" he apologized as he went to step to the side, but Seagrave stopped him.

"a lot on your mind, Hatsumi…" there was a suspicious look in his eyes as he questioned him, but xerxes stared back at him with the same intense look.

"…just a few…"

"if there's anything you might have missed when you spoke to the principal-" he started, but got interrupted by xerxes.

"…I think we covered everything already, excuse me…" he walked past the man and entered the dorm. Seagrave sighed as he continued to stare in the direction the boy had left, before taking his leave. Maybe it would be best if he didn't push the kids too much, but something at the back of his mind kept telling that both of them were hiding the truth about something.

But since it had only been them and they were telling the same story and the fact that there were no other witnesses, their words could not be verified, coupled with the fact that the so called assailants were nowhere near the described vicinity, making him question what really happened that night.