The text (12)


Meanwhile, I finally got myself some food, along with the gawking expressions from my classmates as I finished my third plate of omelets.

"wow, vivi, that's like your third plate already…" Millie stared at me in shock.

"..yeah, I mean, who knew you could eat so much…so fast…" sem gulped softly as he saw me empty my plate. I looked up and grinned, as I didn't like talking with food In my mouth.

"…well, I always try to hold back when I'm with you guys, but since the cat is out of the bag, there's no use hiding it…"

"…ugh, I'm so jealous, I can't even drink water without putting on weight.." Charlie pouted and I rolled my eyes at her.

"'re just exaggerating that…"

"…no, I'm not…" she retorted back.

" she's right, you have such a great and fit body, perfect for cheerleading…assuming you ever came that is…" Nora, the head cheerleader glared at me and I blushed.

"haha…come on, ivy, what's your secret…" Millie poked at me and I just shrugged.

"…there really is no secret you guys…c..can we please stop talking about my body. Philip has been staring at me for far too long now…" the person in question winked as he blew me a kiss, I couldn't stop myself from gagging. He's so cringe.

Xerxes shocked everyone by reacting first, smacking Philip on the head with a tendril…

"LOOK AT HER LIKE THAT AGAIN AND I'LL TAKE YOUR EYEBALLS…" he threatened him and he whined as he rubbed the obvious bump on his head, thanks to xerxes. Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the two, including myself off course. It was always enjoyable to watch him blow up like this


"YEAH? SO, DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO LOOK AT HER!" he yelled at the red haired boy with freckles, that was only a head or two shorter than he was. But xerxes words were like a stop watch, were everybody stopped laughing instantly, even…me? Wait, what did he mean by that anyways? It looked like I was the only one who didn't get it.

I watched as his face turned bright red after realising what he just said. He cleared his throat and stood up.

"…tch…I'm going to my room…" he announced as he walked away, everyone just stared at his back as he turned the corner towards the stairs. What was all that about? I asked myself.

"hm, weird…oh well..who wants juice…" I smiled at them, but they didn't smile back, they just stared at me asif I said something weird.

"what? Is there something on my face?"

After spending some more time with our friends, Charles and I left…I went to take a shower, while she stayed in my room.

"I'm slipping into my yoga pants and hoodie now…" I announced as I stepped away from my closet.

"…the day I see you wear something cute is the day I turn to cement…" came her words of sarcasm and I laughed at her.

"thank you Charles for your , oh so, kind words…" I flopped on the bed and took out my phone and she brought my chair closer…

"sooooooo…" she bounced in her seat like a bunny and I stared at her.


"don't play dumb with me, how did your not date, date, go..hmm" I could swear with the way she was shaking, I would have said she had at least one packet of fizzy kola before coming to my room.

"…it was not a date, I told you, it was just an outing…"

"yeah, yeah, whatever…so, come on, spill the gist…I'm dying over here "

"well, go dying somewhere else. Because there is no gist. We just played a game, then ate some ramen…" I flashed her a quick smile then looked at my phone…

"I'll put sand in your shoes, I really will…"

"…geeze, but that's all that happened…asides us getting attacked.."

"…*sigh* well, im just glad you both weren't badly hurt. But you do know he likes you, right?" Charlie got in bed with me and I turned to look at her. What nonsense is she going on about now..

"no he doesn't…"

"ugh…and I thought I was the slow one." She grumbled.

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"nothing, nothing…what are you doing anyways?" she cuddled closer to me so she could look at my phone. I on the other had couldn't stop looking at her. Xerxes? naaa…that wasn't remotely possible, we aren't even close like that.

Charles and I did some home work together and I also helped her study a little, before she decided she'd had enough and left. I laid in bed, reading a book I happened to pick up during the holidays, when I went flower shopping with my mom. What attracted me to the book was its title that read 'piggie and the wolf' it was a strange title, yes , but the book was…not half bad. Maybe the writer could work on the title.

I was on the next chapter when my phone vibrated underneath my pillow and I kept the book on my stomach as I reached for my phone. Honestly I was a bit surprised when I saw a text from and unknown number.

"it's xerxes. Save my number, now" I read the text out, which was a bigger shock. When did he even get my number. Either way I texted back with a smiley face emoji.

"have you saved it?" he replied immediately and I hummed, before texting back. "yeah. How'd you get my number?" I questioned him.

"doesn't matter…" the text read. "mm, I think it does" I replied back with a frowning emoji.

"fine, I stole it from someone…" his text read and I laughed. "so you're now a thief?"

"shut up dummy.." I could almost hear his loud voice through the text, to provoke him further, I sent multiple emojis that were sticking their tongues out.

"you're so annoying…" he replied back. "heh.." I replied back, but his next text took a little longer, asif he were deciding on whether or not to send the message

"sorry for calling you a cow…" finally the text came and honestly, I was stunned by it. He has never apologized to me before. After reading it, I replied "its fine I know you didn't mean it…"

"mmhmm…what are you doing now?" he asked "reading a good book…" I replied

"tch…knowing you, its probably a dumb book…" he replied, making me scoff "you would know…"

"off course I know. Hum, meet me on the rooftop after curfew…" he sent his text and I sighed before sending him a thumbs up. The message ended, but I still stared at my phone. What a pain..

Ten pm, the time every student was expected to be in bed. I decided to take the stairs up to the roof, since most of the students had their lights off. Reaching the roof top I gently closed the door, before walking closer to the edge and looked down…it was really high up.

"so, you plan to push me off the roof?" I turned around to meet red eyes staring back at me with just a few feet between us. I gave him a smile, but he didn't return it back.

"…you know, I always knew this day would come, but I didn't think it would come this soon…" I chuckled as I leaned my back against the edge. Xerxes grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the edge.

"idiot, you might fall…" he slightly scolded me and I tugged my arm free, which he let go off immediately, asif realising something.

"tch, I won't fall. I've been on more higher up places…" I said confidently and he sighed.


"…so, what's up, you seem a bit…worked up…" I sat on the edge again, despite his warnings. He finally snapped, letting out a frustrated grunt.

"gahh! Damn it Ivy! can you act soooo…"

"…unbothered about yesterday?" I finished his sentence and he stopped talking as he stared at me, before nodding.

"yah, that.."

"why would I be?" I answered in a flat tone as I turned my back on him. I let my feet dangle over the edge of the roof. "and neither should you…" my voice was as quiet and cold as the night breeze. I heard the shuffling of foot steps behind me as I heard him occupy the space next to me, dangling his feet over the edge, just like I was doing.

"Ivy…the girl I saw yesterday, is different from the girl I've known for the past three years…I've never felt a presence so thick and heavy with blood lust and malice before, like yours. Yes, your blood lust is a bit higher when we fight in the arena, but yesterday…it was…different, it felt as though, you actually wanted to kill those men and it wouldn't have bothered you…" I allowed him pour out his thoughts and I sat there and listened, what was I supposed to say.

"…I did want to kill them…" I admitted it freely and he went quite for a moment.

"…who were those men?" he asked, I was about to say something when he added "…and, don't lie to me…because it was obvious they knew you…that fight felt way too…personal to be a random attack…and one of them called you, Leah"