

The morning sun spilled into the room through the drawn curtains. My eyes gentle cracked open as I looked around the unfamiliar room. That's right; I spent the night in xerxes room, my cheeks heated up just by the thoughts of that. There was a sudden chill running down the nape of my neck as his soft breathing filled my ears, it was soothing.


The sound of his door being harshly knocked on jolted me out of my sleepy state; I was wide awake now.

"xerxes…xerxes wake up, someone's at the door…" I tried to wake him up, but he only growled as he pulled me closer to his body and tightened his grip on me.


"xerxes! I think I left my calculus assignment in your room, I can't find it anywhere…" a voiced yelled out from the other end of the door. It sounded like Noah.

"xerxes, come on…what if he comes in…" I started to panic as I tried to get his arms off me, but he was stubborn as hell.

"it'll go away…" he said in a groggy and sleepy tone, I sighed and gave up.

But he didn't go away, Noah knocked on the door harder as he jiggled the handle.

"ughhh…" xerxes groaned as he let go of me, I quickly sat up to see the irritated look on his face.

"Did you sleep well?" his voice sounded husky and rough as spoke to, gently caressing my face with his thumb.


"king! Come on, open the door" Noah called out again. I could almost see the vein popping on xerxes forehead as he reluctantly got out of bed and stomped angrily towards the door and pulled it open.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU ASSHOLE!" xerxes yelled angrily, making Noah flinch.

"sorry man, I just needed my calculus assignment; I must've left it here yesterday…you know, that white binder note with an apple on it…" he explained calmly and xerxes sighed.


I listened to their conversation from the back. Good thing xerxes bed had a blind spot at the corner so that someone standing at the door wouldn't be able to see anything, unless they walked in. which Noah was about to do right now, but xerxes placed his hand on the door to stop him from walking in.

"did I say you could come in?" he growled and Noah rolled his eyes.

"fine, whatever…just get me my not…" he crossed his arms over his chest as he stepped back, xerxes shut the door and turned around, padding his feet across the floor, he picked up a familiar note from the table and my eyes widened.

"…but I thought that was yours?" I whisper yelled at him and he looked at the note. The reason why I was panicking was because, that was the same note I pulled the apple out of and right now, said apple had a huge bite mark on it.

"…relax…" that's what he said to me, but how could I relax? How was he going to explain to Noah that his book which had a whole apple on it now had a not so subtle bite mark on the side?

Before I could stop him, xerxes already pulled the door open and gave Noah the book, which he took immediately. If I could turn invisible right now, I would, I really would.

"thank-…wait…" uh-oh, I thought to myself. Not good, not good at all.

"…why does the apple have a bite mark on it?" Noah looked at xerxes suspiciously and I held my breath.

"…I put a new sticker…" xerxes lied effortlessly through his teeth, but Noah still looked at him suspiciously. Just as he was about to ask another question, xexres added.

"you have your book now, so leave…" he shooed him off and Noah sighed, knowing there was no point arguing with this hot head. How xerxes ever became a top student would always remain a mystery to him, seeing as the boy was a delinquent who needed more than anger management classes, but also a few sessions with the therapist.

Not having anything else to say, xerxes shut the door in his face, but he was quick to open it again.

"bang on my door like that again, next time I'll hang you off the side of the rooftop…" he threatened him before slamming the door in his face.

"…tch, he acts as if he's hiding something in that room of his…" Noah grumbled before walking off.

I watched as xerxes locked the door and walked towards the bed where I was pressed up against the wall. He looked at me with curious eyes.

"I didn't know you were a spider?"

"Shut up. Is he gone?" I asked as I let go of the wall. He chuckled and nodded.

"He's gone…" he sat on the bed and sighed.

"For a second there I thought he'd come in…" I let myself relax a bit, knowing that he was gone. I mean, it's not as if I was scared, but it's only been two days where the both of us clearly stated that we didn't have anything going on between us. Some me coming out of his room, or being seen, wasn't exactly the ideal situation. I mean, I'm stilling process the fact that I had something for him, talk less of the others.

"Hey, earth to dummy…" xerxes snapped his fingers in face and I frowned.

"Dummy? Seriously? Are you still gonna be rude to me?" I asked seriously as I folded my arms over my chest and he grinned.

"I like you, but that doesn't mean you'll get any special treatment from me…" he tilted my chin up and kissed me.

"Your logic is weird…" I kissed him back with a smile. He snaked his arm round my waist and pulled me closer.

"you're the weird one…"


The kiss was long and passion fueled with neither of us wanting to submit to the other. I was the first one to break from the kiss, but he was quick to lure me back in.

"xerxes?" I called him and he hummed in response to me. But he didn't want to pull back, the next thing I knew, I was pinned on the bed while he hovered over me.

"xerxes, I need to go now…"

"why?" he titled his head to the side as he looked down on me. My brows scrunched up.

"what kind of question is that?" I retorted back.

"stay a little longer…" he leaned in closer as he peppered kisses down my neck, almost making me forget what I wanted to say.

"" I slide down from the bed and he sighed then laid back on the bed, closing his eyes.


"fine?" I was happy he wasn't trying to pull me back into the bed, but then again…I couldn't help but wonder what was going through that head of his. One moment he was colonizing my lips and senses, then the next he was putting up an attitude.

"yeah…you can go" he placed his hand under his head as he continued to lay there.

"hmm…" I turned and walked towards the door. I was just about to turn the knob when I stopped midway, turning back; I went back to where xerxes was and kissed him.

"idiot…I'll see you at breakfast…" I whispered on his lips, before finally turning and leaving his room, but not after I made sure the coast was clear.