Breakfast time(17)


Hearing the soft clicking of his door being closed, xerxes smiled as he opened his eyes and took out his phone.

To avoid accidentally bumping into anyone, I used the door to the rooftop and successfully entered my dorm without anyone noticing me.

"phew…that was close…" I sighed as I opened my room door my heart nearly imploded.

"CHARLIE!?" I gasped and she looked like a feline caught in the rain.


"what are you doing in my room…?" i stared at her suspiciously as she started sweating and acting weird…

"i…was, um…looking for you…" she said nervously. Taking a deep breath she said "you didn't answer so I opened the door…where were you?" it was her turn to question me with a suspicious look on her face. I gave her a sly smile. There was no way in hell I was going to tell her I spent the night at xerxes room! She wouldn't let me live it down.


"jogging? In your night shirt and flip flops?" she tilted her head to the side. And I chuckled lightly.

"you know me…I don't joke with my morning jogs, ha..ha…ahem…soooo…" i was about to say something else when I noticed how her arm had continued to stay hidden behind her back.

"uh…what'chu got there?" I pointed behind her back as I tried to sneak a peek at it, but she only kept it away..



"YEAH!" her voice kicked up a few octaves and she ran past me. "i…I'll see you later…" I watched as Charlie ran down the hall.

"hm? And I'm the weird one?" either way, I was just happy to be back in my dorm room. I wonder if she noticed anything, but come to think of it, Charlie has been acting strange for the past few weeks now I wonder what's up with her. Deciding to ignore whatever it was she was up too, I opened the door to my room and walked in.*sigh*

"at least she didn't figure it out…" even after leaving his room, I could still smell his scent on me. A shy blush dusted my cheeks as I smiled; just thinking about last night made my heart swell. This was definitely a new feeling to me and I liked it a lot, but then again, I couldn't help but worry about it. With the recent occurrences, I would hate if xerxes got caught up in the crossfire between me and my family…not just xerxes, but everyone else.

"if wishes were horses…"

Taking a quick bath and freshening up I went down to get something to eat.

I thought I would meet Charlie on my way to the kitchen, like always, but I didn't. even after reaching the kitchen, Charlie still wasn't there.

"hey ivy…" Millie greeted me and I smiled back at her.

"hey, mills…have you seen Charlie?" I took the initiative to ask about her whereabouts, but to my disappointment Millie also hadn't seen Charlie.

"anyways, I'll see you later…" Millie said goodbye and walked off in hurried steps towards the other direction.

I always found her powers intriguing, Millie always looked like she was in a hurry to go somewhere, but actually it was because of her powers. I once heard she had a twin brother, but she rarely talked about it. If I think about it, she rarely spoke about her personal life, making one wonder what the girl was hiding. But that's none of my business anyways.


NAME: Millicent Allen Poe(Millie)

GENDER: Female

AGE: 17

POWERS: Swifty. Subject is able to move at three times the regular speed of the average super human.

STATUS: student at P.S.A

The kitchen was particularly empty with most of the students either being hauled in their rooms, in the lobby or have left the dorms to do other things. I brewed some tea and some toasted bread. But strangely, I didn't feel hungry as I just stared at my plate. There was this dark cloud of uncertainty hanging over my mind and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was about to happen. Some might call it anxiety, but I called it my gut feeling and my gut has never been wrong before; be it in the past when I was still under my father or now..

"are you gonna eat that…or are you too busy thinking about me?" a deep voice appeared right behind me and I instinctively picked up the butter knife besides me. I let it go once the familiar lavender scent clouded my senses. His scent had a soapy, shampoo mix to his original scent, telling that he just had a bath.

"xerxes…" I called out his name and he hummed, pulling the seat that was besides me.

"…did you miss me so much that you couldn't even eat breakfast…" he teased me as he picked up one of my toast and I glared at him snatching back my toast.

"get your own…"

"so you admit you were thinking about me?" he leaned in closer with a low hanging smirk on his face.

"no I wasn't, why would I even be thinking about you.." I huffed as I turned my face the other way, exposing my cheek to him which he kissed, making me blush a little.

"you have the cutest expressions…" xerxes brushed his hand over my front fringe and I turned to look at him. Those captivating red eyes of his that sparkled like rubies. His black hair was disheveled as if he had been running his fingers through it. Some strands fell on his forehead which he pushed back again with his hand, running those slender fingers through his thick black hair. xerxes had on a plain black shirt to match his hair with some lose fitting pants.

"Whatever…I just have a lot on my mind…" which wasn't a lie. I haven't even heard from my mother since the incident and I was slightly worried about that…

"…mmm,I see…" he hummed as he stood up, coming to stand directly in front of me he brought his hand forward and tilted my chin up.

"what is it?"

"didn't I tell you to let me make your worries mine?" his crimson eyes softened as he looked into my black ones, before they lowered to mouth. His thumb gently brushed over my already parted lips. Right now it felt as though I were stuck in a trance as I watched him lower his head, pulling closer until his lips claimed mine in a kiss full of hunger and need, I kissed him back with equal need and hunger. Gently biting on his bottom lip, he pried my mouth open with his tongue, which I opened up for him. It was a kiss filled with passion, it was like diving into an ocean on a hot summers day. True to his word, all my worries seemed to dissipate and drown in his kiss.

When he pulled back I was dazed and short of breath, the feel of his lips on mine left a lingering sensation. What was this boy doing to me, he made me feel things I wouldn't normally indulge in, yet here I was, making out with my rival in the open. He made my soul come alive with every touch and kiss.