Party crashers (28)


"I can't have small fry like that think that they can hover around you…" he said as a matter of fact as he moved his eyes away from Noah to the girl in his arm.

Ivy might have been a smarty pants, but she was dumb as a board when it came to recognising when a guy is making passes at her. Which was a good thing for him.

And an example of such guys was Noah. Ivy hadn't caught not only his attention but the attention of other guys and Noah was one of them and knowing he was able to get ivy for himself made him happy to see the small fry and his feelings get thrown back into the waters.

This was enough to bring a visible smile up on his face.

"now what's got you all happy?" Ivy asked him again and he shrugged.

"it's nothing…how's the party?"

"well…it's great, but it would have been better if Charlie wasn't so late…" she frowned for the umpteenth time this night.

Earlier at the beginning of the party, Charlie had texted her that she would be late, but she hadn't anticipated it to be this late.

"I'm sure sandy has her reasons…" xerxes reassured her. Sandy was a not so clever nickname he had come up with for her Charlie due to her powers, sandman.

"never in my life had I imagined a time or place where I'd be spending my birthday like this. I've got so much blood on my hand xerxes…do I really deserve any of this? Men and women alike, I've killed them. Growing up, I never had the privilege of going to the park, I never had ice cream…not to even mention about having a birthday to celebrate. It was a hard life where failure was never an option. Joy and happiness where all replaced with hate and malice. These…powers I have, I was forced to do a lot of terrible things with them, I could easily cut off a person's head without needing to get close to them. I wonder, if I had chosen to be the same, would we have met?"

"no matter who you had chosen to be, I'm certain I would still choose you…"

"hah…that's not true…" ivy laughed off his word and he was slightly offended .

"do you doubt my love for you. Ivy, even of you decided to go back to being a villain, I would gladding convert to your side…"

"huh?! Are you an idiot or something…?" she was stunned by his words. But xerxes was dead serious by his words.

"I'm serious ivy…I love you enough to deviate from this path…" he continued to talk. Not knowing what to say she laughed.

"don't worry chuckles, nothing like that is going to happen anytime soon. We will both become pro hero's and save lots of people." Ivy was practically glowing with positive energy right now and xerxes softened his gaze as he looked at that sweet smile of hers.

Since when did he build his whole world around this girl? Where she saw flaws, he was peculiarities that made her even more precious than any worldly material he could afford.

"dumb girl…stop thinking you don't deserve anything, cause you deserve more than whatever this is…" he said, referring to the party.

She and xerxes had always been rivals, but maybe that's why their relationship flows well, and the fact that they both can relate to each other's pain on different levels makes it even more special.

Unfortunately this joyous moment would be put on hold due to an occurrence just outside the dorms building.

"guys! Something's happening outside!" one of the students called out, it was enough to alert the others, Xerxes and Ivy included.

Out of curiosity, everybody gathered outside the dorm.

Just like the first time ivy and xerxes had used a portal another portal had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Who could it be? They all wondered.

The school grounds was soon flooding with hostile energy and darkness that pushed them back and away from the portal. All except for Ivy was bold enough to move closer. It was a feeling far too familiar to her.

"ivy?" xerxes called her but she didn't turn to him. Her eyes were trained intensively on the portal.

Seven to ten men wearing all black suites who held guns in their hands rushed out of the portal. If the students weren't already panicked now they were really shaking. Some ran back into the dorm and others escaped to call for their superiors.

The men stood tall and frigid, of all days, why today? Her blood lust was rising along with her anger. But that wasn't all, a few more familiar faces walked out of the portal as well.

"oh my god! Is that onslaught!!" cried one of the female students in a panicked tone.

"that's definitely him and look! Its project L and Heath!!" a male student whispered.

The few students who stayed back were either brave, stupid or curious about the party crashers.

"man…this place reeks…" the first one to speak was the youngest son of the Lamont's, Heath. He looked to be around the same age as Ivy. His jet black hair was a mess and his dull chestnut eyes scanned the vicinity in disgust; barely spare a glance at the students who looked as if they would pass out any minute from now.

"shut up heath…and try not to screw this mission up you dead weight…" Onslaught, otherwise known as oliver warned the younger brother who laughed it off like a madman.

"yes, sir…" heath said sarcastically


NAME: Heath Lamont

AGE: 19

ALIAS/ VILLIAN NAME: Heath (he was too lazy to come up with an actual alias)

POWERS: Demon morphing. User can turn into an unearthly beast with enhanced abilities. This is achived by rearranging their dna structure.

DRAWBACKS: User undergoes emensee pain while transforming.

"now now, there's no need for brothers to fight…" Luther stepped in as the strom breaker between the brothers and as usual he had that sweet smile on his face.

Ivy felt a sheer sense of hostility being emitted by him and this involuntarily tripped up her powers in an act of self defense. Xerxes turned on high alert too.

In the past, before she left the lamont's. there was a particular sibling she feared the most. It wasn't Oliver, neither was it that dimwit known as Heath. It was Luther, everything about him was a red flag, and he was a walking red flag.

Oliver might be the oldest and look the most intimidating, and heath might have been the loose cannon, but Luther was the real devil amongst them.

He was always skimming and planning, never saying more than needed and always smiling…that stupid smile of his.

The fact that he was born with an incredible power which seemed limitless didn't help matters. Nobody knew what he was thinking most of the time. Project L.

"these are world class villains, why are they here?" xerxes unable to hide his curiosity asked Ivy. The looks in her eyes were a mix of emotions at the moment.

"they are my brothers…" she said in a cold and distant voice. Xerxes hadn't expected these three to be her brothers.


"oh? Ahha, baby sister, I'm thrilled to have finally found you…" Luther who had somehow picked up on the little conversation smiled as he clapped his hands in delight, walking towards them.

"NOT ANOTHER STEP!" she warned him as she turned agitated. There was no telling what he had up his sleeves.

"aw…three years you haven't seen your own family and this is how you treat us? How sad…" the smile on his face slipped as he looked at her in the eye.

That's not right, she only counted three…one person was missing.

"oh, I see you haven't completely forgotten us…are you looking for Pan? I'll call her now…" the delighted smile on his face returned. Ivy could feel the acid in her stomach bubble up as she fought hard not to throw up.

The students who were still lingering around looked confused with the exchange of words. How did they know their classmate, Ivy and why where they here? These were the questions they kept asking, but so far, they had no answers unless they watched how things would roll out from there.

"haha! Come on out Pan!" he was bubbling with excitement as he called out to his younger sibling in a cheery loud voice that annoyed Oliver who stood by and Heath whose limbs twitched with adrenaline and bloodlust.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday….dear…sister…" Charlie walked out of the portal with a sinister look and a cupcake with a lit candle on it while she sang.