party crashers pt2 (29)


Series of gasps erupted from the crowd, wondering what in hells name was going on.

"Charlie? What the hell are you doing?" xerxes questioned the girl who looked like Charlie. He was about to take a step forward when Ivy stopped him.

"that's not Charlie…" she said to him and he was baffled. How could she say this wasn't Charlie? The face, the voice, even the gait were screaming Charlie.

"hehe…aww…how do you always see through my mask vivi? Not even papa can tell the difference" the girl pouted as she came to stand besides her big brother.

"where's Charlie?" Ivy demanded an answer from her, but the girl changed the topic.

"when did you figure it out Leah? I was certain I nailed the part of the annoying goody-goody…"

Deciding to humor the girl, ivy answered her question.

"I could smell the foul stench of your mediocrity from a mile away…" she smirked at the girl who didn't like how Leah spoke to her.

Out of anger, the mask she had been wearing broke off revealing the real culprit.



NAME: Pandora Lamont

AGE: 17


POWERS: Mimic. The user is able to mimic another subject being. Copying everything about them, from the way they behave right down to their very appearance and DNA structure.

DRAWBACK: the mask begins to break and fall off under intense pressure like anger.

"you've always been like this…" the words seeped through her clenched teeth as her skin completely fell off.

"now now pan…we have a mission to carry out…" Luther placed his hand on her shoulder so she wouldn't do anything uncalled for.

The sibling rivalry between these two ran deeper than anything he'd ever seen. Sure off course Pandora had wanted to befriend the girl in the beginning days and was intent on following her around, but Leah was arrogant and aloof, choosing to do things on her own and away from Pandora whom she avoided like the plague.

Pandora Lamont, she resembled her mother the most, straight black hair that ran down to her waist and amber color eyes, she had a small frame and a cute expression, although the girl was anything but cute.

"man, I couldn't stand pretending to be your friend…and it took me so much effort to not kill you off…" she growled.

"I already figured out that much, I also knew you were after…this…" rolling the sleeve of her shirt up to reveal the tattoo she recently got.

"I figured something was up when I saw you snooping around my room, something the real Charlie wouldn't do…on purpose and off course you foolishly took the bait I set…hah…the amplifier you took was a dud off course, meanwhile the real one had been safe with me, call it instincts, but I figured something like this was prone to happen… " ivy explained to them as she pulled the amplifier out of her arm.

Pandora's face contorted in pure anger hearing this, how was she always one step ahead of her!

"Big brother!!" she cried as she clung to Luther's side with angry tears falling down her cheeks, but she wasn't the only one upset, Oliver was equally dumbfounded by this. Due to Pandora bringing back the dud, he had ended up being ridiculed by his father and had the entire operation handed to Luther, which utterly shattered his ego.

Luther on the other hand had been amused by this and had a huge grin plastered on his face. Heath snickered devilishly.

"now, now pan…there's no need for tears…" he rubbed the girls head tenderly as he turned to address Leah with that sickening smile of his.

"However did you come up with such a plan, dear, sister?"

"did you forget that you were the one who thought me the basics…dear, brother…be suspicious of everyone, your enemy might be closer than you think" right before everyone's eyes she pulled out her katana seemingly out of thin air and they gasped, astonished.

"IVY! What are you doing!?" xerxes grabbed her arm in a firm grip and she turned to him with a lazy smile on her face. The look in her eyes was cold and lacked warmth. Was this what she meant when she said she would always end up like her family?

"it's fine, xerxes…sooner or later I knew they would come…I'm only sorry that I dragged you all into this mess of a family matter…" she apologized to him.

Just in time, seagrave, along with principal powers and some other pro hero's showed up on the scene after being tipped off by the students, confirming what they had to report.

"Those are S ranked villains…what are they doing here?" one of the hero's whispered amongst the others who were equally wondering the same thing.

"we've wasted enough time talking…let's grab her and go!" Oliver barked aggressively, noticing the trouble that was stirring up. Sure they could easily take these heroes out; the mission was to bring ivy home.

"come on, don't tell me you're afraid of some small fry pro hero's?" Heath snickered as he brought out his claws. Anticipating the battle that was about to break out.

"I don't know how you four got in here, but you are trespassing and equally have wanted bounty over your heads. I advice you turn yourselves in…" Principal powers stepped in, pushing the glasses up the bridge of her nose.

She was dressed sharply in her power suit; her hair was tightly packed into a bun that sat atop her head.

"oh bother, but we haven't come with ill intentions…" Luther pouted as scratched the back of his head, fidgeting saintliness.

"…but then again, if we did…all your students would be dead right now…" that sweet smile he had on fell as he looked at them menacingly. Just one look was enough to send the students into frenzy and the hero's on high alert.

"why are we wasting time talking to these villains…we should take them now that they have foolishly wandered unto our grounds…what better time than now to apprehend them…" the hero who had previously spoken remarked as he glared heavily at them.

As tempting as it might have sounded, principal powers knew that would be a lethal move, not when the students were all present. They weren't tagged S ranked for no reason after all. But what Project L said had intrigued her.

"you make a valid statement whiplash, but I'm afraid they have the upper hand in this situation…" there was a concentrated frown on her face and the hero known as whiplash was appalled by this. Before he could make an argument, Seagrave stepped in.

"What she means to say is that the student's safe comes first…" he backed up her statement. As frustrating as it was , they had no choice now. Ivy knew that more than anyone else. Luther was more dangerous than the other siblings, for the fact that he hadn't made a move yet was truly a miracle…no, a blessing. But what troubled her most was Charlie.

"as soon as we get what we want, we will be out of here, gone asif we had never come in the first place…." Luther's smile returned as he tilted his face to the side.