is this goodbye? (30)


Two sides, one girl. This day came sooner than she had hoped for, frankly, she wished it had never come to begin with. Things were suddenly looking better for Ivy as she was just a few steps closer to her dreams. But she should have realized it sooner than anyone that the universe was designed in such a way that people like her didn't get a happy ending. No matter how many times she changed her stupid name. She was born a Lamont and there was nothing she could do about that. This was her destiny after all.

"Mm…what is it that you want?" Principal Powers asked skeptically. As much as she hated to negotiate with these villains, she had to think of the children, one wrong move and it could cost them the next generation of supers.

"me…" Ivy stepped forward to the center where everybody could get a good view of her.

"Ivy…please…don't do this…you don't have to do this, I beg of you!!" xerxes pleaded with her, but her mind had already been decided.

"this is the only way…" a frontal confrontation would be foolish anyways. All she wanted to do at the moment was to run far away from here… with xerxes…but for how long will she run.

"Miss scarrow?" Principal powers recognized the student. She was the same one who had been admitted into the clinic about three weeks ago.

"my real name isn't Ivy Scarrow…it's Leah…Leah Lamont..Most of you know me as, Black Phantom…" she revealed her identity to them.

Some stepped back, gasping and gawking at her, stunned by the revelation. How could Ivy be the Black Phantom, there was no connection, right? She didn't even look like the black phantom.

Noticing the reaction she got from them, her fist tightened for a moment before she released it then sighed.

"…I'm sorry for keeping such a secret from you all and I deeply regret ever coming here…because of me, you were put in harm's way today…" she apologized, barely mustering up the courage to look them in the eyes.

"hah…for a second there I was hoping you would go against me. It's been long I participated in mass Genocide and not to mention…your dear mother, I hear she opened a cute little flower shop up town…" Luther taunted her and she looked up at him with pure hatred and fear for what he might do to her mother.

"YOU LEAVE MY MOTHER OUT OF THIS!! Leave all of them out of this…" Ivy demanded before her voice fell back.

"you have my word…" he bowed slightly.

"…what about Charlie…" Even if anything happened to her, she just had to make sure Charlie was safe

"ahh? Well, you will need to speak to Darius about that, seeing as he is the one who has her…"

If it were possible, ivy's heart would have imploded from the amount of blood and anxiety being pumped into it. She couldn't believe how horrid her luck had turned out to be.

"well then…since we've gotten what we need, we will be on our way then…"

As if on schedule, the portal which they had used earlier reappeared, ready for them to return back to the estate.

"NO!!" once again xerxes interfered stopping Ivy in her tracks. Why was he making this harder than it already was for her?

The normally cool headed boy was a mess of emotions; they couldn't take her away from him. He wouldn't let them. Without prior notice or an actual plan, xerxes charged head first at the brothers. His quirk was set to carnage mode as the shadows around him started to gather and thrash about madly.

Out of the three brothers, Heath was the one to take the bait and the two collided. Ivy was tongue tied. Was he an idiot?

But xerxes didn't care, even if it would kill him, he would fight for her.

Luther found it fascinating that someone was willing to face them head on. And from the looks of it he was skilled and equipped with a rather powerful ability for him to be able to keep up with heath's demonic Powers.

They weren't the only was surprised by this sudden change of events, the supers as well as the student's were astonished. As incredible as the fight was, it needed to stop before casualty would be sustained.

Leah beat them to it.

Activating her telekinetic ability, she levitated them off the ground and away from one another, crushing them underneath her immense power.

"stop it…please…" she was practically shaking from anxiety and anger.

"what the fuck did you do that for?! Put me down this instant…I need to show this small fry his place in this world…" Heath roared as he thrashed about.

When xerxes had lounged at them, his demon was already trying to break through and once it did, he morphed into a beat twice his normal size. He had Claws as sharp and thick as that of a bear, razor like fangs and a set of glowing red eyes. But even then, this form was not enough to scare xerxes .

Leah threw heath hard on the ground and he stood up immediately, attempting to finish what he had started.

"Sit…" Luther maintained his cool demeanor as he lightly cautioned Heath. He didn't want to go against his brother but then this was his chance to finally battle an opponent who could match him.


Noticing the unwillingness from him, Luther sent him a cold glare and he had no option but to sit on the ground. He hated the way he was being ordered around like some common house hold pet.

Pandora slightly amused by this chuckled as he slowly revered back to his normal state.

"Leah…" Hearing her name being uttered by xerxes ached her soul. Was this really how their story would end?

Drawing in a sharp breath, she finally turned to look him in the eye, setting him down gently in front of her. She gasped. Where does tears in his eyes? Now it would be even harder to speak to him, but she really had no choice.

"it's over xerxes…you and i…we belong to different worlds, it was never going to happen…" she expressed her thoughts on the matter, but was instead interrupted by xerxes.

"that's bullshit and you know it!! Leah please, don't do this…" he pleaded with her as the tears threatened to spill.

"I'm sorry xerxes…something's…they are just out of my control…" Leah was hanging on to her last resolve on not breaking down.


Whatever he had in mind to say were revoked with a steamy kiss from leah. If this dragged on any longer, she wouldn't know if she would be able to hold off from doing something incredibly foolish and that was something she couldn't do. Not unless she wanted the people here to suffer an irrecoverable damage.

Using her telekinetic force, Leah pushed him away from where she was and into the arms of the heroes. Hopefully they would be able to hold him off.

"LEAAH! NO!! …" xerxes screamed and fought trying to break free from the restraining arms of the teachers.

"are you finished?" Luther inquired from her and she nodded.

"let's go…" Leah was the first to walk towards the portal. Stopping she turned back to see her false life for the last time.

All the memories, laughs and squabbles with her friends flooded her memory. She did lie about one thing though, not even for once did she regret being a part of this, even if it was for the shortest periods of time. Xerxes…she was thankful to have met him when she did, hopefully in another life time, things would be better for them.