Noah Cobain (31}


"Mission…complete…" Luther clapped his hands as he watched Leah walk through the portal, Heath and Pandora followed suite along with the henchmen, leaving only Oliver and Luther behind.

"smile brother…the mission wasn't a failure…" although he had sounded cheery, there was an underlying trace of mocking which Oliver picked up on immediately.

"you think you're so smug, huh?" Oliver scoffed. He turned sharply as he flipped his coat and walked through the portal.

"I hope to see you all… soon" Luther Grinned at them. And he truly meant it. Initially the mission had been to retrieve Leah, but who would have thought to find something even more exciting. A true diamond in the rough.

What did she call him again? Xerxes was it? The boy was really something. It had been ages since he last felt this excited and something told him he would be seeing him sooner than he anticipates for.

Once he walked through the portal it closed without a trace and xerxes broke free from the hands of the heroes.

Running towards the portal, it was already too late.


This wasn't happening, why did this happen? Why did they have to take her away from him?

The weight he suddenly felt was enough to have him crumble down to his knees. He pressed his forehead on the dirt as his fist turned into balls.

"NOOOO…." Xerxes cried as he repeatedly dug the ground with his fist pounding deep into it.

Tears soaked the earth as he sobbed bitterly, not caring who was there to watch him.

After the villains had left, Cullen and the others tried to reassure the students that everything was fine and they needed to return back to their dorms. Principal Powers walked further away from the student with Cullen so she could discus privately with him on the matter.

"man, who would have thought Ivy was really a Lamont…" Sem Remarked, he was still trying to let the scene sink into his mind.

He wasn't the only one shocked, obviously. How was one supposed to react to such news anyways? When it turns out that you don't really know the person you thought you knew.

"But how could she have been a villain..?" Noah questioned no one in particular. Ivy couldn't be the black phantom…this was probably just a joke, right? She liked playing pranks with him, so this was definitely one of her pranks! It just had to be.

Looking back on the expression on her face, there was no hint of play. And how would she had been able to get four S ranked villains to come here? Were they truly her brothers? But she looked nothing like them.

All these thought's kept flooding into his head, making it hard for him to keep up with them.

Xerxes…he knew! How could he have kept such a secret to himself, was that the reason why he was always hovering around her? What else was he hiding from them?

Blinded by his ungrounded rage, he marched straight to xerxes side, activating his ability.

With every step, he drew closer to xerxes. His body would crystallize and harden; sensing the approaching hostility, xerxes pushed his body out of the way just before the ground he had been previously glued to gave way due to the force of a sharp and jiggered object impacting it.

Xerxes with eyes red from the tears of heartache and rage glared heavily at the person. Noah? What was he doing?


NAME: Noah Cobain


POWERS: Crystal. Subject can transform his body structure to match a form type of a diamond making his body almost impenetrable and hard. It is excellent for both offensive and defensive attacks

DRAWBACKS: it causes a physical and mental strain if it is over used or abused.

"what the hell are you doing!!?" xerxes yelled at Noah. He didn't understand why he was suddenly being attacked by this half wit.

What was going on today? First ivy left, now Noah was attacking the xerxes.

Sem, philp and Millie were the only ones nearby, where the others had returned back into the dorms to process everything and possibly retire to their respective rooms.

The heroes were still discussing with the principal so they had failed to pick up on the slight commotion at the moment.

"you bastatrd!! How could you have kept such a secret away from us!!" Noah retorted as he kept throwing sharp diamond like spires at xerxes, who was able to out maneuver them.

Although he could use his shadows for offensive attacks, against a fellow classmate he would normally play it safe. But it seemed like Noah intended to cause him harm, which he wouldn't take laying down.

"we were her friends too! Why didn't she talk to us…to me?" he grunted frustrated.

Why now of all times to show his stupid jealousy? Xerxes was already angry, he didn't have any more patience to spare on this fool.

"you make it sound as though I held her by the throat and forced her to spill her secrets to me! Ivy chose to reveal her secrets to me and it was not mine to tell!!" xerxes laid his claim as he used one of the shadow tendrils to punch down hard on the spot where Noah was before he rolled away, intending to bury him underneath it and overwhelm his body with the force.

But Noah was adamant and both were relentlessly stubborn to let go of the other.

"omg omg omg…you guys, we need to do something before they kill themselves!!" Millie Panicked as she moved back and forth really fast.

"millie! Can't you just fast forward to the end of this fight?!" Sem suggested, but she shook her head to say no.

"I can't do that…my powers can only skip ten seconds into the future before reverting back and what if the outcome of the battle is bad…I will only be quickening the damage and I can't do that…they are our friends!" she was completely against the idea of using her powers on them like that.

"then…how about you freeze them philp…" sem suggested and philp quickly agreed to it.

But once he turned on his ability, only specks of frost came out his finger tips.

"that's right…I was in charge of the ice sculptures and cooling of the drinks. My powers are all spent and probably won't be up again till the next thirty minutes or so…" his brows folded up in worry.

"damnit…if we don't do anything about this soon, they just might end up killing themselves!!! " deciding things were only going to get worst from there on, he turned to go get the principal.

Just as he was about to turn, two pairs of whips whooshed past him towards the two and wrapped themselves around the two, holding them in place, high above the ground as though they were piece of fabrics.

It was the hero known as whiplash that restrained them. Principal Powers held an annoyed look on her face as she walked to come stand in front of the struggling students.

"have you two completely lost it!" she scolded them, a tad bit annoyed at the irresponsible actions. "I know Mr. Hatsumi is prone to anger most times, but you Mr. Cobain? Explain yourself…" she demanded an answer as she didn't order for their release out of fear that they would end up destroying themselves.

"he knew, he fucking knew about ivy and didn't tell us, we would have helped her had we known about it sooner…" Noah screamed at the top of his lungs. his eyes burning with fury.

Xerxes was outraged, why was he being treated like the antagonist and what was this nonsense talk about helping her. Weren't all of them present to witness how Ivy was taken away from them and none of them had the courage to step forward.

"FUCK YOU NOAH. YOU HEAR ME, FUCK YOU! don't you fucking dare judge me you asshole. Why didn't you come out and fight for her to stay! HUH! Not a single one of you stepped out to defend her! Not even a single word of protest, you said she was your friend but none of you could even read the look in her eyes. She was calling out to us to help her, to give her a reason to fight back, but none of you did that…" he rebuked them in irritation, he couldn't even look them in the eye anymore.

But then again he was right, none of them had stood up for ivy. Sure her true identity had been revealed, but that doesn't change the fact that she was their friend and someone they adored. Ivy was someone who would make them laugh and have fun whenever they were down. She was always there to point out where they might have needed to work on in their skill and hand to hand trainings. She cared for them…even down to the very last moment, she was thinking of their well being and not hers. Yet all they did was standby and watch her go.

How could they have betrayed her trust the way they did?

"we failed her…I…failed her…" xerxes lamented.

Principal powers gave the order to whiplash who put them down on the ground.

"Hatsumi…there are just something's that are out of our control…" she started, but xerxes cut her off.

"then I'll make it to be in my control…even if it means spilling my own blood, I will get her back…" decleared xerxes, channeling his pent up rage into actions. Crying about something was not his philosophy.

"hatsumi..Don't be foolish. You're just one student, how do you intend on getting her back…you don't even know where they might have taken her to. Be reasonable." Cullen Seagrave attempted to change the boys mind. But it was useless.

"I'll find my way…" without wasting anymore time speaking to them. Xerxes activated his ability and pushed himself high up to the closer dorm building before any of them could try to catch up with him, he maneuvered his way out of school to only God knows where.

Whiplash and Cullen wanted to go after him, but were stopped by the Principal.

"no point chasing him. I have something to discuss with you two…" she stated firmly as she turned and started walking.

"But!!" Cullen would be the first to protest, but she didn't stop walking.

"that's my student…I can't just let him go like that!" he stated with specks of worry lacing his tone as he hurried to catch up with her.

"who said anything about me letting a student go after a villain on his own…I have a plan…" Principal powers clicked her tongue as she led them to her office.

"this is bad, this is bad, this is very bad. First it was Charlie, then Ivy…I mean Leah and now it's xerxes…what are we going to do you guys! I'm freaking out!!" Millie chewed on her nails like an animal as she continued to sweat bullets. Sem and philp were equally panicked and upset with the matter, but neither of them had an idea. They weren't as straight forward or level headed as Xerxes or Leah…

"isn't it obvious…" Noah who had finally calmed down and returned to his normal self calmed down as he overheard the threes conversation. They all turned to look at him waiting to hear him speak.

"…we go after them…" he said calmly as though it were the only naturally thing to do.

Philip, Sem and Millie stared at him gob smacked. How could they go after villains? They were only students.