Climbing down the stairs proved to be a heavy chore for his new body, however he was glad that he atleast found dinning area, was he guided by the instincts of original owner? seating himself he watched as the maids bowed at him and set the table.

Watching all this Jihan put his meaty hands on the table and leaned forward, then he sighed.

It was kind of unsettling if he would be very honest, no matter how many books he read he was still not prepared for this, did he really die? or is it some kind of psychological manipulation, he didn't even have much memories of his past life, just some basic information, like he was looking at a file with info of someone.

The existential crisis made him depressed as gloom surrounded him making the maids flinch, with shifting eyes the looked at each other questioningly.

'What's wrong with the young master today?'

'When was the last time he looked so depressed?'

'I know right? is it because of that women?'

'Or maybe the eldest masters told him something?'

Suddenly Seo Kang Joon came in view unlike his dignified expression, he was holding a pot of food which let out mouth watering smell, his shining eyes landed on his son but immediately stiffened when he saw the gloom surrounding him. He looked at the butler next to him who immediately shook his head.

Then he gave it a thought and then suddenly sighed,

'My cute son he must have not wanted to be apart from me, how cute! but this is for his own good I can't allow my love for him to harm him!'

Imaginary tears flowed from his eyes when he thought so.

The butler standing next to him rolled his eyes as if he could see right through him.


Jihan flinched slightly at the dignified voice and watched the exceedingly handsome man sit next to him as he served him with pasta and some grilled meat covered in bread crumbs and deep fried, looking delicious and a maid served him with what looked like mojito.

Jihan watched as everyone was done serving they bowed and left except for the butler who kept standing a distance from the table. As soon as everyone left Seo Kang Joon was back to 'normal'.

"awie my cute jihoonieee is something wrong? hmm? did someone say something to you at the office? was it that wo-ahem n-nevermind."

Jihan watched as papa Seo ate less worried about him him more and felt bittersweet as he remembered his own father from his original life. Though he was not as 'expressive' as Seo Kang Joon but during certain moments in his life he had watched that dignified expression crumble for him, be it due to happiness or sadness, and it made his heart heavy when he thought of it, suddenly realising how much his death would hurt his father Jihan's eyes prickled with tears.

"Ji-Jihan! Are you crying? N-no wait is this because that military camp training? Shall we cancel it? My cute JIHOONIE don't cry! you! aish butler Shi! cancel i-"

"But sir!"

"Are you going against my words? How dare you!"

" D-dad"

Hurriedly recognising the important info in his words Jihan wiped his tears, his father didn't raise him to be a weakling afterall! He will survive whatever this world is!

"That can you tell me the details of this military camp and why is it that important for me?"

"Of course! you are so mature Jihoonie! my son!"

Seo Kang Joon waved the butler over to where they were seated together they explained everything very enthusiastically.

From what Jihan gathered from there incessant rambling was that basically that they were planning to send his to a joint military training camp which was for rich second generation chaebols to make connections.

Apparently in this world the mafia is very powerful and less restricted than what he knew, so basically even the military was in a cooperative relation with the mafia of their country and this military camp was an opportunity for the heirs of the military, the business conglomerate and the mafia world to connect with each other. As Jihan had already suspected there family was also a part of the mafia world with a fake business front though it was an openly known what they are originally, including the fact that their heir Jihan was kept with utmost secrecy and thus papa Seo wanted his son to now start having a firm foothold using this camp as a stage.


Jihan felt tired just be hearing all the explanation.

"...when is the camp?"

"hm? oh there is still 8 month time."

Hearing this Jihan sighed.

'Atlease he had some time to prepare.'

"...that- military camp, I will go."

"...!! Jihoonie my hardworking so-"

"But I will need a few things before that."

Sensing Jihan's mood papa Seo immediately turned serious.

"...of course. We will provide you with every possible information regarding us and everyone around us as well. I will personally tutor you as well for an hour every day to check on your progress."

"Then I will be in your care father."

Flinching at Jihan's serious expression papa Jihan smiled and rubbed his fat little head with a proud expression. Though soon after he immediately melted.

"Awiee Jihoonie's kakoii Butler Shi! bring the camera Jihoonie is so cool a-nd and cute as well!"

Jihan sighed softly at Papa Jihan's excessive behaviour but complied with his demands.


Returning to his room Jihan dropped his fat body on the bed and started contemplating his next course of action. Of course first was to loose this fat and gain his body back then he needed to re learn everything around him.

....Also he needed to figure out what happened to his original body, the original Seo Jihan and why is all this happening.

Time was short he needed to work on everything side by side. After all he couldn't get himself killed without knowing anything. Jihan wasn't too worried about his original world afterall his father was a smart person with a lot of experience plus he had good brothers who could surely handle everything though they might whine a lot plus his best friend would surely not sit still. He trusted his comrade who he went through life and death with.

Calming his emotions Jihan soon went in deep sleep.


Next morning Jihan was woken up by his personal butler little Shi and drowsily drank the protein shake he was presented with and other tonics shocking little Shi.

'What is up with young master today! He is not throwing tantrum? Is it because of the camp training?'

Ignoring the shocked little face Jihan quickly made his way to his private gym where his personal trainer was very shocked to see him on time. Time passed fast as Jihan cursed this week and fat chicken like body and went through every exercise persistently.

Three hours later he sat himself on the ground panting. Taking a five minute break with a protein shake he was then subjected through what called a 'basic fight training' but in reality Jihan was shocked to see that he was actually being taught systema.

As a person who originally mastered taekwondo, boxing, muay thai, it was not that difficult to keep up with the moves though his body made it extra difficult for him to keep up with it. Even the instructor was genuinely shocked to see him able to keep up with the moves and nodded in appreciation.

'As expected of Master and Madam's blood."

This 3 hour training and 15 min break with protein shake went upto 5 pm in the evening, done with such intense training Jihan limped back to his room and took a cold shower then he proceeded to take a 30 mins sleep. Waking up he was taken to his personal library, which looked more like a office where he was taught till 9 pm.

Since early age Jihan despised studying and preferred training to studying so by the end of the tutoring Jihan took notes with a blank head diligently promising himself to read it later, once free he organised his notes in time for papa Seo to come look for him.

On the way he eavesdropped on the tutors talking.

"Amazing! His concentration today was amazing!"

"As expected from master's blood."

"Of course."

With his nose in the sky daddy Seo entered the room.

"Little Jihoonie~"

Looking up at papa Seo's silly grin and a straight faced Butler Shi, Jihan sighed.

"Dad, just in time I have things to ask."

"Oh~ is that so?"

Papa Jihan shooed away the butler and dragged a chair next to Jihan and took his arm in his and cuddled it making Jihan shudder.

'Aish old man, people would think you are pedophile'

Clearing his throat Jihan explained everything he could understand so far.

To be very clear Jihan was not sure if he should be asking papa Jihan since he might just kill him if he knew he is not the original Jihan, but, how will he know? The change of attitude can be attributed to many things. Plus from what he gathered there family was powerful enough to be envied, he might not know how many people might take advantage of his lack of knowledge and he might be misled but atleast he could trust papa Seo, since he seemed to be his son's well wisher. At least until he builds his own comrades and trustable people.

Also it would be good for himself to get papa Seo used to his new attitude otherwise they may develop a gap later on, plus lets not forget how powerful papa Seo is, he might very well help him with research on how to get back to his own world though he might have to keep that a secret from him.

Jihan could instinctively feel that he had died, but he didn't want to be led by the noose of his instincts, he will take any chance, any risks, if he could to get back to his original world, to his loved ones, since unlike the many protagonists he read about who enjoyed there new world he begged to differ, his original world had his father, he loved very much, his friends, his comrade, he knew it was too soon for such announcements and that he might find himself in many crossroads later but for now he wanted to remember all these beloved memories and keep a hope for himself to ignite his motivation.