"Our family has been a producer of weapons since generations, now as you know that we don't personally make weapons then how are 'we' considered producers?"

"Because we provide the subsidary families an environment and resources for that?"

"Correct, now ask me the most contradictory thing I have done?"

"…you married to the people the three major subsidary families and didn't add any of them in the family tree."

"Exactly, now why did I do that?"

"Um that I don't understand."

"What part?"

'There are parts? is it me?'

"..well I understand why you made none of them you heir reason 1 you didn't want one family to gain upper hand and you wanted to maintain uniformity, the thing I don't understand is why… why did you marry them?"

"That is of course because I wanted to keep them in close ties, let's say another powerful resource offers them support, consider it kind of leverage."

"But why is it that you didn't add my… half brothers in the family registry but let them use a part of your choice."

"That's easy I did that for the a very basic strategy of divide and rule."

"You want them to have a sense of superiority/inferiority and thus bow to you. But that won't work long would it?"

"Exactly, if someone was to understand whys the hows they might question our very authority, what would you do if that were to happen?"

"Um, try to make use of their greed for starters-"

"But won't that make them conceited? One may gain an upperhand over another."

"…that's true, well I can use power to suppress- no that would turn it into chaos."

"Exactly, thus our family is walking on a very thin line. Over the years our ancestors tried their best to be fair and used the concept of 'history' to protect this rope of balance. But this won't work any longer, that's why I decided doing this."

"…you mean- you are thinking of absorbing all of it in the Seo family?"

"Exactly. The Seo family will turn into a powerhouse that will research, produce, protect and advertise, it won't need help from any outside factors."

"But that is still difficult even if you have children in each famil-"



'ehe, *slaps*'

"Then what should we d-"

"You tell me Jihoonie~"


Jihan watched as papa Seo leaned back oh his sofa with a Cheshire grin on his face, he exuded a very primitive form of majesty through his actions.

'There is no way this man hasn't thought of a way he is just trying to gauge my level.'

" There are three ways, something revolutionary that can change the world or a bond."

He raised his eyebrow at my word.


"Um marriage?"


"You want to marry your bro-"

"That's not what I meant."

"…..I am glad because they are not worthy of you."

He said this with his eyes darkening and reflecting a hidden primacy.

"….are you not focusing on the wrong point?"

I mean that's incest.

Papa Seo smiled.

"True. But what if those three fall for one person and I adopt that person into our family?"


"But that is very unlikely."

"Exactly, even if polygamy is common it is not as common and people often refuse it because why not have one person to yourself?"


"You mentioned a revolutionary idea right? Let's say you have one. Then what?"

"Um well depends on the nature-"

"Any idea, once replicated, doesn't hold importance."


Papa Seo smiled at his son's dumbfounded look and squealed inside a bit.

"Well, I want you to think on this question, a way to merge these families into ours."

"T-that can't we just do it the dirty way?"

"Of course we can and that is my plan, but don't you think it might lead to enimity in the long run?"


'M*********er then why is that your plan then??'

"The can't you just add them in the family registry? I mean my brothers?"

"That, Would be like warranting spilling blood inside family one of them dies the whole plan fails."

"That's true."

Jihan felt like Papa Seo had already given him the answer. Something suddenly made sense to him.

"Are you hoping that I take advantage of the military camp and use it to link the three brothers to a common weakness, so that we can solve this all."

Papa Seo broke out in a grin as he rubbed Jihan's head.



"Couldn't you have just said that?"

"…? ah yes you are right, oh mai~ my little Jihoonie~ so smart."



Seeing Jihan's face scrunching in frustration Papa Seo's heart melted.

"I apologise Jihoonie, I just did so that you can understand why Papa is going to ask you for something and what is the last option if you are not successful. Of course papa doesn't mind it doing that way but I just wanted to explain it to you since I don't want you to look at me with disgust."

Jihan watched as Papa Seo brought his head closer to him and smiled at him warmly.

'I guess he loves Jihan too much to be hated by him.'

Jihan could understand now and realised that he was crucial in preventing a bloodbath between the 4 families.

Jihan sighed and nodded.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Hehe, here."

Papa Seo took out a picture from his wallet, Jihan flinched and felt dazed for a moment.

'I-Isn't that the girl that was disgusted with him?'

"Jihoonie~ I know you like her but you see it's not in my hands anymore~ If you want to protect your beloved brothers and their family then you have to give up on her~ You must try to make the three boys fall for her, then I can adopt her in my famil-"

"Can't we choose a different girl for that purpose?"

"That's impossible."


'So stubborn?'

"You see she is adopted by someone from a distant branch family thus we can easily get her in the military camp as well as well as adopt her. There is no girl more suitable than her. We can't take any risks. You see she was adopted very long before so it's long forgotten and will be inconspicuous."

"Okay, but how am I supposed to help her?"

This was a big problem considering he had no dating experiences.

At his words Papa Seo smiled,

"Jihoonie they have always been competitive with you what will happen when they will see you want something but can't get it?"

"B-but that might work on one not all three-"

"That's what you need to do then."



" You have to figure that out yourself, second you have to also figure out how to make them work for you after their marriage if possible, so that your future is not in jeopardy."


"And if you don't want to then you don't have to, we can just go along with my plan of massacre. And gradually you can abolish their dominance and assert your majesty over them."

Jihan suddenly realised something and immediately calmed down.

'He was making it so that 'Jihan' couldn't complain him for being too bloodthirsty later on.'

Realising this Jihan took a deep breath and stood up from his chair and he walked over to where papa Seo was sitting. He watched papa Seo's slightly panicked smile and laughed inwardly.

'This man he is just like my Dad.'

Jihan then hugged Papa Seo. He felt him flinch but relax slowly as he hugged him back tighlty, Jihan patiently hugged him as he said.

"I trust you"

"…alright~ Jihoo-'

"Shut up."


Done with their little father son bonding the two awkwardly sat in silence. Finally frustrated with this Jihan started a conversation.

"T-that do you treat my half brothers this way as we-"

"Of course not they are not my sons."

"Ah I understand but still you can invite them home sometimes-"

"Ah but they are not my sons I don't want to."




Jihan was shocked beyond words and watched as Papa Seo grinned.

"You see I can't have my own biological children~ But of course they don't know that, at first I was shocked to find them pregnant but then I realised everything happens for a reason after all and I let them pretend like shit, to be honest I didn't care. But then you were conceived through a miracle called science after years of research, at first I was still hesitant thus I waited quietly while not telling this to a single soul, it took you 7 years for you to be born and then I decided that I, Seo Kang Joon, no longer wanted to accept this and decided to just tear everything apart! But then I came up with this wonderful idea and tada~ here we are."


Jihan was speechless.

Now everything made sense why they were not added into the registry, why he was ready to spill blood, I mean Seo Kang Joon was a powerful man, it surprised Jihan that they were stupid enough to do all this.

"That- don't you think they might be planning something all along? I mean after I was born your blatant favourism must have ringed some bells.

"Awie Jihoonie, so smart, you see I have my pawns in their family too and this might be slightly surprising but they are very quite over the years as if they are very sure of whatever they have planned, hehe don't worry your father is also strong they can do whatever they want I will protect us two father and son."

"…Right, then I will just relax?"

Papa Seo gave Jihan a big smile.

"That won't work my little universe, you need to make yourself strong too so that I can relax and leave everything to you and go settle in Bali~ Of course I will visit you a Lott"

This one and that one in his original life they are both the same!

Why was he not born as some second son to a rich CEO! Why is does he have to do this in every life?! He also wanted to settle in Bali!


Well he could only hope to return to his own world and hopefully Papa Seo's little universe can take over here and he will take over there, he wants to escape the fate of managing a mafia kingdom as soon as possible!

"Whatever I am hungry."

Papa Seo nodded solemnly ,

"Of course that is very important! Let's go we are late!"
