After having dinner Jihan took a quick walk with papa Seo, as a part of his daily excercise regime to settle his stomach, currently he was scrawled across the bed with his butt facing the air, the talk with papa Seo cleared doubt one for Jihan, that was original Jihan's personality.

Frankly speaking he had no way of knowing his personality considering he had no memories or any such close person at hand to ask so, thus he decided to act as he usually did with his father, was it because all fathers were the same? It worked surprisingly well for him.


Jihan sighed as tension released from his body, suddenly he had the urge to scroll his phone, getting his phone from the bedside where he had forgotten it existed he picked it up and thanked Apple sama for the face ID as he unlocked the phone. The original Jihan's phone was surprisingly very empty, except for few online and offline gaming apps.


'Was he a loner?'

He had no Instagram or such, Jihan decided to check his message logs and felt very happy to see numerous friends group. Opening it the smile that had just made way on his face morphed into a frown.

"Where is little piggy?"

"Piggy bank sama, are you thinking you are a fucking bigshot after going to your father's office once"

"Fuck do you want us to come to your home and tell your daddy or something."

"Oi Oi he is seeing the messages."

"Fking finally."

"Oi piggy come to this address."

Jihan frowned seeing all this and directly blocked all these friend groups and friends. Then surprisingly he saw one message from his distant cousin brother,

"Are you alright? I apologise in behalf of my friends."

"?Jihan, are you ignoring me right now"


'That cousin Sama, sounded like a blatant black mail.'

To be honest it would do him good to meet these people and know more about original Jihan, but why should he? this is not his world. He didn't want to deal with all these.

Plus the fact Jihan didn't have the energy to deal with anyone anymore, now that Papa Seo was on his side he didn't need to take care of anybody else considering the fact that Papa Seo was a very powerful backer, he didn't need these people.


Feeling kind off emotionally exhausted with what he found Jihan himself feeling a bit down. He had expected the original Jihan to have atleast one good friend but he had none. He suddenly missed his best friend he really wanted to vent everything to him.

"Heir apparent your tonic."

"Ah yes thank you."

Jihan hurriedly got up and drank the tonic in one gulp and suddenly felt a bit refreshed.

'Well for now he needed to focus on acquiring a much info as possible and also turn this body back to health.'

With that Jihan wished Goodnight to little butler Shi and soon darkness surrounded his senses.


Soon after Jihan went to sleep Papa Seo came to his room, watching Jihan sleep deeply he quietly smiled as he stroked his head lovingly,

"Welcome back my little universe."


Jihan checked his phone during his break hour and was kind off shocked by the original Jihan's friends. To be very honest he had expected Jihan's little friends to be very tenacious but this was still a bit unexpected.

Jihan had a habit of scrolling his phone thus everytime he turned his phone off there were numerous threat messages on his phone. Even his distant cousin brothers had been messaging him and apologising, slightly black mailing him, of course he blocked them the first time they seemed to change numbers just to black mail.


'How hardworking *clap* *clap*'

From what he has gathered till now was that these guys were threatening original Jihan that if he did not follow what they said they would tell his father about him liking men.


Jihan as man who liked soft and cute boys originally didn't mind them doing so. Afterall he couldn't change his orientation plus he believed that Papa Seo will not kill him for such a stupid reason.

Standing up from where he was sitting Jihan walked up to the full length mirror and sighed in relief. It had been nearly 6 months since he came to this world and with the help of his endurance he had gone through this near impossible regime along with some surgeries and finally got rid of all this fat and gained partial abs. Looking at himself now he was surprised to see the similarity in this body and his original body.

This body too had his naturally leaner body stature, pale white skin a face which was naturally on the more chiselled eyes and a pair of phoenix eyes and a mole near his eyes with dimples on his cheeks which added a hint of rebelliousness in his face.


'I looked like this in my highschool age maybe?'

Sighing Jihan felt a bit better, as a person who was formerly more of a warrior than a strategist, without a stable body he felt really vulnerable after all Jihan firmly believed in one motto and that was.

'If you can't think then run'

There was no need to suffer through everything and try to think everything through if you can just run away from it. It may be cowardly but the dead can't come back stronger, running away in time could make you stronger.

Seeing him in deep thought Little butler Shi that came with water stopped in his tracks. His thoughts revolved around Jihan.

'He was originally a waste.'

He cowered in front of useless people made no changes in himself and yet enjoyed his life, it was a sight to see in itself, he never understood why Master Seo favoured him so much even though he had such excellent sons.

"But I can see that this one is not normal either."

For a person to go through such hellish training out of the blue, having such endurance….as well as the peculiar way he fights.

To be very honest Jihan fought with such ferociousness that it was kinda suprising.

The experience and the ruthlessness for his own body was not something a pampered stay at home boy could show.

'Well this is still not a big thing compared to his brothers.'

"Heir Apparent, have some water."

"Ah yes thank you."

A small smile made way on his face.

'Heh an idiot who gets so hospitable for his servants.'

Though he didn't notice his smile softening at his actions.

"…oi little butler shi stop smiling so cree-"

"You are dreaming heir apparent."



"Master Seo has called for you, heir apparent."

"..Dad did? Let me take a shower first."

Little butler Shi bowed as Jihan wiped his sweat with a towel and walked towards shower.

"I will inform Master Seo."


With that little butler Shi left and Jihan took a cold shower, he grinned in satisfaction at his figure then he changed in a black t-shirt and blag joggers and also wore his watch then quickly left for papa Seo's office.


"Come in."

Jihan felt slightly surprised since most of the time his father added a '~' at the end of his voice when he knew he was coming, not thinking much about it Jihan walked in confidently, and froze when he found a slightly familiar face looking at him with piercing eyes.