Uneasy Feelings

Their gazes averted to the door.

"I do not want anyone around", he said aloud in a serious tone, dismissing whosoever was at the door. Zoey's mind was no longer at peace on hearing his words. She had never seen him this serious.

He turned back to face her. "You haven't said anything yet, Zoey".

"I... I'm sorry. I got carried away".

"So, do you...?", he asked again.

"I don't know what you're talking about", she denied.

"The party–

She was confused at this point. "Sorry, what party? I.. I don't understand". Her last party was on Friday night and he was literally off the public for the whole week, so how did it relate with what he had just said?

"You gotta be kidding".

Could it mean she wasn't the runaway blondie at the hotel that night? And he didn't find out about her mission? Now, it was sensed that something was fishy around the corner. It was obvious that they were both hiding something from eachother.

"Honestly, I'm not. Was it the party at Deluxx Fluxx?", she asked, unsure of what he actually meant.

He shook his head. "Nah. Nevermind, I think it was a mere misunderstanding. I'm sorry", he apologized. Her mind was a bit settled.

"I thought as much", her face brightened up.

She had almost exposed herself.

"I should get going, now", Zoey said, groaning in pain as she got on her feet.

"Are you sure you'd be fine?", he asked, looking concerned about her wellbeing.

"I will", she lied. All she needed was a good massage.

"I could grant you a day-off, if you wish", he offered, kindly. It was a good opportunity for her, but she wasn't ready to face her mom, not just yet.

"No, thank you", she turned him down, politely.

"Okay, then. Have a nice day", he dismissed her.


Zoey was in no mood to return home after work. She walked out of the company, looking down emotionally and stressed out. She was disappointed in herself and blamed herself for being forgetful.

Standing at the company's gate, she took out her phone and booked a ride, patiently waiting for the driver to pull up. The driver arrived in no time. She was heading to the hospital to pay a visit to her dying father.

Nobody knew when his last day would come.

The vehicle pulled to a halt, right infront of the hospital gate. Zoey paid him off, then he reversed the wheels and zoomed off. She did a breathing exercise, in and out continually for the next two minutes before she stepped her foot into the hospital building.

She walked over to the receptionist who had gotten used to her presence for the past few days. "Good evening, ma'am", Zoey greeted, placing her bag on the counter.

The lady smiled at her. "Evening, my dear. How may I help you?", she asked.

"I... I want to see the doctor".

"Okay. Give me a minute, I'll get back to you", the lady said, picking up the telephone beside her. She quickly dialed the doctor's number.

"Good evening, sir. Zoey Anderson is here to see you and I wanted to know if you were available at the moment", she said over the phone.

Although the phone wasn't on loudspeaker, Zoey could hear a few words. "Let her in, please", the doctor replied. The lady put down the phone and lifted her eyes to Zoey.

"You may go in, dear", she smiled warmly.

"Thank you", Zoey forced out a smile and left for the doctor's office.


"Good evening, doc", she greeted him as she walked into his office.

"Please, make yourself comfortable. You may be seated", he offered a seat across.

She turned him down. "No, thank you". The situation at hand didn't call for comfort.

"Please, tell me. How has my dad been faring?", she inquired.

"His condition got critical, last night. We did our best to ensure he remained stable. The surgery still needs to be performed urgently and it's a 50/50 chance of survival if it isn't done".

It was hard to digest his words.

"Okay, can I go in... to see him?", she asked, getting on her feet.

"I wouldn't stop you, girl", he adjusted his glasses. "But, as I said earlier, the due date for the payment is tomorrow", his reminder echoed in her head.

She nodded, barely and walked out of his office.


"Dad!", she cried, running to embrace him from the door of his ward. She threw her arms around him, tightly. She teared up as she couldn't bear seeing him in such condition and she wasn't in the position to help him out of it.

"My dau...", the middle-aged man tried to speak up but, he ended up choking on his words. A tear ran down his cheek.

"Dad, please!", she wiped his tears, patting his back gently. "I... I'm sorry, I couldn't get the money, dad", she broke out to him, soberly.

"It... it's okay, my dear. Please, take good care of your mum and yourself too. Tell her that I love her dearly as much as I love you. I... I don't know when I'll come home but y'all need to be strong. Be strong for daddy, my little princess", he leaned in for a hug.

Goosebumps visibly spread round her body. "Dad, please don't say that. You will come home to us. Mum and I, we have been waiting for you. Remember, you taught your little princess to be brave, so you... you can conquer this, right?", she asked, shakily.

"I'm still fighting hard for my life, dear. One day, everything will be okay", he assured her and kissed her forehead, lightly.

"I believe you strongly, dad".

He wiped her tears with his palm. "Please, go home now and rest. It's getting late already", he begged.

"Alright, dad. I'll come around to check on you tomorrow", she hugged him for the last time.

"I love you, princess".

"I love you too, dad", she pecked his cheek and walked out through the door, leaving him alone. Finally, she was out of building.