762. Lost in Thought

Mauve woke up to a letter from her brother. Jael handed it to her while saying, "It arrived last night, but because of the Palers' attack, I couldn't give it to you before now."

"Malcolm replied?" she asked as she accepted the sealed letter.

"Yes," Jael said, staring at her suspiciously. "Shouldn't he have?"

"No, he should. Never mind," she said and ripped the seal off, tearing a bit of the sheet.

Dear Mauve,

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am so happy for you. I can't wait to be an uncle.

As for your request, I can't make any time right now. Father has fallen gravely ill and has delegated his duties to me. I have my hands full at the moment.

However, I promise as soon as I can, I will visit. I will also send gifts to my little niece or nephew when the baby arrives. Take care of yourself.

Crown Prince Malcolm Grey.