769. Trial

Mauve sat in the courtroom beside Jael. From her left to his right, lords made a half circle around the room. Mauve blinked as she looked around. She didn't even know they had a courtroom in the castle, but what was even more astonishing was the number of lords in attendance. In one glance, she could count at least twenty.

Jael had wanted her to stay out of the trial, but Mauve had vehemently refused. She was the reason Seraphino was standing in court; there was no way she would not be a part of this. Whispers floated through the room, and more than a few glances were sent her way.

"Why are we here?" a lord asked.

"Didn't you get the Primus's letter?"

"I did, but it wasn't exactly very detailed. But did you see her stomach? I didn't know she was that heavily pregnant."

"Shh! What if the Primus hears you?"

"I didn't say anything wrong."