770. Trial (2)

Louis picked up the letter, stepped forward, away from the box, and faced the lords. Holding it up, he started to read the contents.


"Lord Phelan,

It has come to my attention, that human can burn Palers with magic. I know you know exactly what that spells for vampires and Palers. You will help me take the human from the Primus.

Need I remind you of the incident that made that human gravely ill? I am sure the Primus would not be pleased to hear of your involvement. If you don't want this to reach his ears, you better do as I ask. Worry not, I shall take care of everything. All I ask is the needed information to make this possible, just as you have done before.

As for your son, he is the only one with access to the castle and the human. I'll have him lure the human out. That shouldn't be so hard to do. There is no need to fear; I have put some things in place to ensure he isn't suspected. It will just seem like a regular attack.