Involve Sorcery

The King and Queen of Macbeth were having a fun time with themselves in their chamber. It's been a long they both came together peacefully to discuss personal related issues and not matters concerning the welfare of the Kingdom.

As a King, he is supposed to consider the welfare of his Kingdom but family always comes first. Both he and his wife laughed over petty jokes. The news of the fall of Macbeth was long gone but not forgotten.

Princess Ariel was proclaimed the savior of Macbeth for giving up on her happiness in exchange for the betterment of the Kingdom of Macbeth.

"My Lord is about time our daughter comes to pay us a visit." Queen Rebecca said with a bright smile on her face. She was currently enjoying her husband's service of helping her with a foot massage.

King Lexis' eyes were glued to his wife's foot, his attention was undivided. But on hearing his daughter's name, his heart raced. He hasn't overcome the guilt that was boldly written on his face.

"Ariel... My daughter!" He said almost with teary eyes. He carefully placed his wife's foot on the footstool. King Lexis' heart was heavy and couldn't forget how his daughter gave up her happiness and ended up in a loveless marriage.

Queen Rebecca put up a slight frown, deep inside her she was missing her only daughter so much.

"I hope she's doing just fine." The Queen let out a relieved sigh.

King Lexis was shut of words, he didn't give his daughter the marriage she always wanted. He could have just let her stay in the city to continue learning her martial arts skills.

"King Murphy and his skilled warriors would be waging a war with us anytime soon." King Lexis said bowing his head and nodding in disapproval.

King Murphy turned against time after confirming that Princess Ariel was married to the strongest King of Vallat. He wanted her for his son but things turned out to be the opposite so he was drowned by his selfish act and greed.

"That man is selfish. I'll never let my daughter get married to Prince Richard." Queen Rebecca yelled.

"Calm down, My Queen. Ariel is already married to the King of Vallat and Prince Richard can't do anything about it." King Lexis assured.

On the other hand, In the Kingdom Prince Richard was in his training room. In the company of his friend, the Duke of Anoid's son.

Prince Richard was panting and sweating due to the heat of the room and his non-stop training. He threw his sword at his guard. It was written on his face that he hasn't forgotten about Princess Ariel.

"You've been training since morning. Here have some water." Oliver, the Duke's son offered him a bottle of water.

Richard reluctantly took the water and drank its whole content. He was indeed thirsty.

"Thank you." Prince Richard said almost in a whisper. He sat on the warm tiles of the training room.

"I heard from a reliable source that you need to get married before leaving for your palace," Oliver said with a stern look.

On hearing that, Prince Richard's thoughts flashed back to when he got rejected by Ariel.

'I belong to someone else!'

Arielle's voice kept on echoing in his head.

"She told me she belonged to someone else." Prince Richard said with a wary voice. He was in so much pain and hasn't gotten over it.

Oliver knew the person his friend was referring to. The love of his life, his childhood sweetheart; Ariel.

"My sister is still single. You need to forget about that Macbeth's Princess and move on with your life." Oliver advised.

Move on? How was he supposed to do that?

"I must make Ariel mine and we both will rule the Kingdom of Anoid together." Prince Richard assured himself looking up to the ceiling.

He kept dreaming about Ariel as his queen countless times.

"But she is married to the most powerful King of Vallat. You can't make her yours." Oliver retorted.

"Will you quit discouraging me? Ariel and I promised each other that we'd be together at all costs." He brought out a red jade from his pocket that he used as his key holder so he wouldn't misplace it. "I know she was forced into that Kingdom and would suffer the fate of a loveless marriage." He clenched his fist.

Oliver was dumbfounded, he didn't know how to convince him any further. He sat down beside him and patted his shoulder.

"You can't make her yours."

"Yes, I can!" Prince Richard was determined to make Ariel his even though he had to go through hell to bring her back to his embrace.

Oliver knew Prince Richard to be a gentleman. He was suffering from heartburn.

"Oliveira has come of age and she'd make a good wife." Oliver grinned. He was willing to make his twin sister Prince Richard's wife. Just for her to be queen.

Prince Richard's face became more serious. "Oliveira and I are no match for each other. My heart only belongs to Ariel and I'll make her mine at all costs."

Oliver knotted his brow and cursed Richard inwardly. He was devastated by Richard's attitude. What can he do? He had to keep his plan to himself cause if he let it out, he might be beheaded.

"I'm going to lay an ambush for her." Prince Richard confidently said with an evil chuckle.

Oliver couldn't believe his ears. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Yes, I am. My going crazy because of Ariel." He said firmly.

"Whatever! What are your plans?" Oliver asked with a fake smile. He wanted to carry out his plans secretly. So he needed to do as Prince Richard of Anoid say.

"I'll send some of my men to Vallat to lay an ambush for her and then get her kidnapped." Prince Richard smirked evilly, inwardly praising himself for thinking about a great plan.

"Vallat is not an ordinary Kingdom," Oliver warned. They might die if they get into Vallat's bad side. This is bad.

"We're going to involve sorcery."