I Want Her Back

A meeting was arranged in the courtroom and for the first time Ariel was invited but she didn't get to sit on the throne beside King Vladimir. As she sat amongst the Lords. None of them spared her a glance and they acted as if she was invisible...

...all except Lord Orpheus.

Even though Ariel understood court cases she found theirs complicated...unlike that of Macbeth.

After the long talk about importations of goods and exportation and other Kingdom-related stuff, the meeting finally ended and Ariel dashed to her room lying flat on her bed facing the ceiling. Her maids were already done with their duties, they just stood outside the door like guards.

Her eyes slowly drifted to sleep as she entered another realm.

Standing by the River of Valox...she felt uneasy and was ready to pass out. Her body became numb. The aura of the river was very strong now unlike the other time. She moved backward, away from the river before seeing a familiar face that came out of the water with a transparent body.

"You came back!" The voice echoed in Ariel's head.

The woman-like creature...the water demon has come for her again.

Ariel couldn't understand why she kept seeing herself close to the deadly river and this demon.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief...the things here were all too real.

"I didn't come for you!" Ariel retorted but the water demon only laughed evilly making the latter feel uneasy.

"Then who did you come here for?"

"She came for me!" A voice was heard from behind as she turned to see who it was...

In the Kingdom of Macbeth, Prince Richard was in the throne room with King Lexis and his wife; Queen Rebecca.

The queen thought that the prince of Anoid have gotten over the fact that her daughter was married to the powerful king of Vallat. Her thought was wrong because the prince wanted them to get Ariel back.

"Prince Richard, what are you trying to say?" King Lexis said while he used his hand to support his jaw.

Prince Richard stood up to express himself by voicing it out to them. "Your Highness, I don't think Princess Ariel is happy in where is she." He let out a sigh before gazing at them to see their expression.

King Lexis' face was void of any emotions but Queen Rebecca was glaring sternly at him.

"Why would you say a thing like that?" Queen Rebecca said without hesitation.

"It's because she was forced to get married to the unknown King of Vallat against her wish." Prince Richard's words took the old couple aback.

The prince's words were like a slap to their face.

Princess Ariel got caught up in the Kingdom's predicament. The supernatural beings ensured that Macbeth was safe from any disaster after the princess got married to the unknown King of Vallat.

"That isn't your cross to carry."

"But it's against her will and I want her back."

King Lexis got pissed...he stood up from his throne. His wife thought he was going to kick the prince out but he didn't...he placed his hand on the prince's shoulder and led him outside the throne room to their garden.

"Young prince, I know what you're trying to do. If I were to be in your shoes, I'll do the same thing."

Prince Richard's heart gladdened as he heard what the king had just said. "I know you will understand." He said in a delightful tone.

"But...you need to give up on Ariel." King Lexis firmly said.

The prince's mood turned sour. He will never give up on Ariel come rain or sunshine.


King Lexis sighed in disbelief. He then went on to tell him a story. "When I was still a prince...I fell in love with the general's lady but my younger brother took her away from me. I hoped she might be mine once again but she loved my younger brother more so I just quit and said to myself that she wasn't the one for me until I met my wife now." He said hoping the prince would catch his point.

The prince was blinded by love and didn't get any of it.

Does this type of love exist?...


"You're saying she isn't the right one for me, Your Highness?" Prince Richard pretended to be cool while he was already enraged.

"Don't get me wrong but... fate doesn't want you both together!"

"Your Highness...you won't understand my feelings for your daughter."

"Your father neglected my Kingdom when it needed help the most and you want my daughter to be yours?" King Lexis retorted throwing him a death glare.

Prince Richard sighed...this was his major obstacle. "That was my father's fault and not mine...Oh, King!"

"This familiarity is getting too much. Don't ever talk about this." The king said almost yelling. He ordered the guards to show the prince to the exit.

The prince was enraged and regretted ever coming to confront them. He left the Kingdom of Macbeth to his while thinking of other ways to get the love of his life. Oliver saw him coming down from the carriage and rushed to meet him but the prince was in no good mood.

"How did your talk with the King of Macbeth go?" Oliver followed Prince Richard avoiding being ignored by him.

"Ariel would be mine, Oliver, I know it!" He spoke with so much confidence that disgusted Oliver.

The latter couldn't keep up with the fast movement of the prince and just halted while the prince walked straight to meet his face who was still in a meeting with the council members.

Richard stormed inside angrily...seeing the members glaring at him for intruding like a stranger her stepped aside and waited until the meeting was over. He tapped his foot impatiently on the ground, hands in his wait while he whistled.

When the meeting was over, he walked up to his father but his father's words surprised him the most.

"I've figured out a way for Princess Ariel to be yours!"