Chapter 1 :Meeting the family

AUTUMN Season, Manhattan, New York.

The car screeched and came to a halt. Marissa interlocked her fingers together with a bit of nervousness as she stared at the gigantic house through the car window.

She felt a hand on her lap. "Don't be nervous. Its just a party," the guy in the driver's seat said. She turned to face him, giving a weak smile. He was Justin, her boyfriend.

And she was going to meet his entire family for the first time ever. After un buckling her seatbelt, she stepped down from the car.

Justin had already gotten down and held out the car door for her. She straightened her sky blue silk dress that clung to her body, letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.

"You look dazzling as always. Everybody is gonna love you," he said, taking her hand in his.

"I hope so," she replied, clutching her purse under her arm. Justin adjusted his patterned tie in his form fitting black suit and led her into the house slowly.

Once inside, Marissa calmed down. The house was bustling with a lot of people and adequately decorated too. It didn't take long for Justin to locate his Mom. She stood, gesticulating with her hands while talking to a group of people.

She was dressed in a black evening dress, her blonde hair in an exquisite up do. She was pretty tall and slim like a model. And beautiful. Very beautiful.

Her eyes caught Justin's. He wrapped her in a long tight hug. Their smiles were identical.

Sparkling white perfect dentition and deep dimples on each cheek. Justin definitely got his good looks from his mother, no doubt.

"Happy birthday to the best mother in the whole world" Justin said, beaming, as they disengaged.

"Gracias Juan Miguel, I love you " was her response. She didn't seem to see Marissa standing there awkwardly.

"Oh mom,"Justin said realizing, "This is the lady I told you about. Meet my girlfriend, Marissa Johnson." And then to Marissa, "Marissa, my amazing mom "

"You look way more beautiful than the pictures Justin showed me. Its a pleasure to finally meet you ma'am, " Marissa smiled and stretched out her hand. She couldn't read the expression on the woman's face as she took it. She wasn't also comfortable with the way she was being looked at.

"Karen. Karen Rivers" she simply stated and immediately turned back to Justin."I hope you didn't forget my gift"

"Of course not, " he responded. "Its sitting pretty in the car. Marissa's gift is there too"

"Happy birthday ma'am." Marissa said with a little smile. Karen thanked her and immediately told her to refer to her by her name and not ma'am. She nodded.

Justin asked that they be excused for a little while to go say hello to the other relatives.

Slipping an arm around Marissa's waist, he guided her through the crowd in search of his favorite aunt and cousin. They took their turns in hugging him and thereafter he introduced Marissa.

His aunt, Rachael, was a bit plump and shorter in contrast to Karen. Her face was more friendlier and she looked radiant. Her auburn hair was worn in a bob and she smelled of roses. She was just as pretty as Karen too. Marissa could still notice the resemblance.

Her daughter who stood beside her had long shiny ash blond hair with deep bangs to her forehead framing her pretty oval face. She was doe eyed and looked alot like her mother although slender. Her name was Lexi.

"She is the long distance girlfriend you always talked about? Oh my God, why is she so pretty? " was the first thing that came out of Lexi's mouth.

"She's right here. Ask her" Justin said.

Marissa stifled a smile.

"Girl, you're damn pretty! A hundred times prettier and sexier than his bird faced ex" Lexi said.

"Lexi! " Rachael called, surprised and amused as well. Marissa laughed a little, covering her mouth slightly.

"What? Isn't it true? " she shrugged.

"Well she is really beautiful. Justin made an excellent choice " Rachael said and winked at Justin who laughed.

Rachael pulled in Marissa for a hug. "Welcome to the family."

Marissa felt so happy instantly. She expected this warm welcome from Karen. Oh wells.

"Thank you so much. Thank you Lexi. You both are looking ravishing yourselves" Marissa commented tucking a stray hair behind her ears.

"Duh. Not as pretty as you" Lexi said and stretched her arms out for an embrace too.

"I think I love you already " Marissa said as they pulled away both giggling.

Justin suddenly noticed his elder sister. She was sitting by herself drinking and staring into space. She had left the city for days and he never knew why. His mom didn't know either. He and Ivy weren't best of friends. And Karen wasn't particularly close to her.

He left the ladies chatting away and went over to talk to her.

"Hey Ivy. I didn't know you were back" he said trying to sit besides her. She shot him a glare and he took the hint, standing straight and adjusting his tie.

"What do you want? " she asked dryly.

"I just wanted to come say hi." He scratched his head quickly. "And er.. I brought my girlfriend ---"

"Who cares? " she interrupted without even looking at him. "Good for you and her. She's not very wise anyway, picking someone like you"

"Ivy.. "

"She's in for a shock, " she scoffed, twirling her fingers over her glass. "Plus, she'd leave you just like your ex did when she finds out who you really are."

Ivy always got on his nerves but however he tried his very best to put up with her. It wasn't anything new. She had always disliked him ever since he could remember. He knew that it was because Karen was so close to him and didn't share that kind of relationship with her. Especially as their dad died a long time ago, she felt very neglected.

Not wanting Ivy to spoil his evening, he decided to walk away from her and back to the others. Her tongue always spat fire but tonight it was a little bit extra.

Rachael ended up telling him she just had a nasty break up. After seven solid years of being together,the whole relationship was down the drain. She found him cheating on her with some other woman. And they were already planning to get married. Ivy was beyond devastated and had to run away for some days to clear her head before being forced back here to her mother's birthday party.

Justin was visibly unhappy with this news. They weren't close, but she was still his sister.

"That guy had some nerve. How dare he!" He said, indignant. "No respect for ladies? What an asshole"

"Calm down, " Rachael held his shoulder. "Ivy wouldn't even care if you stood up for her. She is irritated with everyone and everything at the moment"

"Its okay baby, " Marissa whispered as she placed her small hands on his cheek, trying to get him to look at her. This was one of the reasons she got attracted to Justin in the first place.

He definitely knew how to respect and care for women. He held them in high regard.

She remembered her own breakup and shuddered. This reminded her of it, but it was way worse.

The evening dragged on and Marissa could say she had a wonderful time. Justin was so proud to be with her. He introduced her to everyone else in the family. When Marissa presented her gift to Karen though, she didn't look interested. Marissa decided not to pay much attention. Before the evening ended, Ivy made a scene as a waitress accidentally spilled a glass of fruit drink on her.

Ivy exploded.

"Are you blind! You don't got eyes or something? You wretched fool. This dress is way more expensive than what you earn even in six months! "

Rachael, Lexi and Justin tried to calm her down. Karen just stood there with her hands folded. She wasn't pleased but wasn't doing anything either.

"Let me go!" Ivy pushed Justin away angrily. As if he was the only one trying to intervene. "Don't even come close to me and pretend to be a caring brother. Go to your mommy. Isn't that what you're good at?"

She turned back to the scared waitress who stood transfixed. She took off her stiletto heels, throwing it at the girl who missed only slightly. Everyone was in shock.

"Ivy! Have you gone nuts? " Justin asked, raising his voice.

"Oh shut up," she responded curtly. "Would you have preferred that I hit you instead? I'd love to do that anyway".

Turning to the girl again, "Hey you! Give me my shoes"


"I said give me my damn shoes you piece of trash! "

The girl hurriedly picked them up, trembling and apologizing profusely. Ivy snatched them from her hands.

"You're all useless, " she said on a final note before storming out of the party.

"Let's just enjoy the party shall we? " Karen's voice was speaking. "She's miserable at the moment but let us all not pay attention to that. Come on! Everybody! Let's have some fun"

She was grinning from ear to ear as if the person who walked out wasn't her daughter. Marissa wondered why she didn't even care about Ivy's feelings. She had an odd feeling about everything. And she knew she was in for some kind of trouble as long as she was going to be with Justin.

Justin dropped Marissa home afterwards and headed back to the party . Her father's house was strangely quiet. Maybe no one was home.

She found a note stuck to the freezer. The note read:

'Anna and I are out and won't be back till tomorrow. Take care princess, I love you'

Okay, her dad and his girlfriend were out. So it meant she was going to be home alone. Not feeling the need to stay in by herself, she texted Justin asking him if he could come spend the night with her when he was done at his mothers'.

Her phone beeped almost instantly.

'Okay, Mi alma. Be right there before you know it'

Mi alma. Marissa smiled at this. It was a Spanish word which translates to 'my soul'

She absolutely loved when he called her that.

She happily dashed to the room so she could draw a quick bath and get comfortable. She looked at herself in the mirror for a while though. The dress she wore really looked perfect on her. Just like everyone said at the party.

It hugged her in all the right places, accentuating her figure. She was petite, moderately sized behind and well rounded hips. She let her mid-back length glossy black hair down and smiled at herself.

She had gorgeous brown eyes like chocolate and creamy skin like Kim Kardashian's. Her mouth was small and rounded. Justin loved that mouth.

After admiring herself for a while, she took off her dress and had a quick shower. Then she got a text from Justin.

'Sorry I can't make it. I have to be here with Mom. I'll make it up to you okay? '

Marissa heaved a disappointed sigh.