Chapter 2:Chuffed to be back home


Marissa however decided to call her best friend to spend the night at his place instead.

She had actually just returned to New York three days ago after being away in London for her internship. She was gone for a whole year and during that time, she and Justin maintained a long distance relationship.

He was only able to travel thrice throughout the whole year to see her. Even with that, it was anything but facile. He was preoccupied with his demanding job as well.

Their relationship was barely two weeks old before she had to travel. They couldn't break up because of distance and however decided to continue. Besides, they were so in love.

She was chuffed to be back home and didn't have to continue with the 'I wish you were here ' and 'I miss you's'. Now, she could see her man in person and be with him whenever and wherever she wanted.

If only she knew.....

She arrived at her best friend's house in a cab. She had missed that place. It was formerly her house but since she didn't want to give it up, she begged him to stay and pay the rent. Also, she got to keep some of her belongings although it was his house now.

She hadn't seen him since she returned because at the time, he was away for work. He was an art curator, as well as a graphic designer and artist. And he was very talented and good at his jobs.

They had similar interests since Marissa was a fashion designer herself. And oh, how she loved arts.

"Aaron! " her eyes lit up the moment she saw him open the door.

"Marissaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! " his face broke into a wide grin and he bent over to hold her in a long tight embrace, lifting her up in the process. She was a 5'5 and he a 6'3, so he towered over her. Marissa was giggling.

"Put me down" she wiggled herself free from his grip. "Oh how I've missed you, Aaron" she stretched to ruffle his curly brown hair.

"Me too Missy. Welcome to my humble abode " he ushered her in.

"You mean my humble abode? " she joked.

"Its our house, baby" he responded with a welcoming smile.

"Aaron! I love what you've done with the place" she said looking around in admiration. The whole decor had totally changed.

There was a mixture of endearingly vibrant colors, making the room feel alive. The ceilings and walls were dark, imposing trendy sophistication, yet delightful.

Dual armchairs positioned opposite each other and there was a long sofa cushion as well as a sheep skin rug.

Ample lighting illuminated the room and there were art works on the wall. Of course, art works by Aaron.

She moved around, examining everything in awe and glee.

"I'm the best. Yes I know" he nodded, smiling, with his eyes shut briefly.

"Shut up" She laughed and plopped down on the sofa. Aaron sat right besides her draping his arm around her shoulder and resting his legs on top of the upholstered ottoman coffee table. He sniffed into her neck.

"I've missed this scent. Oh God!"

She laughed and pushed his head away.

"Careful now, I have a boyfriend."

"To hell with you and your boyfriend " he said eyeing her quickly. She laughed again.

"So tell me, why are you not with that jerk?" he squinted his eyes at her.

"Don't call him names, Aaron. For the gazillion th time. Please" she smiled.

"I'm your best friend. I'm supposed to hate your boyfriend for no reason. "

Her smile flickered across her face like a hologram."He had to be with his mother."

"Oh I see. How was the party by the way? "

She went on to give him all the details occasionally stopping to bite her fingernails.

"What a mad house," he said and took off his singlet suddenly, about to wear a long sleeved shirt resting on the end part of the cushioned seat.

"Wait!" she stopped him, noticing his chest. There was a butterfly tattoo. "When did this get here? "

"Surprise! You like it? " he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"I love it" she traced the butterfly with her fingers. "This is the prettiest tattoo I've ever seen, Aaron "

"Is that a compliment I hear? Who are you and what have you done to my best friend? "

Marissa laughed knowing exactly what he meant. They were always roasting each other all the time and hardly gave compliments.

"Just hold on to this compliment cause you're not getting any till this time next year"

He pushed her head after slapping her hands off his chest, faking a scowl.He was adorable.

He had a little black earring on his right ear that she loved, with a light stubble on his face. Since he started keeping that, he had grown more handsome too. He managed to make his chocolate skin look so damn attractive.

Marissa wondered why he still wouldn't settle down and be with a woman. He had been single for two whole years now and he didn't seem bothered at all about it.

She however wanted him to have a healthy relationship and not one with a problematic psycho girlfriend. The last one almost drove him nuts.

"Does your Mom know you're back? " he was asking her.

"No. Is there any need to? " she replied lazily, putting her legs on top of his laps.

"You've be gone for a whole year Rissa.. "

"Does it really make any difference? Aaron please don't spoil my mood tonight or I'd leave this house"

"I would be glad to kick your ass out"

"How rude! " she put her hands to her chest. A short pause. "Wait.. What's that smell? Ohhh something smells goooooddd"

"Something smells goooooodd, " he mimicked. "Always eating like a rhino. Didn't you eat at the party?"

"I've missed your cooking, dummy.Hey! I'm spending the night here just so you know." She played with a lock on her hair.

"If you're going to stay here, it means you'd have to do the dishes"

He pushed her legs off him and stood up. "Last one to get to the kitchen is a rotten tomato" he added.

Marissa sprang to her feet and they raced down to the kitchen laughing heartily.

Ding dong.

Marissa ran over to get the door. She was back at her dad's house the next morning as Aaron had to work early.

She smiled pleasantly. There stood, Justin. The man of her dreams. His hair was a mixture of brown and blond, shorter on the sides, longer at the top, causing one patch to fall over his forehead.

Eyes mesmerizing, hazel in color, face clean shaven. His eyebrows were thick and arched better than Marissa's. He had a long straight nose and gorgeous olive skin. The colour of his lips were likened to a strawberry fruit and then there were the irresistible deep dimples on both cheeks that she couldn't ever get enough of.

He was almost as tall as Aaron. Only two inches shorter.

"Mi Alma," he beamed at her, joining their left palms together and kissing the back of her hand.

"Came to make it up to me? " she asked eagerly.

"I'm sorry not yet. Sadly I have to get to the company. "

She was a little disappointed but tried not to show it.

"But.. Date tonight? " he added with an eyebrow flash.

She nodded, getting happy again. Her eyes caught sight of two bags in his hand.

"What's in there? " she questioned, eyeing the bags.

"My sister's head"

"Don't be silly. " she rolled her eyes in amusement.

Then, he handed them over to her. "The first is food. And the other is a dress for tonight." he was saying.

"Aw Justin," she blushed."Wait,you cooked for me?"

"Actually Mom did that. You'll lick your fingers and toes when you have that trust me".

"Whatever, " she hit him on the chest lightly.

"See you tonight? 7pm? Don't be late. I'll come pick you up. "

He gave her a sweet little light kiss on the lips.

"Goodbye, dimples. And thank you!"

"Tell your pops I said hi," he said rushing over to his parked car and getting in.

She waved at him and watched till his car was out of sight then felt a hand on her shoulder suddenly. It was her dad.

"Who was that? Prince charming? "

That was the nick name her dad had given him.

"Yes dad, he had to rush to get to work" Marissa responded as she locked the door, placing the bags on the chair. Marissa's dad was named Charles.

He was really handsome and looked way too young to be 52. His man bun and well trimmed bearded face made him look really cool too. Not a wonder he was dating a girl twenty years younger than him.

His current girlfriend, Anna, was only eight years older than Marissa. But they were both in love. And Marissa didn't mind. Besides, Anna was a really good woman. She preferred her a thousand times to her own mom and was glad her father was finally happy.

Growing up, she had always been closer to her dad as her mom didn't give her much attention even though she was the only child.

They fought constantly at some point. And when the marriage hit the rocks, they knew they both deserved to be free.

Marissa opened the dish. It was cripsy rice sushi. The aroma filled the room. It tasted really good too but somewhere inside her, she'd have preferred if Justin made it himself.

"Have you talked to your Mom? " her dad's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up at him. He had picked up the dress Justin got. "This is a really pretty dress, princess"

"Thanks Dad. Did you tell Mom I was back?"

"I guess it kind of slipped out of my mouth when I saw her yesterday." he responded averting his gaze from her.

"You saw her? " she raised a brow.

"Yes. When I took Anna to a fancy date. She was there with some guy"

Marissa huffed. "She wouldn't change, would she? "

"Relax, what she did before is in the past now don't you think? "

"You know what? I don't care who she's with now. Its none of my business "

"She mentioned she wants to see you" he touched the back of his neck briefly.

"To fake crocodile tears and ask for my apology again? No thanks.I'm good" She put a spoonful of the food in her mouth.

"Marissa,she hasn't seen you for more than a year.. "

"Dad please. Enough of this mom talk. Care to join me?The food is really good"


"Its been forever since we went on a proper date like this" Justin was saying to Marissa who couldn't keep the smiles off her face. They were at an Italian restaurant. Normally, Marissa won't spend a dime on the place because it was too expensive. But Justin was indeed rich and had taste too.

"I absolutely love it here"

"My mom and I come here all the time." He responded.

"Oh really? " Marissa arched a brow. Silly her, thinking it was anything special.