Chapter 3:Mom Again!

"Yes. You know, there was one time she spilled some wine on her dress and immediately said we should go home because she was embarrassed.. You should have seen the look on her face. It was so funny"

"Oh is that so? "

"Yeah, my mom also loves good clothing. Since you design so well, I'm guessing you and her would get along perfectly. She loves quality and only goes for the best"

"Speaking of that, I sent in my job application to two different companies. I'm hoping one would take me in, "

"That's great" his eyes lit up. "Which? "

"Prada Corp and Gia Gemani. "

"Those are really prestigious companies. It would be wonderful if you get into anyone. Don't worry I'd pray for you"

"Haha thank you" she laughed.

"In any case, you're great at what you do.It would be their loss if they don't take you in, " he reached out and squeezed her hand gently on the table. He was so sweet.

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly. "And also, I absolutely love this dress you got me"

"Mom said it would fit you perfectly".

Wait, mom again?

"She chose this? " Marissa touched the material slightly.

"Excellent choice isn't it? "

"Yeah. She's got great taste, "

"Of course. She chooses all my clothes." He said simply.

Waitttt.. Hold up what? Was she hearing properly or just imagined he said that.

"You're kidding right? Why would she do that?" she looked at him, hoping it was a joke. But his eyes were on his food.

"Why wouldn't she? If she decides on anything, it's always perfect. She's a pro" he said with a mouthful. That was odd. Marissa shifted in her seat.

"And you know, with however good you think this food is, it doesn't come close to Mom's cooking. The best cook in the world. Never seen anyone else like her." His face was radiant as he spoke.

Marissa didn't know what to say exactly so Justin continued.

"Speaking of this, I'm already thinking about her mouth watering food. I guess I'll have to go over to her house tonight to get some. You know, some important guests were at her house some time back, and the moment they had a taste of that glorious food, they had to argue with her that she was a chef."

"Oh is that so? " she managed, chewing her food silently.

"Yeah. They said she ought to have a restaurant."

"What does she do currently? "

"Oh she's a jeweler. She owns two jewelry businesses. But I guess if she really wants to go into the food business, she would in due time"

Marissa watched as Justin continued to talk about his mom enthusiastically, with his dimples flashing on his cheek frequently. She was getting tired of all the mom talk and decided to change the subject.

"So, you still live at that apartment? " she crossed her legs and un crossed them again.

"Yeah, but I'm barely there. My mom gets lonely sometimes. So I'm at her house most of the times."

Mom again.

"Well, " she cleared her throat. "I was thinking maybe I should give Dad and his girlfriend some privacy. You know, I used to live on my own before I left. But now, the house is Aaron's so... "

"I totally get it baby. Does your Dad want you to leave? "

"Oh no no no.. I know he'd argue and want me to stay but I'd prefer to stay with you instead"

"Stay with me? " he echoed.

"Why not? I figured that since we've been doing long distance and been away, its only right if we stay together, don't you think? "

He paused a little, with Marissa looking intently at him. "Oh I dunno, I think I would ask my mom was she thinks"

Was he being serious? Did he need his mother's approval for his girlfriend to move into his own house?

Marissa decided to take her mind off things. But then he went on again, talking about his mom. Again!

"You really love your Mom so much don't you?" She had to ask.

"Of course, she's the love of my life"

Marissa wondered where that left her.


It was pleasurable living with Justin. Marissa had been there for a day and was absolutely loving it already. Her dad objected as she expected but her mind was made up already.

Searching through his wardrobe, she noticed half of his clothes weren't there.

"Dimples?" she called and he appeared from the bathroom, cleaning his wet hair with a towel. The other towel was wrapped around his waist, as he just got out of the shower.

"Earth to Marissa," he said, snapping his fingers. She realized she had been staring at his toned abdominal muscles. How could one human be so perfect? She laughed, almost forgetting what she was going to ask him.

"Oh yeah, like half of your clothes are missing. Where are they? "

"At my mom's. She helps with my laundry"

She gave him a puzzled look.

"Really? I also discovered you do not have a washing machine "

"Its just going to occupy space so there is no need."

"Well I'm here now, so we need to get one"

She stared at him, eagerly waiting for a response.

"Your wish is my command, ma'am. Can I get ready for work now? I'm running late."

Later on when Marissa was home alone, she got an email from Prada Corp.

We regret to inform you that you've not been accepted as....

What a bummer. She would have preferred Prada Corp but anyways, she silently prayed Gia Germani would take her. In an hour, she received an email from them.

With her hands slightly shaking, she opened the email slowly with whispered prayers.

Congratulations Marissa Johnson! You have been selected as a fashion designer in..

That was all it took! She jumped up immediately, screaming and clapping her hands like a child. She made a short video clip of herself dancing in an hilarious manner and sent it to Justin with the caption, 'Got into Gia Germani! '

After she calmed down, she read the rest part of the email and all the details. She sent a text to Aaron and her dad, letting them know of her success.

Justin returned home with a bouquet of daisies and a bracelet he helped place on her wrist. She definitely wasn't expecting that.

But Justin was full of surprises as always.

"What's all this for? " the smiles were about to split her face into two.

"To say congratulations. And I'm proud of you, my girl" he winked. Marissa grabbed his face and planted a soul stirring kiss on his lips. Oh, how she loved this man.

"You're my lucky charm, " she said to him.

The clock struck ten when they got into bed. Marissa was on her laptop browsing some ideas for her work and Justin was really distracting. He wouldn't stop laughing.

His phone kept getting notifications from Snapchat. And she wondered who the hell he was talking to that made him so happy.

"Dimples? " she called.

"Hmm? " he answered with a hint of smile still on his face.

"Why are you laughing like a horse?" she asked trying to suppress the irritation in her voice.

That made him laugh louder.

"These memes she keeps sending me are really cracking me up. You should see them"


"Who's sending you memes? " she gave him a quizzical look.

"My mom. God, she's so funny".

"You and your mom talk on Snapchat?" She asked, befuddled.

"Yeah of course. Every blessed day"

Now that was wonderful. This closeness with his mother was obviously something else and she was definitely beginning to get uncomfortable.