Chapter 4:Seeing her again

The next morning, Marissa woke up to the loud ringing of Justin's phone. He was up already though, getting prepared for work. He was a skilled computer engineer working at his late dad's company,Hi pro Technologies.

She glanced at the wall clock after rubbing her eyes sleepily. It was 6:30am. Listening to the conversation, she knew it was his mom calling.

"Was that your Mom? " she turned to him the moment the line disconnected.

"Yes she just called to check on me." He responded and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Morning, Nena"

Who on earth calls their son as early as that just to check on them? What was going on?

Again, she brushed it off. Hours later when Justin was gone, she got bored and decided to meet up with Aaron. He was at the park.

After slipping into a pair of black ripped jean trousers, pink crop top and sneakers, she held her hair in a sleek ponytail and called a cab.

She stopped by at a shop to get him his favorite bagels when she bumped into her mother. The last person she wanted to see.

They stood awkwardly for a moment in silence before Marissa decided to walk past her. She felt her mom's hand holding her by the wrist.

"Marissa, its so good to see you" she said, smiling ruefully. "You look more beautiful than the last time I saw you"

"Yeah,thanks" she mumbled under her breath, angling her chin to the opposite direction.

"I ran into your dad the other day and he told me you had returned. How are you?" There was concern in her voice. Marissa didn't care about that though, she felt the need to just evaporate.

"I'm okay Mom, I need to be somewhere now. Goodbye." she said hastily and walked off.

Her mom looked really different. She wore expensive clothes. Her hair was cut and it made her look younger. She was still on too much makeup anyways, as always. It did not make her look very pretty.

Marissa pushed all thoughts of her mom out of her mind the moment she saw Aaron. He was sitting on a bench in the park, taking some pictures with his camera.

"Got me my favorite bagel? " he asked eyeing the bag in her hand from Royal Sweets.

"You bet I did. And we're going to share" she said as she sat besides him.

"Thank you witch, " he snatched the bag from her.

"What are you even doing here?" she asked,looking around.

"Getting inspiration for art." he had tore open the bag already.

"Guess who I saw on my way here?"

"Rihanna? "

"No silly," she rolled her eyes."My mother, Linda."

"Oops. How did that go?" his eyes met hers.

"How should it go? She asked how I was. I said I was fine and left" she shrugged indifferently.

"Rissa, you didn't even give the poor woman a chance to speak to you. Not fair you know " he said munching on the bagels.

"Poor? You should have seen those expensive clothing she put on. Seems she has charmed another young rich guy"

"Come on, you're still talking like this? Its been more than two years already."

"Everytime I see her face or hear her name, I can't help but think about what she did. That day and how I caught them is still fresh on my memory no matter how many times I try to get it out" she fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist that Justin gave her.

"She's still your mother you know " Aaron said, his eyes falling on the bracelet, but he didn't make any comment.

"Yeah whatever" she exhaled.

Marissa still remembered vividly how she had caught her mom sleeping with her ex boyfriend.She didn't just hear noises, she saw them clearly on the bed, caught in the very act. Linda's very matrimonial bed.

It didn't come as a shock to Marissa's dad because somehow he knew she had been cheating on him. Only that he had no proof.

He was already planning to get separated before Marissa even caught them.

Marissa didn't know whether to cry or laugh as she stopped in her tracks, staring. Her hands gripped the door handle as she held on to it for support. She remembered seeing their shocked faces and how they immediately tore apart from each other.

She slammed the door and ran out with her ex boyfriend chasing after her with bedsheets wrapped around him.

She remembered the pain and agony she felt that night and how she cried till her whole body shook. She thought her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

Her phone vibrated and interposed her thoughts. It was a text from Lexi. She wanted to hang out. Since the party, she had kept in touch with Lexi and her mom and they had gotten along so well.

She told Lexi the park they were at and it happened that she was even only seven minutes away.

Lexi arrived wearing shorts, an oversized grey T-shirt and boots. Her hair was in pigtails and she was busy licking a lollipop.

"Over here Lexi! " she waved at her.

"I want you to meet my best friend, Aaron." Marissa said the moment she was close enough. "Aaron this is Alexa. But everyone calls her Lexi. She's Justin's cousin"

Lexi was instantly attracted to him, not being able to keep her gaze off him. He smiled at her and she felt her insides melting.

"Are you single by any chance? " she was asking after telling him it was nice to meet him.

"A single pringle ready to mingle," Marissa answered for him and he nudged her in the ribs.

"Shut up, " he said. "Do not believe a word she says. Welcome, beautiful. A pleasure to meet you" he stretched his hand and she took it quickly. Then he pulled her to sit down with them, by his side.

After having a fun time with Aaron and Lexi, she headed home. Aaron seemed to click easily with Lexi. Besides, Lexi was a very lively girl and Aaron on his own part was very goofy.

She found Justin on his laptop.

"Hi dimples,"

"Hey Nena," he called and gestured her to come over. She sat down besides him. Her head rested gently on his shoulder. "How's my favorite girl doing?"

"Had a good day," she sighed."Have you had anything to eat yet? Should I fix you something? "

"No don't bother. Stopped by at Mom's before coming here. Ate at her house. Boy! It was delicious "

Marissa jerked her head backwards and shot him a look.

" I already made you something before I left Justin. Did you have to go there?" she asked, hoping she sounded calm out loud.