Marissa and I had a quarrel

"Whoa, " he was surprised. "It hasn't gotten that, has it? "

She took a deep breath and rubbed her temples quickly.

"Okay fine. We would schedule a time for cooking lessons. So when I'm unavailable, you can fix something for yourself "

"There wouldn't be any need for that. Mom already knows how to cook." He said clearly uninterested.

"She cannot be here all the time," she argued,trying her very best not to flare up.

"But she is easily accessible isn't she? Its really unnecessary, you know" he replied,his gaze turned to the television.

"Can you even listen to yourself?Do you know how weird you sound? "

"Oh how about how weird you sound? You're making a big deal over absolutely nothing! Isn't that weird? "

"Are you really comfortable with your mom breathing down your neck every second? Doesn't she have her own life to live for goodness sakes? "

"Don't talk about my mom like that" There was a glint of annoyance in his eyes.

"Does your life revolve around your Mom?" she continued,not backing down.

"Marissa, this conversation ends here"

"You know what? " she threw her hands up in the air, jumping to her feet. "I'm not having this conversation either cause its really nerve racking"

Justin wanted to beckon on her to come back as he watched walking to the room but however restricted himself hastily enough.

Few minutes after being uncomfortable with everything, he dialed his Mom's number.

"Mom, can you talk for a second?"

"Of course, sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"Marissa and I had a quarrel just now"

"Really? Over what? "

"You, " he answered, rubbing his eyes briefly.

"Now what do I have to do with anything? "

"She wasn't happy that you came here and made me dinner and dessert"

"Is she crazy? No. Ungrateful is the word. I mean, she didn't even fix you anything and I went out of my way to ensure you ate right and all she wants is to fight?"

Karen's voice was thick with irritation.

"Mom, I really don't want to fight with Marissa but she's bitchy about little things that doesn't even make any sense, honestly"

"Don't worry, I would have a word with her."

"No please don't, we would figure it out"

"Juan Miguel, I said I would. Let your mother handle everything. Okay? "

"Yes Mom, " he replied and sighed.

"Now, get some rest and don't be bothered by her. I love you"

"I love you too Mom, goodnight"

And there was a click.

Meanwhile, Marissa had been standing at the door quietly and unnoticed, eavesdropping on the conversation while seething in silence.


Ivy sat in the living room, her slumping posture betraying a growing despondence. Her right arm and leg drooped over the back rest and arm rest of the sofa respectively.

Her disheveled hair and looks were the last thing she cared about at that moment.

She gulped down the second glass of her wine with her left hand and smacked her lips together. And then, she was stretching, accompanied by a sudden loud yawn.

"Careful, so you do not break the glass," Karen shot her a glare, walking in. "And put your leg down for God's sake. You're not a gorilla"

"Leave me alone mother," she gave an almost immediate response.

"Leave you alone? Is this how you really want to waste your whole life just because that pathetic excuse of a man left you? I thought you were better than this, Ivy"

"Do not lecture me, you don't care about me." she replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Karen quieted for a nano second, then pulled the arm chair adjacent to her, taking a seat. Ivy stood up at once.

"Sit your ass down, Ivy."

Ivy sat down in reluctance.

Continuing, Karen asked, "Who says I do not care about you?"

"All my life you've always treated Justin like he was your only child.Dad was the only one who cared for me. But that didn't even last as he left me all alone. With you" she uttered with a raspy tone.

"Don't start with the whining. If I didn't care for you, you would probably not be where you are today and have all you have."

"Congratulations to the best mom in the whole wide world then, " she said, her tone sarcastic. Karen rolled her eyes.

"Don't be a fool. You're going to turn into a lazy bum drunkard if you continue like this." She said gravely.

"It doesn't matter now, " Ivy slurred.

"Shut up," Karen responded, irked. "Your two faced cheating ex is busy enjoying himself, possibly frolicking with other women who you're ten times prettier and better than, but you're here basking in foolishness."

"Didn't he fool me already mother? I'm a fool, aren't I? " she laughed with a trace of self pity.

"Isn't it time for you to be wise then?" Karen queried, searching her face for answers."You're slowly becoming a shadow of yourself, doesn't it bother you?"

"You don't even know what this feels like. Maybe you should get into a relationship and get your ass dumped too, and then you would understand"

Ivy's comment was getting Karen inflamed.

"If you have forgotten,I lost the man I loved to death. Its been fifteen years, but I haven't found anyone else like him. You still have your whole life ahead of you. No husband, no kids yet. So stop being a bitch about it and move on."

Ivy stole a glance at Karen who was now expressionless.

"I'm getting old mother, I wasted away seven years of my life with that douche bag, " she scratched her head.

"You're only twenty nine. And about wasting your life with him, don't waste anymore. " Karen said on a final note.


"I really don't understand why I have to be the one taking out the garbage every damn time when its mostly your trash," Justin said to Marissa the moment he walked into the room, with his upper lip curled into a scowl.

Marissa was man sitting on the floor, stuffing her face with nutella and pretzels.

She was dressed on the short black nightgown from the previous night and her white lace thong was visible with the way she sat.

"The things we do for love," she giggled. "Don't be mad at me dimples"

He stared at her for few seconds and then, "Close your legs, Nena"

She gave a knowing smile after taking a glance at herself.

"And what if I don't? " she licked her spoon, her eyes twinkling.

He kept silent and took two giant strides across the room, till he got to her. Then he got on his knees in front of her.

"Don't make me do what's on my mind," he gave a lopsided smile.Her face broke into peals of laughter.

"Okay, okay I'll close it please" she pushed him lightly away from her.

"Go grab a shower, your face is a sorry mess"

"Do I look terrible? "

"Un hunh," he nodded. "Like a witch from a horror movie"

"I hate you, " she said.

"You don't. " he replied and then stuck a tongue at her.

Half an hour later, Marissa had showered and was dressed in her robe, frantically looking for what to wear. There was an art exhibition Aaron had invited her to and she was supposed to go alongside with Justin.

Justin emerged from the bathroom looking a little pissed.

"Nena, there is drain hair in the bathroom. Again."

"Oops. I'm so sorry, " she placed her hand over her mouth.

"I've told you the shower drain gets clogged with hairs and I get a weird puking feeling about it," his lips were pressed into a thin line.

"I'm sorry, " she said apologetically as she moved closer to him. "Won't do that again, cross my heart, lungs and kidneys" She gave his face a couple of light kisses and he broke into a smile.

"Okay, fine" he rolled his eyes. Pulling him to her wardrobe, she asked him to help her with a suitable outfit choice.

He picked a pretty lemon body con dress but she ended up wearing what she picked herself. She settled with navy blue high waisted pants and matching navy blue top.

What was the essence of asking me to choose if you were going to go for what you wanted? Justin wondered inwardly.

"Are you sure I look okay? " Marissa asked for the fifth time.

"Its taking all I have in me not to put a duct tape over your mouth," he replied. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Nena. The most beautiful girl in the world,"

"How do you know that? You've not been around the whole world, have you?" Marissa asked with a playful smile.

"What do you want from me?" he asked, his eyes, pleading. She chuckled while throwing her makeup brush on the dressing table and then grabbed her white purse.

"Ready to go? "

Just as he was about to answer, there was an incoming call from Karen. After they talked for about a minute, the line went dead. Marissa noticed a change in his expression. "Something came up, I really can't accompany you to the event. I need to run an errand for Mom,"