Just hear me out please

"For reals? " She asked, disappointment evident in her voice and face.

"I'm sorry, I really am baby.Its really urgent so I'll just quickly drop you off so that.. "

"Its okay dimples," she cut him off. "I'll call a cab. Just go."

"Are you sure,? "

She nodded and he hurriedly pressed his forehead against hers, then gave her a forehead kiss.

"Come on, I'll ensure you get a cab, " he took her hands in his, leading her outside.

Marissa arrived at the gallery where she instantly noticed Lexi and they exchanged pleasantries. They were both in admiration of the place.

There was a good theme for all the art works, good ambience, smooth illumination giving a cozy atmosphere.Soft music played in the background, art works were evenly spaced and good light for each piece.

They saw Aaron on the stage, at the tail end of giving a speech.

"... So please be informed there would be no flash photography. And I encourage you all to look around and help yourselves with refreshments. There's more than enough to go round, thank you"

There was a quick applause and Aaron got into the crowd. Marissa grabbed him from behind. He was startled at first, then smiled tenderly at her.

"Hello witch, thanks for making it, " he said as he bent over to hug her.

"I had to, else you might just haunt me in my dreams at night, " she said jocularly.

"Wow! You made it too Lexi, " he said as he gave her an embrace too,on noticing her presence.

"Of course, why not? " Lexi answered.

"Uh.., " Aaron's eyes searched around. "Where is your man? "

"He couldn't make it. He had to be with his Mom at the last minute." Marissa declared.

"Typical Justin, " Lexi murmured.

"He is really close to Karen isn't he?" Marissa asked facing Lexi.

"Well i would like to say he and his mom are inseparable. Haven't you noticed strange things by now?" Lexi arched a brow questioningly.

"A whole lot of strange things" replied Marissa. "I thought maybe I was thinking too much."

"He has always been like that, that's why he never really had relationships." Lexi explained. "And the very few ones he got into, never lasted long. Although he is very sweet and everything a woman desires, there is the obstacle of his relationship with his mom always in the way"

"Told ya Rissa, " Aaron said, folding his arms. "No guy can be perfect,"

"No human is perfect," Marissa told him. "I've got my own flaws too. Justin loves me all the same."

"But do you think you can cope with this one? " Aaron asked further.

"Well she would have to try, if she loves my cousin that much, " Lexi chipped in."You know, that's why Ivy and Justin don't ever get along. She had always hated the fact that Karen showered all her love on Justin. Even the company, he had to take over, even if she is the older one. She's got alot of resentment piled up inside her. Although I love Justin very much, I don't blame Ivy for feeling the way she does."

"Okay can you wipe that gloomy look off your face? " Aaron said giving Marissa a disapproving look. "We are all here to appreciate the work of art and be happy. No sulking please."

He pulled her cheeks gently, then draped an arm over her shoulder, the other on Lexi's."Come on ladies, time to have a little fun, "

Marissa was already preparing to leave when she suddenly observed Justin's car outside. What was he doing there?

Her phone beeped.

'Come out Nena, I'm waiting for you outside.' Then a wink emoji attached to it.

Her smile was placid. She hurriedly said her goodbyes to Aaron and Lexi, then dashed outside to see Justin holding out the door for her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Shhhhh," he placed his index finger on his lips."I've got a surprise for you. To make up for not accompanying you today."

"Will there be lots of food?"

He nodded in affirmation and she got in.

He had arranged a picnic for them. Of course, Marissa was blown away. She had not had a picnic in such a long time.


"I'm Linda, Marissa's mom. Is she in? "

Justin had heard the doorbell ringing and came to see who it was since Marissa was busy preparing dinner.

He had recognized the woman standing on front of him the moment he saw her. He had never been formally introduced to her but had seen photographs of her. She was the last person he expected to see there though.

Who even gave her the address?

"Um yeah, you can come in, " Justin replied, finding his voice and ushered her in. She was dressed in an expensive gown and fur coat, with long earrings dangling from her ears. Her face was makeup free, with the exception of a lip gloss.

"You're welcome" Justin added and smiled reassuringly at her, which she returned.

"Dimples, who is at the----" Marissa stopped in her tracks, her words trailed off as well, the moment she set her eyes on Linda. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked few seconds later as she walked over to where Justin and Linda stood.

Linda put her hands on the air, "Please Marissa, you wouldn't let me see you so I came here--"

"You came here unannounced?" She cut in sharply. "Who even gave you the address to this place? Were you stalking me or something huh?"

Marissa crossed her arms across her chest. She was getting angrier by the second.

"No no no," Linda defended."Chris gave me your address after I bugged him about so much. Please don't be mad at your dad, I desperately wanted to just see you"

"Wanted to see me?" she scoffed and then laughed derisively. "You're not welcome anywhere near me and my boyfriend, you got that?"

"Marissa just hear me out please,". Linda said pleadingly.

"Babe," she turned to Justin,"Please escort this woman out the same way you allowed her in."

Justin placed a hand on her shoulder, "Its okay,baby. Just relax. Maybe I should give you both a minute to sort this out."

"You're not going anywhere," she grabbed him by the shirt to keep him in place. Facing Linda, "What do you want from me? What else do you want? To steal Justin too the same way you stole my ex?"

"Of course I wouldn't ever do that! " Linda cried. "I made a mistake once, and I've been haunted for it. I know I've been a terrible mother but I just need a chance to make things right"

Marissa's patience was growing thin. Her lips were pinched.

"I don't want to hear anything more from you. Please get out."

Linda began with her explanation again but Marissa wouldn't have any of it and cut her short. "Get the hell out!" She added, yelling.

Linda hesitantly walked towards the door while Marissa furiously moved back into the kitchen.

"I'm really sorry for her outburst," Justin apologized, opening the door. "Now's really a bad time but I promise to talk to her when she's calm."

"Thank you," she said and smiled feebly before leaving.

Justin exhaled.

Women and their drama, he said aloud before going over to the kitchen. He found Marissa furiously slicing carrots on the chopping board. He came up behind her, leaned in and hugged her from behind.

"Take it easy on the poor carrots.Relax, Mi alma," he said soothingly. She dropped the knife slowly.

"How dare her show up here without a warning?"

"Why are you so angry anyways? Aren't you over your cheating ex yet? " he asked, withdrawing from her, to look at her.

"Of course, a long time ago. Why would you even ask that?" she frowned.

"Then I don't get why this whole thing still bothers you so much even though its been years,"

"You won't ever understand. I'm not mad about my ex. Hell, I don't even remember if he exists sometimes. The problem here is my mother. Everytime I see her face, I just can't let it go. That's why I didn't ever want her meeting you. And you're a hundred times better than that bastard who cheated on me."

"So you're scared that you'll lose me to.. to your mother?" he raised his left brow.

"No, not at all. I know you're different. I trust you and love you so much Justin"

Her eyes were beginning to tear up. "I just can't handle my mom's betrayal. I ought to have let it go by now, but it is just so hard. But then you came into my life, and gave me a thousand reasons to fall in love again. And everything is okay now, so why does she need to come back again?"

"Hey, hey," he gently grabbed her by the shoulders, looking intently at her. "Its okay. Everybody is different. There is no rush, take your time. And I'll always be here for you no matter what, I'm not going anywhere."

A tear trickled down her face and Justin hurriedly whisked it away with his left thumb and then pulled her into a tight hug.

Pulling apart, he ran his thumb over her lips slowly and her entire body froze for a second. Her lips upturned voluptuously.

There was a hoarse whisper, "Kiss me," Then she licked her lips and added, "Please,"

He tightened his grip on her waist as her hands encircled his neck, then brushed his lips against hers, furrowing his brows while kissing her passionately.

They began moving around and accidentally knocked over the chopping board of carrots to the floor. Marissa broke the kiss to say something still staying very close that she murmured against his mouth.

"We're not having dinner anymore, are we?"she asked and chuckled.

"That can wait," he said grabbing her waist to position her on the kitchen counter.

They locked lips again, throwing their arms around each other tightly in desperation. The smell of burning food brought them back to reality. Marissa had forgotten she placed a pot of sauce in the fire.

She jumped down in panic immediately to turn it off. Then they both burst out laughing.

"The bedroom? " Justin asked with an eyebrow flash.

"Yes sir, " she replied with excitement in her voice.