Why would you tell your mother that!


"Marissa and I had sex last night," Justin was saying to his mom over the phone the following morning.

Marissa had gone to take a shower first since she had to arrive at work earlier than usual. She froze in her tracks, gape mouthed, having heard what Justin had just said as she returned from the bathroom.

Justin had his back turned, trying to sort out his outfit so he couldn't see her.

"Really?" Karen asked him. "How was it? Did she do good?"

"Yeah," Justin grinned. "Of course it was great. If I was to rate it over a ten, it would definitely be a twelve"

"Look at you sounding so happy. Hope you don't get distracted at work today"

"No I won't," he chuckled while holding out a white button down shirt, with his phone tucked under his ear.

"So, where was it? "

"Kitchen first,then the food started burning and we had to go to the bedroom. And then when she took off... "

"Oh my God Justin! What the hell! " The words rushed out of Marissa's mouth as she stood there in shock.

Justin almost jumped and then composed himself. "Mom, I'll call you back later okay?"

And then he hung up. "Nena, why did you scare me like that?"

"Are you fucking crazy? Why would you tell your mother that! " she asked, horrified.

"Well.. Its just that she knows everything that goes on in my life. It would be weird not to tell her" he responded drawing closer to her. She held up a finger, telling him to stay right where he was.

"Wait, were you going to tell her all the details?"

"Nena, its really no----"

"Oh my God!" she shouted in frustration."She doesn't need to know what the hell we do in this house especially in bed for goodness sakes. Its none of her bloody business"

"There you go again, overreacting over nothing,"

"I'm overreacting? Aren't you crazy to tell her such? You're a freaking adult Justin! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Stop yelling, Nena."he got close enough to her and she hit him on his chest. He held her hands.

"Get away from me! " she screamed.

"I just said stop yelling" he said as calmly as he could.

"I won't stop yelling! " she yelled some more, indignation rising.

"Fine then!" he let her go. "Scream as loud as a banshee. I don't really care"

"Of course you don't care. All you care about is your mother isn't it? "

"Don't fucking start Nena, please." He let out an exasperated sigh.

"Oh I just got started. What normal human in his right mind would tell his mother about something so personal?"

"Just because you're not close to your mother, it doesn't mean I'm not. She's all I have,"

"Thank you for reminding me I don't have a mother I'm close with. Thank you so much babe! " she said with sarcasm thick in her voice.

"You know I didn't really mean it that way"

"If you can tell Karen about this, Lord knows what you've been telling her all this time."

"Nena.. "

"Please! I don't want to talk about this anymore" Marissa said like was being pursued.

At work, she couldn't concentrate. The whole thing with Justin had started to bother her alot.

"Marissa! What is this nonsense? Do it again"

"You made a mistake "

"What? You woke up from the wrong side of the bed? "

"Get your act together please, you can fantasize later..."

She had to apologize every single time, feeling stupid for not paying attention in the first place. After work hours, she texted Justin that she wouldn't be home early and decided to head over to Aaron's Mom's place.

Her best friend's mom was like her own mother too. She did call Aaron, but he didn't pick up. She definitely had to get this big lump off her chest so she could get her thinking straight. And for that, she had to talk with someone at least.

She rang the door bell the moment she got to the front porch.

"Hello witch," Aaron said with a winsome smile as soon as he opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked smacking his arm.

"Ow! My mother lives here remember?" he rubbed his arm.

"I called you a thousand times but you didn't pick," she replied pushing past him and getting into the house.

"You called only twice and I was busy then. I wanted to call back when you called Mom and told her you were coming here so I relaxed knowing you would come here to see your favorite person in the world.Which happens to be me of course," he winked at her.

"Blah blah blah.. Zippppp it! " she pressed his lips together and he started making muffled noises. She only let him go when Zora got to the living room from the kitchen.

She had curly hair like Aaron's that was held in a chignon style and wore a simple blue Tee over black trousers. She was a small woman but with over sized behind and of course, pretty.

"Hi aunt Zee," Marissa gave a soft smile as they both squeezed themselves in a hug.

"My favorite girl," Zora pulled her cheeks. "You look stressed from work. Come sit,"

She ushered Marissa to the couch and guided her head to rest on her lap.

"You didn't do that to me when I got here. I was stressed from work too" Aaron objected and Zora hushed him while Marissa stuck her tongue at him.

"Lucky you, I'm preparing some food. I'll make sure to get you pregnant with food today so you forget all your worries," Zora said and Marissa chuckled.

"Thanks Aunt Zee, you're the best"

"Now, what was really bothering you?" Zora inquired while she stroked her hair gently. Marissa went on to tell them about the little things she had noticed and the most recent one that happened the previous night. Zora wasn't surprised. She knew someone like Justin one time in her life. Aaron found it amusing.

Marissa jerked her head up from Zora's lap to push him.

"Stop laughing like a hyena," she stared daggers at him and he laughed some more.

"You look so cute when you're upset," he said trying to suppress his laughter. Sitting very close to Marissa, he had her sandwiched between him and Zora.

"Okay wait let me ask you something," Aaron continued, gesturing with his hands."Did he like, go into details about the whole thing? Maybe like what he took off first, the sounds you made, your facial expressions.... "

"Dude shut up," Marissa cut in.

"Oh i'm sorry your Highness,you know I always try to lighten the mood," Aaron said as he squeezed the back of her neck gently. Marissa let out a sigh.

"I'm pretty sure he was going to say everything if I didn't come at the time I did" she put her hands to her face.

"Its okay honey," Zora spoke, holding her hand. "With all you've told me, Justin is a definitely a Mama's boy"

Marissa and Aaron directed their gazes to Zora.