Marry me Marissa

Then, he was getting down on one knee. Marissa's eyes widened with surprise as she already knew what was happening. 

"No girl  has loved me the way that you do. And I haven't loved any other girl as I love you. You came into my life and brought sunshine alongside. You decided to stick with me  even when things get tough. And I've decided to make this permanent. To have the woman who holds my heart be part of my life forever. I love you my Nena. Marry me,Marissa."

Marissa was stunned. She looked at the smiling faces of the crowd, her family, all urging her to say yes and cheering for them. Then she met Karen's eyes.She looked on without any emotion. 

  A cloud of uncertainty washed over her. Was she able to do this? Loving him and being his girlfriend was one thing, but marrying him? That was till death do them part. 

The huge stumbling block was Karen. Would she be able to cope?