Down with the flu

Three days had passed and Marissa was down with the flu. Well it was normal for pregnant women, especially in early stages. Her body wasn't as strong as she used to be, so she was easily exposed. 

She called in sick for work and they gave her a two days leave. She hoped she would be better soon as she had a whole lot to work on. 

Justin was supposed to stay home to look after her that very day and just work from home. He insisted on doing that so he could keep an eye on her and be by her side. 

Marissa was covered from head to toe and wrapped under her blankets too. She had taken the drugs Justin went to get from the pharmacy but still felt banging headaches. Her muscles ached as well and she felt like shit. 

"You still don't wanna eat anything?"Justin was asking. She shook her head. 

"Come on, its way past noon and the only thing you've had today is soup that you didn't even finish."

"But I don't want anything," she coughed.