The Wedding plan

"But Karen," Marissa protested. "We do not have many friends if you've noticed. What's the need to invite a crowd when we don't even know half of the people?"

"Its okay, Marissa dear. If you do not have those to invite, I'll invite people  for you. Is that settled?" And without waiting for them to answer, she asked Lacey what was next.

  What the hell was wrong with this woman? Marissa wanted to break her face but kept her cool. 

"What date are we looking at here?" Lacey asked them, adjusting in her seat. 

"We thought that having an autumn wedding would be perfect. Sometime in November. Maybe the last Saturday of the month?" Marissa said as quickly as she could. 

"Are you sure a wedding in December won't be better?" Karen was asking. "Winter is one of my best seasons. And I don't know, I think that time would make a lovely wedding."