Two years anniversary

Even in the midst of that, he stole repeated glances at Marissa to ensure she was okay and he was satisfied with seeing her look so happy. When the first goal was scored, Marissa was screaming at the top of her lungs. Justin yelled loudly too, all hyped up and pulled her into a hug. 

Alicia was excited too but it suddenly died down seeing the way they were together. She kept thinking that it should have been her. 

She inwardly wondered why seeing them happy together made her feel uncomfortable. Was she still in love with Justin or was the fact that she saw him happy and at ease with another woman for this long bother her? She had two failed relationships after her breakup with Justin and she kept thinking how things would have been if she stayed just a little longer. 

But how  Marissa was  surviving with his behavior, was the biggest question in her mind.