Actually pregnant

Ivy sighed, knowing that she couldn't hide her feelings from Karen any longer. "Okay, fine. Maybe,just maybe I still have feelings for him. But it's complicated, you know that."

Karen nodded, her expression softening. "I know, Ivy. I know it's complicated. But you have to be honest with yourself. Do you really think it's worth it to hold onto these feelings without being a hundred percent sure?"

"I don't know," Ivy said, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "I can't help how I feel."

Karen reached across the table and took Ivy's hand. "I know, honey. And I'm not saying you have to stop loving him. But you need to figure out what you want. Do you want to keep holding onto something that might never happen, or do you want to move on and find someone who loves you back?"

Ivy sniffled, wiping away a tear. "I don't know," she said again, feeling lost.