Alicia moves in

She quickly called up Lexi's phone immediately. 

"Remember how she was yesterday? Today she is actually throwing up,"

"Uh-oh. That can not be good," Lexi replied her.

"And what is worse is that as from tonight,those cameras would be useless as she would not be in the damn house any longer,"

"How long is she staying for at the mansion?"

"Well I cannot tell yet,Justin didn't tell me and I did not ask either,"

"Okay screw it maybe she is really pregnant after all. But maybe for some other dude who does not look like Justin in any way, what do you think

"At this point Lexs, I do not know what to think. Let us just watch and see"

"Ah this sucks a whole lot but let us not give up? Maybe we could still discover something?"

"How?" Marissa groaned." I love your enthusiastic spirit but at this point I really do not know what I should be doing,"

"It is okay Marissa. We would get through this together."