Do you like her?

Aaron sat on the edge of Lexi's bed, his sketchbook resting on his lap. He had been drawing since he was a child, but he never had a muse quite like Lexi. Her long, wavy hair cascaded down her back, her delicate features were highlighted by the afternoon light streaming in from the window, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity and skepticism.

"Can I draw you?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Lexi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Me? Why?"

"Because I want to capture your beauty on paper," Aaron replied with a small smile. "You're a work of art."

Lexi blushed, still unsure about the whole thing. "I don't know, Aaron. I've never modeled before."

"It's just a sketch," he assured her. "And besides, I promise to make you look as beautiful as you are."