
Alicia's finger trembled a bit as she typed her announcement on her phone. "I said yes! Justin and I are getting married!" She pressed "send," and the message went out to all her social media accounts.

She was pretty much excited that she was getting engaged soon to the man of her dreams as well as carrying his children.

Alicia's heart raced as she waited for the flood of congratulations to come in. She couldn't wait to share her news with everyone, especially her coworkers. She could not believe that after all those years of being together.

The first comment came from her best friend, Vera. "OMG! Congrats, girl! I can't wait to help you plan the wedding!" Alicia smiled. She knew Vera would be thrilled for her even though she was not in town. 

It was a sure thing that she was gonna fly in for the sole purpose of the wedding.