Who is Harry?

"You know,if at this point you are still holding on to Justin… it is become unhealthy," Aaron advised. "You need to let him fucking go at this point."

Marissa sighed as she moved away to clean the glass cup on the sink. 

"Easier said than done Aaron,"

"Why? So you are just gonna sit back and watch the love of your life get married to someone else like you do not exist?"

"What do you want me to do? I can't possibly stop the wedding or something. We all do not know what Alicia is a capable of."

"Where she should be at is an asylum not moving into a husband's house. She is sick and needs medical attention. She doesn't even need to have babies."

"Aaron,come on"

"What? It is the simple truth. We gotta do something about this ASAP. You can't let go without a fight. After everything? You are just gonna be simply calm about it like it never happened?"

"But I cannot do anything. Everything is already fixed and I lost."