
In the clear and cloudless sky, a passenger plane was flying past.

Li Chen leaned against the back of the chair and looked at the clouds outside the window. The long journey had made him very tired.


A message appeared on his phone.

Li Chen turned on his phone and checked the message. It was a questionnaire.

"If you suddenly wake up one day and find yourself on a deserted island…"

"You can only choose three of the following ten things. What will you choose?"

"Who would be so bored as to come up with such a questionnaire?"

Li Chen muttered to himself as he casually chose his answer.

Then, he put away his phone, leaned back, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

In this flight, Li Chen and some of his classmates were returning to school after their internship. When they returned to school, their scores would be announced.

Li Chen was the president of the student union in university, the spokesperson for the campus, the recipient of the special campus scholarship, and an outstanding student cadre. His excellence had also shown brightly in this internship, and he obtained the highest score.

On the other hand, the internships of his classmates were not as smooth as his.

In this internship, Hua Long and Zhang Yang shared the same position with Li Chen. The three of them were in a competitive relationship, whereby the person with the hightest score would get the position.

However, because Hua Long showed his tyrannical behavior by trying to occupy the resources of the veteran employees, which then lead to him being beaten by the veteran employees until he failed. As for Zhang Yang, he had always looked down on this internship and the company, which lead his examiner to also give him a bad grade.

In the front row, a woman in a business suit was resting with her eyes closed. She looked like a woman in her twenties, but she was actually the person in charge of this university internship: Zhao Yu. The university students habitually called her Sister Yu.

Moreover, she was about to become the future leader of the person who won the position. She was mature but sometimes a little cold. It was said that she relied on her own ability to reach this position.

Hua Long and Zhang Yang were sitting next to Zhao Yu. When they booked the tickets, the two of them shamelessly chose to sit next to Sister Yu. They wanted to use this period of time to redeem themselves.

Perhaps it was because the journey was long, but the usually cold Zhao Yu actually started the conversation first.

"Is there any happy news in your university? Is there anything new?" Zhao Yu asked after graduating many years ago.

"Happy news? There really is. Let me tell you some very explosive news." Hua Long was the first to take over.

"What? What explosive news?" Sister Rain was instantly interested.

"Sister Yu, let me tell you. We caught Li Chen peeping at the school belle changing clothes a few times in university!"

"It's true. It's said to involve sexual harassment."

"That time, it was even rumored that Li Chen hugged her when no one was looking."

"It's true. Some people actually this kind of thing. Sigh, it's hard to say."

They finally found the topic. Using this matter that happened in the university, the two of them inadvertently mentioned Li Chen.

In order to save their failing grades, they resorted to such underhanded means.

Li Chen was awakened by their words. He looked in the direction of the noise and saw the two people sitting beside Zhao Yu in the front row.

It was rare for these two people to change the topic to Li Chen. They did not want to waste this opportunity.

They continued to sing the same tune about Li Chen's bad deeds, hoping that this would reduce the leader's good impression of him.

"Sister Yu, there was also that time when Li Chen went to steal the school belle's underwear and was caught by others," Hua Long continued.

"Yeah, if not for his good grades, he might have already been expelled." Zhang Yang agreed.

"Really?" Sister Yu was confused.

"That's right. The university was afraid of being affected, so they suppressed this matter. Let me tell you, don't be fooled by his appearance."

Hearing the two of them slander him, Li Chen was furious.

"Do you have to do this? What's the point of slandering me?" Li Chen asked angrily.

The two of them quickly smiled and said to Sister Yu.

"See, when it comes to his scandal, he's getting anxious."

"You dare to do it but don't dare to admit it. You don't even let others say it. Who do you think you are?"

The two of them continued to badmouth Li Chen.

Li Chen stood up angrily and wanted to come forward to explain.

"Sister Yu, look, he's getting anxious after saying a few words to him."

"You're talking nonsense and slandering me." Li Chen's eyes became anxious.

"Hmph, we're not spouting nonsense. You know in your heart that justice is in the hearts of people."

The two of them continued to provoke Li Chen.

"Alright, stop arguing. There are other people in the cabin. Be quiet!" Sister Yu saw them arguing and quickly stopped them.

"We're all classmates. There's no need to be so stiff." The surrounding people quickly stopped them.

When Li Chen heard everyone's words, he quickly returned to his seat. His eyes were filled with unwillingness. He had been slandered and could not refute.

"If the two of you want to say this out loud, you have to have evidence!" The surrounding people also asked the two of them.


"Why don't you ask the school belle herself? Ask Li Chen if he sexually harassed her."

When the two of them heard what the people around them said, they quickly retorted.

"Don't go too far!" Li Chen stood up again.

"What? You want to prove it? Call her over and ask her." Hua Long continued to be disgusting.

"You guys, quiet down. Stop talking. There are still so many people here." Sister Yu quickly stopped them.

Li Chen was furious and walked straight to Sister Yu's row.

"Sister Yu, let me explain. I'm really not what they say."

"They didn't pass this internship and wanted to slander me."

"That's enough. We'll talk about it when we get to university."

There was a hint of impatience in Sister Yu's words. Originally, she had heard gossip about Li Chen. Coupled with Li Chen's sudden outburst, it made her even more impatient.

"I'm really not what they say I am."

Li Chen tried his best to explain his innocence.

"Alright, I understand. Go back first. We'll talk about it when we get back." Sister Yu's tone was commanding.

Li Chen glanced at the two people beside him. When they saw that Sister Yu's tone had changed, they were overjoyed.

"Damn it, these two despicable people." Li Chen cursed these two people in his heart.

At this moment, due to Li Chen's commotion and implusiveness, an alarm sounded in the cabin. The air stewardess came to check on the situation.

"What's wrong? May I ask what happened?"

"Sir, please return to your seat immediately. It's dangerous to leave your seat now."

When Li Chen heard the flight attendant's warning, he immediately felt that he had heard this voice somewhere before.

The air stewardess who came to settle the matter was none other than the school belle of Li Chen's university, Wang Qi.

When she was on the university campus, Wang Qi had her hair in pigtails. Back then, she wore a white short-sleeved shirt, denim shorts, and a pair of white sneakers.

She had always appeared cute and innocent in front of people. This changed when she wore the flight attendant uniform.

The change in style was so great that Li Chen and the others did not recognize her for a moment. They all looked at Wang Qi in a daze.

"Gentlemen, what happened just now?"

  1. An angel-faced female model with a devilish figure.
  2. An experienced and obedient male bodyguard.
  3. Two loyal Tibetan Mastiffs
  4. A bag of grain seeds
  5. 10 boxes of compressed biscuits
  6. A revolver (with 10 bullets)

    [7. A Tang Sword

  7. A lifeboat
  8. A series of fishing gears
  9. Standard first aid kit (contains antibiotics, bandages, etc.)