Crisis Appears

"It's you?"

"You guys…"

The four of them were surprised at the same time. They did not expect the campus belle they were talking about to come to this airline.

"What happened?" Wang Qi repeated. This question woke Li Chen up.

"Quick, explain it for me." Li Chen was about to ask Wang Qi to clarify things for him when the sudden bump interrupted him.

Li Chen, who could not stand steadily, fell to the side and into Wang Qi's arms. At the same time, in his panic, his hand accidentally touched something he should not have touched.

Li Chen quickly stopped himself. Wang Qi felt offended by this and said, "Hooligan."

After saying that, she walked angrily towards the flight attendant room. Li Chen looked at the people beside him.

"Look, he's harassing her openly."

"Sister Yu, did you see that?"

The two of them gloated at the side.

"Did you see that? When he saw the school belle just now, his eyes were fixed on her."

"That's right. He's just like that. Whenever he sees a beautiful girl, he just wants to touch her. Now, he's done touching her."

"No, the plane shook just now and I lost my balance." Li Chen's explanation sounded weak.

"I really didn't. They're slandering me. They're making it all up."

"Alright, alright. What's there to explain? Hurry up and return to your seat."

Zhao Yu ordered Li Chen to go back and sit properly. Li Chen knew that this time, Zhao Yu really believed that his actions were improper. Those two people had achieved their goal.

Li Chen was helpless and gave up on explaining. He wanted to return to his seat.

Suddenly, the plane shook violently, causing Li Chen to stagger again and almost hit the seat beside him.

Just as Li Chen stood up and walked to his seat again, the captain's voice came from the radio.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the captain of this flight. We just encountered a strong airflow that caused some turbulence. Everyone, hurry up and sit down. Also, grab the armrest."

Li Chen took the time to return to his seat. He sat down according to the captain's instructions and grabbed the armrest.

Originally, he thought that the turbulence had ended and he could heave a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the plane shook violently again.

The passengers sitting by the window also noticed that there was black smoke coming out of the wings of the plane. There was something wrong with the engine.

The black smoke grew larger and larger. Suddenly, flames appeared. Seeing it, everyone instantly panicked.


"Let us down, let us down!"

"Now, it's so high up. What if the plane explodes?"

Because the engine on one side was on fire, the plane tilted to its side, completely losing control of its direction. The plane was flying in circles.

Some passengers rushed outside their seat and began to knock on the door of the pilot cabin.

Seeing that there was an emergency, the air stewardess quickly came out to comfort the passengers and let everyone sit down. However, she was pushed to the ground by the passengers who got up. Everyone wanted the captain to land quickly.

"Is this the time to sit down? You still want us to sit down?"

"You want us all to die here? Let us down!"

"Let's land!"

Suddenly, the cabin was in chaos. Everyone was asking the captain to land.

"Hello, passengers. There are emergency landing bags with parachutes above your heads. Just in case, everyone should hurry up and carry it on your backs."

Soon, the fire outside grew stronger and stronger. Finally, the captain's voice sounded on the radio again.

"We did our best, but there is a problem with the plane's engine. There is a good chance it would stall and hit the ground."

"For everyone's safety, we need to parachute out in advance. Don't worry, there will be staff teaching you at the exit. Our emergency landing bag is very convenient and safe to use. Don't worry."

When death came, everyone obediently carried their emergency landing bags and listened to the captain's instructions.

"We've already descended to a suitable altitude. Everyone has seen the situation with the plane. Everyone can parachute out of the hatch. There will be staff at the hatch to teach everyone how to use the parachute."

The captain issued a final order for the passengers to parachute out.

The hatch opened. Under the guidance of the stewardess, everyone successfully jumped out and opened their parachutes.

However, Zhao Yu had encountered some trouble.

Zhao Yu's clothes caused her to not carry the emergency landing bag properly. Now that the straps were tightly wrapped around her thighs, she needed to take them off and put them back on.

"Sister Yu, let me help you." Li Chen quickly came over to help.

"Forget it. You won't even let Sister Yu off? You want to take advantage of this opportunity?" Hua Long hurriedly said.

"You guys… What time is it now? Sister Yu, let's leave quickly," Li Chen said again.

"Sister Yu, don't listen to him. We'll go with you."

Hua Long and Zhang Yang pushed Li Chen away and left the exit to Zhao Yu.

However, when the few of them arrived at the hatch and looked down from such a high altitude, Zhao Yu was suddenly afraid.

"I don't dare. I've never skydive before." Zhao Yu, who had always been strong, was actually so frightened that her voice trembled.

"Sister Yu, come with me. I've practiced skydiving before. I'll teach you," Li Chen quickly comforted her.

"Why do you know everything? You're still thinking of ways to take advantage of her at a time like this?" Hua Long said.

"Don't worry, Sister Yu. We know how to skydive too. We'll jump down with you." Zhang Yang said proudly.

These sudden words caused Li Chen to fall silent. He knew that no matter what he did, these two people would defame him to the end.

Just as they were hesitating, the sound of an explosion came from the front of the plane. Now, they were the only ones left on the plane.

"Hurry up and leave! Don't wait anymore!"

"Get out of the way!"

Hua Long pulled Li Chen to the side and gave the best spot to Zhao Yu.

"Let's go, Sister Yu. We'll go with you."

Finally, Zhao Yu mustered her courage and jumped down. After she went out, she opened the parachute. Now that the parachute was opened, Zhao Yu was safe. She only needed to land safely.

Seeing that they had all jumped down, Li Chen quickly jumped out as well. Just as he jumped out of the plane, the plane exploded again.

Li Chen descended quickly. He saw that the sea below was getting closer and closer to him. He opened his parachute and pulled it. Immediately, the parachute slowed his descent.

Below him was a sea with only a few green dots, which looked to be islands. Li Chen clearly knew that if he wanted to be saved, he could only land on an island.

As the others had parachuted earlier than him, they had long disappeared. At this moment, he was floating down very slowly. It would take some time for him to land on the ground.

"Fortunately, there's no wind." Li Chen muttered in his heart. Otherwise, who knew where he would be blown to.

As time passed, Li Chen was finally about to land. He hurriedly adjusted his parachute. Whether he could land depended on this.